After Chu Feng's words were finished, a head poked out of the office.

He was wearing a steel helmet, and Chu Feng recognized the other party at a glance as the embassy's escort armed police.

In every Chinese consulate, armed police will be dispatched to protect it, which is also a common practice all over the world.

The armed policeman who poked his head out looked at Chu Feng carefully and made sure that he was wearing the uniform of the Huaxia Army, and then shouted excitedly: "It's our people, it's our army here." "

The people squatting in the office immediately stood up a lot, and the four armed policemen took the lead in coming out to guard the surroundings.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses walked towards Chu Feng excitedly: "Hello comrade, I am He Qingliu, the consul of the embassy. Thank you for being there in time, if we had been on the verge of it, we would have all suffered!"

Chu Feng held his hand and said with a smile: "When the motherland heard that you were in danger, they sent us to rescue as soon as possible." Don't worry, as long as we come, you'll be safe!"

He Qingliu excitedly shook Chu Feng's hand: "You guys have worked hard! Just now we heard explosions outside, you..."

Chu Feng shook his head: "It's okay, even if there are more obstacles, I will definitely take you home." "

All the expatriates at the consulate were moved to tears.

At this moment, they are extremely proud of their identity as Chinese citizens.

Chu Feng looked at the expatriates and asked, "None of you are injured, right?"

He Qingliu shook his head: "Everyone is safe, only the comrades of the armed police who escorted us were injured!"

Chu Feng hurriedly walked to the corner and saw the two armed policemen covered in blood.

"Are you okay, can you still go?" Chu Feng asked.

The two armed policemen gritted their teeth and shook their heads: "It's okay, the bullet didn't hit the vital point, the others are on the body armor, you can go!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Good job, it's a real Chinese soldier!"

Chu Feng raised his head and said to He Qingliu: "Now we must move immediately, the rebels are very likely to increase their troops, we must evacuate before they arrive!"

He Qingliu nodded: "Okay, everything is up to your arrangement!"

Chu Feng told Song Kaifei and Xu Sanduo to lead the way, and he walked outside alone: "Flamingo, inform the Ivia military to drive the car over, we have to escort the expatriates away!"

"Receive it, notify it immediately!" Wang Yanbing's voice came quickly.

Chu Feng just walked to the staircase, turned his head and saw Yang Rui coming down the stairs with someone.

Yang Rui saw that Chu Feng was actually here, and opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Chu... Chu Brigade?"

Jiaolong's people were all blocked on the stairs, and their eyes widened in shock.

They obviously took a shortcut, but Chu Feng and they were blocked by the rebels.

But why did Chu Feng appear here?

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Team Yang, you're late." I've saved people!"

Yang Rui's face was even more shocked, he looked at the corpses all over the ground under the stairs and asked, "These guys who just stopped us..."

Chu Feng sighed: "I saw that they were in the way, so I killed them all." "

Yang Rui swallowed his saliva fiercely, and the people of the Jiaolong Commando Team were also full of shame.

At this time, if there is a hole, they want to jump in and never come out again.

They thought that the Dragon Soul Brigade was defeated by the rebels and retreated, and they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

But the people really fought their way out and rushed to their destination before them.

In contrast, the Jiaolong Commando Team had hardly encountered any enemies, and they arrived so late, which was in stark contrast to the Dragon Soul Brigade.

"Don't be stunned by Team Yang!" Chu Feng smiled: "Hurry up, take your people to the outside to guard and cover the evacuation of the embassy personnel!"

Yang Rui watched the people from the embassy come out of it, and then he reacted.

"Come with me, everyone, go outside and be on guard!"

All the Jiaolong team members rushed out with Yang Rui and quickly occupied the favorable terrain on the street and stood on guard.

When they got outside, they were once again shocked by the shocking scene in front of them.

I saw that the streets were littered with the corpses of the rebels.

From the street to the corner, there are shops everywhere.

Medical soldier Lu Chen swallowed hard: "My God, these rebels, did they kill them?"

Tong Li's eyes widened: "How is this possible! There are only a few of them, and these rebels are more than thirty times their size, how can they kill so many people?"

Xu Hong said coldly: "No matter if it's impossible, people are standing here now." They didn't kill it, did you kill it?"

At this time, Gu Shun's voice sounded in everyone's headsets: "Don't guess, these fallen people are basically done by other people's army." You just didn't see it, these army special forces... It's too fierce!"

Gu Shun's words shocked the people of the Jiaolong Commando Team even more.

The people of Jiaolong knew that Gu Shun was an arrogant person and would never bow his head to anyone and admit defeat.

But now he is commenting on the Dragon Soul Brigade like this, which is enough to prove that even he admires the Dragon Soul.

Yang Rui sighed: "It seems that we are all frogs at the bottom of the well, and we underestimate the army too much." Since they can be so famous in the whole army, they naturally have their strengths!"

"Guys, don't look at people with old eyes. Compared to their dragon souls, we are far behind!"

Yang Rui looked at Chu Feng from a distance, and suddenly felt that this person was a little unfathomable.

In his career as a soldier, he seems to have never encountered such a powerful and ruthless character.

Not only him, but all the Jiaolong commandos looked at Chu Feng with their eyes changed.

There was more admiration in their eyes.

Chu Feng's image has inexplicably improved a lot.

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