Wang Yanbing grabbed the rope and kicked Xu Sanduo's buttocks: "Jump with me!"

"Yes!" Xu Sanduo got up, and after Wang Yanbing slid down, he immediately followed him down.

On the ship, behind a container, more than a dozen pirates were nested together, and they had been forced here by the rocket bombardment they had just had.

"Chief, they seem to have come out of a helicopter!" one of the pirates shouted in terror.

The face of the black pirate known as the leader was also full of horror: "These people are too powerful, they may be the special forces of the Woolly Bear Country!"

"Mao Xiong Country?" the pirates opened their mouths in surprise: "Shouldn't it be from Huaxia?"

"You don't understand!" the leader said coldly: "This ship is full of hostages, if it was a special force in Huaxia, it would definitely not be so biao." Only the special forces of the Mao Bear Country, when they rescued the hostages, they even killed the hostages together, just to be able to complete the mission!"

All the pirates had despair on their faces: "Is it so terrible?"

The leader gritted his teeth and roared, "We must not let them down, or we will all be finished!"

"Go out, fight with them, and pull a few pads to die!"

A dozen pirates roared in anger to regain some courage and rushed out with guns in hand.

Rushing out with them, there were dozens of other pirates.

On the helicopter, Chu Feng and He Chenguang were always locked on the surface of the ship.

As soon as the pirates appeared, they were locked in by two men.

"Fire up, them!" Chu Feng yelled.

He Chenguang quickly pulled the trigger, shot out one bullet after another, and directly sent the pirates who rushed out into the air.

Chu Feng had already changed into a light machine gun.

Leaning against the cabin, he opened heavy fire on the pirates below.

Flames erupted from the barrel, and bullet casings rained down to the ground.

The pirates on the ship's surface fell to the ground in rows like wheat harvested in autumn.

With the cover of Chu Feng and He Chenguang.

The group that landed on the surface of the ship quickly formed a fighting force and began to advance in a tactical formation.

For a moment, fire was fired simultaneously in the air and on the ground, and the pirates who rushed out were knocked to the ground one by one as if they were hitting the muzzle of their guns.

Although they are numerous, they are a rabble with no military training.

Especially when they shoot, they basically don't need to aim, and the posture of shooting is extremely casual, and all kinds of fancy shapes have opened Chu Feng's eyes.

This rabble, who were not even considered scouts, were simply vulnerable in front of the rigorously trained Dragon Soul Brigade.

Two minutes later, the pirates on the ship were swept away.

Blood flowed from the corpses and merged into red rivers on the surface of the boat.

"Captain, the ship is safe, but no hostages have been found!"

Chu Feng had already seen the situation on the surface of the ship clearly on the helicopter.

He said in a cold voice: "The hostages must be in the cabin! Go down immediately and rescue them at all costs!"

"Yes!" all four groups replied at the same time, and then quickly made their way to the cabin.

Chu Feng also jumped onto the boat at this time and followed everyone down to the cabin.

Gunfire soon rang out, and a large number of pirates were still hiding in the cabin.

The four teams charged downward while taking cover, and the pirates who stood in their way were killed one by one, unable to stop their way at all.

But when they got down to the bottom of the cabin, they couldn't move forward.

Because there is only one road left here, the front is blocked by pirates, and there are also pirates overhead.

If you want to rush forward, you will be beaten into a sieve.

Chu Feng quickly came to the cabin, and Zhuang Yan immediately shouted when he saw him: "Captain, the road is blocked." "

Chu Feng looked into the passage, the pirate had two light machine guns, and there were other AK47s.

With such firepower, no matter how many people there are, they can't rush through.

"Shock bomb!" Chu Feng said in a cold voice.

Wang Yanbing opened his mouth in surprise: "Captain, this passage is more than fifty meters. And the other side is still using machine gun fire, we can't throw it!"

Under normal circumstances, special forces can throw grenades more than seventy meters, which is already much more than normal.

But in this case, it would be nice for them to be able to throw up to forty meters.

Because if you throw it far, you need to throw it high, and you need to have a parabola.

Now the environment here is not suitable for throwing high at all, as soon as you throw it, you hit something, and then it bounces back.

And the pirates are still shooting, and if someone rushes out at this time, they will definitely be beaten into a sieve.

But Chu Feng knew that if the ship continued to drive, it would soon get close to land.

When the time comes, the pirates may send people to support, and the Chinese special forces openly enter the land of other countries, even if they rescue the hostages, it will cause international disputes, which is very unfavorable to the Chinese fishing boats.

So, even if he takes a risk now, he's going to do it!

"Give me the stun bomb!" Chu Feng roared.

"Captain, this is dangerous!" everyone shouted.

"Give it to me!" Chu Feng's voice was extremely stern and unquestionable.

Zhuang Yan had no choice but to give him two stun bombs.

Chu Feng looked at everyone: "Our compatriots are on this ship, and the country sent us here to bring them back!"

"We must tell all our compatriots with practical deeds! No matter what danger they have, the motherland will follow their fate, but they will respond!"

Everyone's eyes were filled with a raging fire.

The blood in their bodies has been completely ignited.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and took the M4 assault rifle from Wang Yanbing.

"Cover me later!" Chu Feng stared at them: "After I rush out, you shoot at the pirates above your head." "

"Huaxia special forces, you will win!" Chu Feng shouted.

Everyone's confidence came up, and they shouted with him: "Huaxia special forces, you will win!"

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