"Boom, boom....."

Violent explosions slammed into all directions.

The Jiaolong commandos, who had just laid the pitons and were about to glide above the factory, came to a halt en masse.

Xu Hong said in surprise: "Why is the explosion so fierce? Did the rebels send reinforcements again?"

The machine gunner Shi frowned: "Captain, can the army guys withstand it? With such a violent explosion, the rebels will come at least a few hundred people, right?"

Gu Shun also frowned at this time: "Why don't I go and support them, after all, they are all friendly forces." Sooner or later, they will suffer heavy casualties!"

Yang Rui glanced back, and from his position, he could still see He Chenguang and Lao Pao sniping desperately.

He gritted his teeth, but finally shook his head: "We have our mission, and there are many rebels in the streets below. And there are still gunshots in the factory, we have to get the people in the consulate out before something happens, that's our mission!"

Jiaolong's man nodded helplessly.

The mission was to rescue the trapped embassy staff.

No matter what problems arise on the side of the Dragon Soul Brigade, they need to solve it on their own at this time.

"Gu Shun Li understands!" Yang Rui said coldly: "Occupy the commanding heights, destroy the rebels downstairs first, and attract attention to you." "

"Yes!" Gu Shun and Li Yu nodded, and immediately went to occupy the commanding heights.

Yang Rui waved his hand: "The rest of the people, follow me into the factory." Remember, if there are any militants who threaten us, shoot them immediately!"

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

Yang Rui took the lead in grabbing the rope and quickly slid over with the tool.

At the same time, on the other side of the street, everything that happened at this time was diametrically opposed to what Jiaolong's people had predicted.

The rebels were blown up by Chu Feng alone, and they were defeated and retreated.

The Dragon Soul Brigade followed him forward, and soon occupied the rebels' original position.

The rebels were already stunned, and they couldn't imagine where the enemy on the opposite side had gotten so much ammunition, and the bombing had no intention of stopping at all.

One of the rebel commanders hid behind a wall and shouted at his retreating men: "Don't retreat, kill that man, shoot him indiscriminately." "

"He's alone, kill him, kill him!"

The commander roared as he ordered his men to shoot at the fleeing men.

After a dozen rebels were killed, the rest of the men immediately stopped retreating and began to rush forward under artillery fire.

On the roof of the building, He Chenguang's sniper scope accurately aimed at the commander's head.

"Goodbye!" He Chenguang snorted coldly, and his fingers pulled the trigger ruthlessly.


The rebel commander's head was smashed like a watermelon, and his whole body fell backwards with blood spurting.

Without a commander, the rebels were in chaos.

The rebels, who were just about to charge, were hit by Chu Feng's bombardment and retreated again.

At this time, Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan also came to a high place.

They set up their machine guns and immediately opened ferocious fire on the retreating rebels.

The machine guns swept down from a high place, the sight was good, and the marksmanship of the two was accurate, and a large number of rebels were knocked to the ground in an instant, and the rebels on the street were completely chaotic.

The Ivia government army saw that there were only a few people in the Huaxia army, and they actually disrupted the rebels.

These soldiers had an impulse in their bones, and they roared and charged at the rebels.

The cars that escorted Chu Feng and them also moved.

The Ivia soldiers controlled the heavy machine guns on the vehicle, strafing as they advanced, and quickly crushed the rebels.

A few minutes later, the rebels across the street began to rout backwards.

They obviously had hundreds of people, but without a commander, and the morale of the army had collapsed, they had no courage at all under the rain of bullets at this moment, and they had no choice but to flee to save their lives.

Chu Feng knocked out the last two rockets and took out another gun from his portable warehouse.

"Kill!" Chu Feng yelled: "Rush into the factory to save people!"

On the roof of the building, Gu Shun and Li Tong were aiming at the rebel machine gunners below.

Suddenly, there was a large number of rebels in their street.

"What's going on?" Gu Shun asked, "Why are there so many people all of a sudden?"

Li Tong immediately looked to the side, and after a while, he shouted in surprise: "It's the people of the Dragon Soul, they defeated the rebels!"

"What?" Gu Shun turned his head to look at in disbelief.

Sure enough, the Dragon Soul Brigade was constantly advancing under the leadership of Chu Feng, and the rebels killed fell one by one.

A moment later, they approached the factory, and Chu Feng rushed directly into the gate of the abandoned factory with two people.

"Oh my God!" Gu Shun opened his mouth wide in shock: "These people... Hundreds of rebels were defeated by more than 20 of them..."

Chu Feng took Song Kaifei and Xu Sanduo to rush into the factory first.

As soon as they entered, they saw a dozen rebels with their backs to them.

The rebels were firing on the upper floors, apparently trying to prevent anyone from coming down.

Chu Feng and the three of them pulled the trigger without hesitation, directly knocking them all to the ground.

"Let's go, go in!" Chu Feng waved his hand and rushed in with the two of them.

As soon as I turned a corner, I immediately saw more than a dozen rebels, shooting fiercely at an office.

Chu Feng rushed out with the two of them, and directly beat these rebels into a sieve with bullets, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Chu Feng yelled at the office: "Is it a Huaxia person inside?"

After a while, there was a response from the office: "We are Huaxia, who are you?"

Chu Feng said solemnly: "We are the Huaxia Army, and we are here to take you home on the orders of the motherland!

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