Chu Feng took a deep breath and looked coldly ahead with his eyes.

The pirate's two machine guns fired wildly into the hallway, sending sparks flying from the walls of the ship.

Although Chu Feng has a body of steel, he is only at the intermediate level at present.

It's okay to block a pistol bullet, but if he is swept by a machine gun, then he will have to finish the game.

But now in this situation, time is urgent, and only he can get out.

"There's no way, damn it, I can only improve the body of steel!"

Chu Feng thought of this, and immediately yelled at the system: "Quick, I want to immediately improve the steel body, quick!"

System: "Host, the Iron Body is promoted from intermediate to advanced, and it takes three thousand sign-in points!"

Chu Feng nodded: "No problem, promote!"

He suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked, "After being promoted to the advanced level, can you block machine gun bullets?"

"Yes!" the system said lightly.

A smile instantly appeared on Chu Feng's face, as long as he could block the machine gun bullets, three thousand would be three thousand.

But in the next second, the voice of the system sounded again: "When you can only block less than ten, any more will still be pierced through the body." "

Chu Feng was speechless for a while: "Can you not gasp for breath and speak at one time?"

"Of course, the Iron Body, you can walk sideways in a rain of machine gun bullets!"

"How many sign-in points do you need?" Chu Feng asked.

"Not much, six thousand points!"

Chu Feng almost vomited blood, and all his current sign-in points added up to less than six thousand.

This bastard system actually said that six thousand is not much.

I'm not going to your uncle!

"Just upgrade to the advanced level, quickly!" Chu Feng shouted weakly.

The machine gun is too powerful, and it is not bad to be able to block ten bullets.

As long as he can rush over, Chu Feng will have a chance to kill the other party.

"Ding, deducting three thousand sign-in points, I'm improving the Iron Body skill!"

[Name: Chu Feng]

[Age: 18.]

[Constitution: 30]

[Strength: 30]

[Speed: 30]

[Sensitivity: 30]

[Commanding Power: 60]

[Check-in point: 1200]

[Skills: Special Gun Use, Special Fighting, Advanced Hacking Ability, Intermediate Eagle Eye, Advanced Iron Body, Advanced Disguise Grandmaster, Grandmaster Beast Ability, Special Parrot Skill!]

Evaluation: Surpassing the A-level strength of the special forces

Seeing that the skills had changed, Chu Feng no longer had any hesitation.

"Cover me!" he yelled, and the whole person quickly rushed out.

Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan roared wildly and raised their guns, firing wildly at the pirates overhead.

The firepower overhead was quickly suppressed, and Chu Feng rushed forward in the face of the rain of bullets.

"Bang bang bang....."

Bullets hit his body, but they were immediately bounced off his body.

But even so, Chu Feng could still feel a burst of pain, as if he had been hit hard by a hammer inside his body.

But although it hurt, his body still blocked the bullet, which also bought him time to rush forward.

After his body was hit by the sixth bullet, Chu Feng had already rushed through half the distance.

The heads of the two pirate machine gunners were also clearly visible at this moment.

"Die!" Chu Feng threw a grenade forward, and then the whole person quickly fell to the ground.


There was a loud bang, and the seven pirates hiding on either side of the corridor were killed together.

Chu Feng immediately got up and threw another grenade inside.


Several pirates were blown up by the grenade.

They managed to escape the one in front of them, but the Grim Reaper didn't let them go after all, and still led them to hell.

"Kill!" Chu Feng yelled.

Wang Yanbing and the others immediately rushed to the corridor and swept wildly at the pirates hiding on the pipes above their heads.

The bullet penetrated the pipe and shattered the body.

One by one, the pirates were beaten and covered in blood, and fell down like rain.

Chu Feng led people to kill all the way to the end.

The last pirates, seeing that the tide was turning, immediately knelt down and raised their hands in surrender.

Although they are outlaws, life is also precious to them when there is really no hope.

Chu Feng opened the hatch of the storage compartment, and there were more than two hundred crew members and staff sitting inside.

Everyone subconsciously shrank back when they saw the hatch open, thinking that the pirates were coming to kill them.

Chu Feng turned on the light, revealing his Huaxia appearance.

"Everyone, I'm the Huaxia Army, you're safe!" Chu Feng said.

There was silence, and there was an incomparable silence in the cabin.

But after a few moments, everyone reacted violently and stood up with cheers.

"The motherland has not forgotten us, and the motherland still thinks about us!"

"Thank you, thank you, big brother soldier, thank you for coming to our rescue!"

"Long live the Chinese army, long live China!"

The crew members burst into tears and hugged each other.

For them, it's really a narrow escape.

If the motherland does not come to their rescue, they will end up being held hostage by pirates and then demanding a high ransom from their families.

If you don't give it, the man will be killed, and the woman will be reduced to the man's plaything.

Even if a ransom is paid, unfaithful pirates will not necessarily be released.

But none of this will happen, because the Motherland sent troops to rescue them, and they are completely safe.

Lin Yu yelled at the crew: "Please return to your respective posts immediately, we must turn the ship around immediately, otherwise it will be very dangerous to enter other countries, everyone!"

Only then did the technicians react and hurriedly rushed out of the cabin to their respective posts.

Everyone would bow when they passed by Chu Feng and then say thank you.

Looking at everyone's sincere thanks, all the special combat team members felt extremely proud and proud.

The recruits were tempted to vomit before, but at this moment, they felt honored.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Chu Feng's headset: "Dragon Soul Dragon Soul, have you completed your task?"

Chu Feng said into the headset: "The mission has been completed, the crew has been rescued, and the freighter is returning!"

"Very well done! Now please return to the Navy 073 warship immediately, the Navy needs urgent support!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Understood, support immediately!"

Wang Yanbing looked at Chu Feng: "Captain, should we leave now?"

Chu Feng nodded: "The navy needs support, it is urgent, ready to go!"

Wang Yanbing pointed to the pirates' captives: "What about them?"

Chu Feng's brows furrowed slightly: "Our dragon soul is on a mission..... Don't take prisoners!"

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