Evia's military vehicles drove up quickly, followed by several trucks.

The people of the Dragon Soul Brigade immediately organized the embassy staff to get into the car.

At this moment, He Chenguang's voice suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's headset: "Captain, Captain, we found that several cars are driving towards this side!"

"There were civilians in the car, but they had something like a bomb strapped to them, and it was suspected that it was a car bomb!"

He Chenguang asked, "Do you need to eliminate it?"

Chu Feng's brows furrowed slightly, the reason why Huaxia soldiers are strong is because they don't kill innocents indiscriminately.

Rebels and terrorists should be killed, but if civilians are killed for the sake of their own lives, what is the difference between them and rebels and terrorists?

"Burst their tires!" Chu Feng said loudly: "Don't let them get close, I'll take care of the rest!"

"Understood!" He Chenguang and Lao Pao shouted at the same time.

Chu Feng instructed a few recruits to continue to evacuate the expatriate, and then looked at Wang Yanbing and the others: "Come with me, I need fire cover, and I also have to defuse the bomb!"

When Xu Hong and Gu Shun heard this, they immediately rushed over: "Captain Chu, we can help." "

Chu Feng glanced at the two of them, nodded and said, "Gu Shun occupies the high ground and suppresses the enemy's firepower. Xu Hong, can you defuse the bomb?"

"Yes!" Xu Hong nodded.

Chu Feng yelled: "Okay, act immediately!"

Everyone followed Chu Feng and ran forward quickly.

At the same time, He Chenguang and Lao Cannon fired continuously.

Bullets hit the tires of the cars with precision, and several suicide cars stopped on the road.

When the leader of the rebels saw that the car was not moving, he angrily shouted at his subordinates: "Detonate, detonate the bomb!"

The two rebels were about to press the detonator button.

But He Chenguang and Lao Pao also locked these two people at the same time.

They gently pulled the trigger, and the bullets whistled out of the chambers, sending the two rebels backwards.

The detonator fell to the ground, and there were immediately other rebels to pick it up.

He Chenguang aimed at the detonating device and destroyed it all before the rebels could get it.

When the rebel leader saw that the detonator was broken, he yelled angrily: "Shoot at the car and blow them up!"

Dozens of rebels rushed forward at once, firing wildly at several cars.

The civilians in the car were so frightened that their faces were full of tears, and they didn't even dare to raise their heads when they hid in the car.

At this moment, the machine guns of Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan rang out.

They occupied high ground and fired condescendingly at the rebels.

The bullets seemed to have eyes, and the rebels fell in rows after rows.

Those who rushed to the front were quickly defeated, and the remaining rebels hurriedly retreated.

Chu Feng, Tang Xinyi and Xu Hong rushed into the car and began to defuse the bombs for civilians.

Gu Shun also came to a high place at this time, and with the assistance of Li Ming, the bullets hit the threatening rebels one after another.

The military in Ivia is also not idle, their compatriots in their own country are threatened with bombs, and they naturally cannot sit idly by.

Hundreds of Ivia government troops, under the cover of Chinese special forces, launched a deadly counteroffensive against the rebels.

The rebels were already beaten by the Dragon Soul people.

As soon as the government troops joined at this moment, they immediately collapsed and retreated en masse.

Five minutes later, the bombs on several cars were all defused and civilians were rescued.

Several civilians knelt in front of Chu Feng and them, thanking them vigorously for saving their lives.

Chu Feng didn't have time to be polite to them, and the most important thing now was to bring the people from the embassy back.

"Everyone retreat immediately, retreat!" Chu Feng yelled as he ran.

After they all got into the car, the convoy drove quickly and quickly headed towards the sea.

Passing through the ruined city, the smoking convoy finally came to the seashore.

Gao Yun and a group of people had been waiting for a long time, and when they saw Chu Feng and them coming back, they immediately greeted them.

"You're finally back!" Gao Yun said with relief, "I just heard that there was a fierce exchange of fire in the city, and I am still worried about your safety. Now it's okay, as long as you come back safely!"

Yang Rui smiled bitterly and said, "This time it's thanks to Captain Chu and the army's brothers. If it weren't for them, we might not have evacuated the expatriates by our strength alone!"

Gao Yun looked at Yang Rui in surprise, and his gaze swept over the faces of the other Jiaolong commandos.

He was surprised to find that these guys who didn't look down on the army were all happy and convinced at the moment, and none of them showed dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Gao Yun was really curious about what happened in the city that made these guys change sex.

At this moment, He Qingliu came over with someone from the embassy.

He held Gao Yun's hand tightly: "Captain Gao, thank you, thank you so much!"

He looked at Chu Feng and said, "If you hadn't sent such a good young man, we might never see the motherland again!"

He Qingliu faced Chu Feng and the others, and solemnly bent over: "On behalf of all the people in the embassy, I sincerely thank you!"

Chu Feng and the others hurriedly saluted him: "As Huaxia soldiers, all this is what we should do!"

He Qingliu nodded excitedly: "Okay, good! In this life, the proudest thing for me is to be in China." If I have the next life, I will still be in China!"

"With such a strong motherland as the backing and such a strong army support, we Chinese people, what is there to fear!"

Gao Yun smiled and said, "Consul He, you better get on the warship first, we have prepared food for you, hurry up and go to rest and rest!"

He Qingliu nodded, shook hands with Chu Feng tightly, and then led the people towards the warship.

Gao Yun saw that they were walking away, and suddenly pulled Chu Feng aside: "Do you need to rest?"

Chu Feng saw that something was wrong with him, shook his head and said, "No!"

"That's good!" Gao Yun said coldly: "On my side, there is another task that you need to complete immediately!"

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