Several military vehicles drove over quickly, and several Evia military vehicles were also on either side.

The car is equipped with heavy machine guns, and the body is armoured, and it looks very high in defense and attack capabilities.

"Everyone get on the bus!" Chu Feng yelled.

The Dragon Soul's men immediately rushed into the car, and the car of the Ivia military quickly turned around and drove towards the city first.

"Captain!" Xu Hong looked at Yang Rui.

Yang Rui nodded: "Get in the car, I have already said it just now, from now on, we will obey the command of the Chu brigade." "

"Yes!" Jiaolong's man nodded and followed Yang Rui into the car.

The convoy roared out of the harbor and rushed towards the war-torn city.

Chu Feng went out from the machine gun hole to look, and the road was full of fleeing refugees.

Behind them, the city was full of artillery fire, and the sound of gunfire was like the sound of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year.

He sat back in the car and said with a stern expression: "Listen, everyone!"

Everyone immediately listened carefully to the command coming from the headset.

Chu Feng said in a cold voice: "The firefight in the city is very fierce, and the people from the consulate must be trapped between the two sides. "

"The rebels must be anxious to pull our consulate into the water, so we're going to split into two ways. One way to attract rebels, the other to rescue the consulate. "

"The two roads go hand in hand, and they will meet at the place where the consulate is rescued!"

"Team Yang, you take Jiaolong to be responsible for the rescue. I'm going to take the Dragon Soul Brigade to assist you, is there a problem?"

Yang Rui frowned: "Brigade Chu, we can cover you, you go to the rescue....."

"This is an order!" Chu Feng said in a cold voice: "We are army special forces, and we are better at ground operations. Don't be verbose at this time, just do what I command!"

Yang Rui clenched his fists, although he was unwilling, he could only obey.

"Okay, got it!"

Chu Feng continued: "Listen to my orders to act, once there is an exchange of fire on my side, you will act immediately. "

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

The convoy sped towards the consulate's trapped factory.

But there was an exchange of fire everywhere along the way, and they were forced to change their route three times, making further and further detours.

Chu Feng looked at the map, and the distance between them and the factory was already farther than before.

If this continues, by the time they get to the factory, it is estimated that all the people there will be wiped out.

"No, you can't take a detour like this!" Chu Feng shouted to the translator in front of him: "Tell your people, bring a shortcut for us to pass!"

The interpreter shouted, "But there's a firefight going on on the shortcut, so there's no way to get there!"

Chu Feng said coldly: "We can fight a way!

The translator saw a blinding cold glint in Chu Feng's eyes and knew that he wasn't joking.

So I immediately contacted the car leading the way in front, and the whole convoy quickly changed direction.

After turning two blocks, there was a scuffle ahead.

The government forces are struggling to defend to the death, while the rebels are fighting fiercely.

Rockets kept coming at the government forces, and cars and houses along the way were constantly blown up.

"That's the only way to go!" the translator shouted at Chu Feng, "Cross this street, turn left and you'll find the factory." But it's all rebels here, and you can't get by!"

Chu Feng glanced at it and laughed coldly: "There is no place where we can't get by." "

"Get out of the car!" Chu Feng yelled.

Everyone quickly jumped out of the car and assembled in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng pointed to the building next to him: "Team Yang, you take people and pass through from a high altitude." I'll take care of the rest of the matter. "

Yang Rui looked at the roof of the building and nodded decisively: "Do you need our help?"

"No need!" Chu Feng said, "Remember, you must hurry up and rescue the people from the consulate, I'll leave it to you!"

"Understood!" Yang Rui saluted, and then led people to quickly rush towards the building.

Chu Feng shouted to his subordinates: "See, just this street in front, we have to fight a bloody way to go over." Snipers occupy the high ground and use drones as well. "

"Who dares to stop us today, God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!"

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

Chu Feng waved his hand, and everyone immediately dispersed.

He Chenguang and Zheng Sanpao quickly rushed to the roof of the building and occupied the commanding heights.

Tang Xinyi and An Ran took out small attack drones.

The drone carries a large amount of ammunition and a self-detonating device, making it a powerful weapon for terrorists.

Chu Feng led the people and rushed forward quickly.

Bullets rained down on them, and everyone had to hide in hiding.

At that moment, four drones flew into the sky and flew quickly in the direction of the rebels.

In the computer, Tang Xinyi and An Ran could clearly see the scene on the ground, and no matter where each rebel was hiding, they couldn't escape their eyes.

"Let's start!" Tang Xinyi said coldly.

An Ran nodded: "Then let's start!"

Without hesitation, the two pressed the launch button, and the bullet immediately spun from the drone and fired towards the ground target.

"Da Da Da....."

A large number of bullets hit the ground hard.

The rebels who were concentrating on the front were suddenly swept away.

The rebels in the front row were suddenly turned on their backs, and their firepower was much smaller in an instant.

Chu Feng shouted: "Advance all of them and fight a bloody way." "

"Kill!" Wang Yanbing and the others roared angrily, leaning out of their hidden places, and the guns in their hands fired ferociously at the rebels.

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