"Bang bang bang....."

He Chenguang and the old cannon opened fire almost at the same time, and the bullet accurately pierced through the two rebels with machine guns.

The firepower of the rebels suddenly weakened a lot, and Chu Feng and the others immediately stood up and quickly rushed forward with their guns in hand.

But they had not gone far when a large number of rebels came in from the rear of the street, and the firepower, which had been weakened, was immediately strengthened a lot.

Dozens of rebels were lying on the car with AKs, shooting frantically at Chu Feng and them.

The fierce bullets hit the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade and could only dodge again.

Even if they are special forces, they are flesh and blood, and it is impossible for them to be indifferent under the rain of bullets.

"Drone, what about drone?" Chu Feng yelled.

An Ran's voice came from the headset: "The drones have all run out of bullets, and now we can only bomb them with suicide!"

"Let's blow it up first!" Chu Feng shouted: "Machine gunner, when the drone explodes, immediately strafe and suppress the fire!"

"Yes!" Wang Yanbing shouted to Zhuang Yan.

Tang Xinyi and An Ran chose different directions, and the drone rushed fiercely in the direction where the rebels were most concentrated.

All four drones have explosive devices on board, and the kinetic energy of the explosion is equivalent to three or four grenades.

"Boom, boom...."

Four drones exploded violently on the ground, and the shock wave turned the rebels on their backs, and dozens of people were blown up into the sky.

Wang Yanbing, Zhuang Yan and other four machine gunners immediately set up machine guns on the car and fired fiercely at the rebels.

"RPG, pay attention to RPG!"

At this time, the sound of an old cannon sounded in everyone's headsets.

Immediately after, a rocket whistled towards Wang Yanbing.

Wang Yanbing's pupils contracted suddenly, and he kicked his legs violently with the gun, and the whole person slid out quickly along the ground.


The car he was hiding in was blown up by a rocket, then turned into a flaming fireball and fell to the ground.

Wang Yanbing was pushed by the shock wave and slid out for several meters before stopping, and was almost stunned by the rocket.


"Boom, boom..."

For a while, four or five rockets exploded at the same time, blowing up the Dragon Soul Brigade so badly that everyone could only retreat backwards to avoid the fierce blows of the rebels.

In urban warfare, rockets are the most ferocious weapon for infantry.

In the absence of heavy weapons, rockets can almost reign.

The rebels used a lot of rockets, and the Ivia government forces were at most heavy machine guns, which was one of the reasons why they couldn't win.

Insufficient firepower, which is one of the biggest drawbacks.

On the roof of the building, Yang Rui rushed up with the people of the Jiaolong Commando.

The violent explosion downstairs immediately attracted them, and everyone stopped to look down.

"Damn, the rebels have so many rockets?" Xu Hong opened his mouth in surprise: "I'm afraid the Dragon Soul Brigade can't withstand it, do we need to help them?"

Sniper Gu Shun shook his head: "They want to fight alone, so let them do their own work." Besides, there are two snipers on the roof of their building, so let's not interfere!"

Tong Li's eyes narrowed slightly: "Aren't they crazy, saying that they are the most suitable for land combat." And that Chu brigade also gave a strict order for us to go and save the people in the consulate. Now that the orders have been given, let's stop meddling!"

Xu Hong was also a little undecided, looked at Yang Rui and asked, "Captain, what do you say?"

Yang Rui looked down deadly, the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade were being beaten and retreating, and the little place they had just occupied had all been given up.

He wanted to help, but gunshots rang out from the other street.

There, however, there are members of the Chinese consulate, and they are more important.

"Forget it, let them fight by themselves!" Yang Rui said in a deep voice: "Our task is to save the people in the consulate." When we finish our mission, we'll come back to their aid!"

Yang Rui took one last look: "I hope they can survive to the end!"

"Let's go!" Yang Rui yelled.

At this moment, the Dragon Soul Brigade has all been beaten back to the place where they were hidden.

Wang Yanbing shouted: "Captain, their firepower is too fierce, it can't be done like this!"

Song Kaifei shouted: "We have to think of other ways, this won't work!"

Chu Feng clenched his fists tightly, he was also very annoyed when he was beaten so aggrieved by a group of rebels.

"Flamingos, Siberian wolves, go to the rooftops and suppress their fire with machine guns!"

"Yes!" Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan immediately ran away with machine guns.

"Others, when I rush out, cover with fire!" Chu Feng shouted: "No one wants to stop our dragon soul!"

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

Chu Feng's mind moved, and his portable warehouse appeared in front of him.

There are a lot of weapons and ammunition in the warehouse at the moment.

These things were put in by him in advance, just in case this trip to Evia encountered a crisis.

Chu Feng found the Javelin Bazooka from inside.

After taking out some more ammunition, Chu Feng immediately stood up.

There was a rain of bullets on the opposite side, but at this moment, in Chu Feng's eyes, the rebels on the opposite side were already a group of dead people.

"Die!" Chu Feng pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Two rockets roared towards the opposite direction, blowing up the two cars in an instant.

The rebels hiding behind were all blown away, and the street was filled with a ferocious explosion.

Chu Feng reloaded the two ammunition from the warehouse and strode forward.

As he walked, he pulled the trigger, and two rockets slashed at the rebels like the sword of a goddess of revenge.

"Boom, boom..."

Chu Feng walked forward while constantly changing ammunition and firing.

The area where the rebels were located was suddenly bombed into flames.

The rebels' firepower was suppressed in an instant, and under Chu Feng's attack, there was no room to fight back at all.

All the people in the Dragon Soul Brigade opened their mouths in shock.

Chu Feng's image at the moment is like Rambo.

"Oh my mother!" Old Cannon swallowed hard, "Where did the captain get so much ammunition? Is he a robot cat?"

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