More than forty pirates were all escorted to the deck and sent all the way to the stern.

All the pirates were forced to kneel, and there was trepidation in everyone's eyes.

Wang Yanbing and the others had no emotion and pressed the trigger fiercely.

One by one, the pirates fell into the dark sea and disappeared with their sins.

The two helicopters also slowly descended at this time, and docked on the tarmac behind the freighter.

Chu Feng asked the recruits to find some weapons and ammunition from the pirates and handed them to the crew, and told them how to use them basically.

There is still a long way to go back, and there are still many pirates in this area, so the crew has to protect themselves.

The pirates had a lot of weapons left behind, and there were a lot of crew members, so as long as they had weapons, they would have no problem dealing with pirates.

The captain saluted Chu Feng: "Thank you, comrade, if you hadn't come to the rescue, we don't know how miserable our fate would have been!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "You have to go back as soon as possible, if you encounter pirates, just keep sailing and use weapons to hit them." Those pirates are a rabble, they are scared when they hear the sound of gunfire, and even if they don't hit them, deterrence is very effective!"

The captain nodded: "We have a lot of veterans on board, and they all know how to use guns. Now that they have weapons, if the pirates come again, I'm sure they'll beat them!"

Chu Feng laughed, shook hands with the captain, and immediately took his subordinates to board the helicopter and leave.

The captain stood on deck with a group of men and watched the two helicopters disappear into the night.

On the helicopter, the recruits had not yet recovered from the fierce gunfight, and everyone's faces showed an indescribable excitement.

This was their first mission, and no one expected it to be so exciting.

Such a task, once is enough for them to grow.

Chu Feng clapped his hands: "Let's check if there are any injuries, if there is, quickly bandage them!"

Chu Feng knew very well that many people would ignore the pain because they were excited.

Especially the recruits, who are still so high in adrenaline that they can be ignored even if a bullet grazes their body.

If it is found late, and when the bleeding is almost in the rescue, then it will be too late.

Everyone immediately checked on each other, and sure enough, three recruits were wounded.

But fortunately, the skin was scratched and not pierced by bullets.

The worst one was just a piece of meat that was knocked off and stitched up to stop the bleeding.

Towards dawn, two helicopters landed on the warship 073.

This is a domestically produced newest amphibious landing ship.

This kind of warship is also one of the most mainstream warships in the world.

As soon as Chu Feng got off the plane, a naval colonel with a resolute face walked over.

"Hello, I'm the captain of warship 073, my name is Gao Yun!"

Gao Yun stretched out his hand and clasped it tightly with Chu Feng.

"Brigade Chu, I have admired the name for a long time, but I didn't expect to see it here!"

Chu Feng looked at Gao Yun in surprise, this guy was similar to what he had in his impression.

But it's a bit strange that the other party actually knows himself.

After all, they are the Navy and the Army, which belong to two systems, and are not in the same military region.

Gao Yun knew that his odds were really pitiful.

Gao Yun seemed to see Chu Feng's doubts, and hurriedly smiled: "The name of the Chu Brigade is now known to the whole army, and the last time when the whole army was selecting people, it also pulled a lot of people away in our navy!"

"Now, if the whole army doesn't know the name of your Chu brigade, then he is a fool!"

Chu Feng suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Let Captain Gao see it, I also wanted to bring out a better team, and I didn't think so much about it at that time!"

Gao Yun waved his hand: "No need to explain, I understand this." Who doesn't want good soldiers, if I had the chance, maybe I would do more than you!"

The two exchanged a few words, and Gao Yun immediately asked people to take Chu Feng and them to rest.

Gao Yun arranged a bedroom with the highest specifications for them, and Chu Feng was a single room, just opposite Gao Yun's room.

But this is a warship, even if the specifications are high, it must be lived by four people, and there is only a small corridor in the middle, at most one person can walk.

But it's much better than the soldiers on a warship.

Ordinary soldiers are dozens of people sleeping together.

Only officers are allowed to live in a room for four people.

After Chu Feng packed up, he immediately went to find Gao Yun.

Suddenly calling them to warship 073, Chu Feng wanted to know what was going on.

At the same time, he had a hunch in his heart, since he had met Gao Yun here, was it related to the incident with Evia.

Before the mission, Chu Feng heard from the domestic high-level that there had been a military coup within Evia, and the rebels and government forces were exchanging fierce fire.

But he didn't have much to do at the time, so he didn't care much.

But now that he suddenly met Gao Yun, Chu Feng's premonition suddenly became even stronger.

When Chu Feng found Gao Yun, Gao Yun was in the command room.

"Brigade Chu, don't you rest and rest?" Gao Yun smiled and poured him a cup of tea: "Life at sea is bitter, and the water has been stored for many days, so you will drink some of it!"

Chu Feng didn't mind taking it over: "We are soldiers, so we don't pay so much attention." There is a sip of tea to drink, and that is a happy thing. "

Gao Yun laughed: "The Chu brigade is really a person of temperament!"

Chu Feng stared at him: "Captain Gao, what is the purpose of suddenly calling me to your warship?"

Gao Yun looked at him in surprise: "You don't know?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No one told me, I don't know anything!"

Gao Yun touched his head: "This time, we are going to the Red Sea on a mission. Superior codename, Operation Red Sea. "

Operation Red Sea!

Chu Feng rolled his eyes, it was really similar to what he thought, it was really carrying out this task!

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