"Boom, boom....."

The tank fired three shells, which directly smashed the house where dozens of terrorists were hiding.

The house collapsed directly, and the terrorists inside did not even have a chance to escape, and were either killed or crushed to death by the collapsed house on the spot.

"Captain, it's almost, isn't it?" asked on the radio: "The terrorists are afraid to show up after we beat them, can we go?"

Chu Feng nodded, Deng Mei had been rescued, and the information about the yellow cake had also been successfully obtained.

There's no point in continuing to fight, and it's important to leave as soon as possible.

"Everyone listen to the order, prepare..."

Before Chu Feng's words were finished, An Ran's voice suddenly came from the headset: "Captain, you wait a minute." We've just intercepted a call on a satellite phone, would you like to listen to it?"

"Where did you call from?" Chu Feng asked.

An Ran: "It's from the town, and the place connected is a hundred kilometers away, and it's a desert!"

"Sounds like a call for reinforcements!"

Chu Feng was a little interested: "Take it and tell me!"


An Ran immediately used the computer to operate and transmitted all the conversations between Bayi and Zaka to Chu Feng alone.

Chu Feng listened carefully, and after only two sentences, his brows furrowed slightly.

He didn't expect Xhaka to come in person.

Moreover, bring an army of revenge with you.

Chu Feng didn't know what the revenge army was.

But he knows Xhaka's status!

Zaka is the source of unrest in Ivia and several surrounding countries.

The terrorist organization he led absorbed a large number of members and did whatever it took to gain power in several countries.

Evia's military coup in the country is said to have something to do with Xhaka.

The rebels received a lot of support from Xhaka, and even the rebel leader, General Schaf, was himself a subordinate.

And Xhaka has always been uncertain, and several governments have tried to find him many times, but after several years to no avail.

Getting rid of this person will have an important impact on the situation on the ground.

And now, Xhaka is actually coming to Bam Town in person, which is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rid of him.

But Chu Feng was not arrogant enough to think that he could get rid of Zaka with his people.

They came with a large army.

As soon as they arrived, Chu Feng and the others would turn into turtles in the urn.

But he just left, and Chu Feng was not reconciled.

Along the way, he saw too many terrorist atrocities.

They are anti-human, slaughtering civilians at will, even slaughtering a village.

They let their children kill their own parents and then join their army.

By allowing these terrorists to exist, more innocent people will die.

This is not Chu Feng's country, but any soldier with a conscience will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Feng said to An Ran: "Contact Captain Gao for me, quickly!"


Half a minute later, Gao Yun's voice sounded in Chu Feng's headset: "Have you arrived at Bam Town?"

Chu Feng immediately explained the current situation: "I got the information about the yellow cake, and now Zaka is coming with his army. "

"He came to me just over two hours away. This is the best chance to get rid of him!"

Gao Yun frowned and shouted, "Are you crazy? This is a matter of other people's countries, what are you doing with so much?"

"Come back quickly, your mission is to bring back the hostages!"

Chu Feng shouted sharply: "Captain Gao, we are soldiers. You and I are people with a sense of justice, and we can ignore the fight between their government forces and the rebels, it is a matter for their own regime. "

"But terrorists are anti-human, and it is only natural to eliminate them. "

"These bastards kill innocents indiscriminately, and they don't take human life seriously at all. Are we just going to leave and let more people die?"

"Now that you have such a good opportunity to give up, will your conscience be at ease?"

Gao Yun was silent, he was also a soldier with a conscience.

They really can't get involved in other people's internal affairs.

But killing terrorists is a thing that is recognized all over the world.....

But Gao Yun didn't get the order to fire, so he couldn't make this decision.

Chu Feng also knew Gao Yun's difficulties, and he immediately said, "You don't need your warship to fire, you just need to help me contact the Ivia military." I'm sure they'll be interested in eliminating Xhaka!"

Gao Yun nodded: "Okay, I'll contact them now." If it doesn't work, you have to withdraw it right away!"

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded.

Gao Yun ended the call, and Chu Feng continued to direct the troops to rampage through the town of Bam.

At the moment, the terrorists in the town of Bam are completely on the back foot.

There were almost no people on the streets, and the Huaxia special forces completely occupied the high places and shot all the terrorists who dared to appear on the streets.

The terrorists had to hide in various houses.

But under the impact of Chu Feng and his three tanks, the terrorists had no way to deal with it at all.

Ten minutes later, an unfamiliar voice suddenly came from Chu Feng's headset.

"Hello Captain Chu, I'm Novan, the Supreme Chief of Staff of the Ivia Army!"

Chu Feng was stunned, but he didn't expect Gao Yun to let the Ivia military contact him directly.

"Mr. Chief of Staff, do you know all about Bam Town?" Chu Feng asked.

Novan nodded: "Is Xhaka really coming? Is the news reliable? You know, it's hard for me to pull out the army right now." The rebels are pressing on us step by step....."

"The news is absolutely true!" Chu Feng said with certainty: "The news that my people got through the monitoring, Zaka will definitely arrive in Bam Town in two hours!"

"Okay!" said Novan excitedly, "I can send a regiment of troops, and four other helicopters." "

"I'm afraid it's not enough!" Chu Feng shook his head: "Zaka said that he would lead a revenge army over, you should send at least three regiments!"

Novan was silent for a long time: "Captain Chu, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I really can't draw any troops now..... In this way, I will send one battalion of our headquarters over as well, and I will try to transfer as many others as possible!"

"But at most, it's the strength of two battalions, that's my limit!"

Novan said in a deep voice: "Captain Chu, I hope you can help us! I know that you are a very powerful special forces soldier in Huaxia. As long as you can help me, I'm sure Xhaka won't be able to escape!"

"Killing terrorists is the duty of military personnel all over the world. Please, help my country. Please....."

Chu Feng listened to Nuowan's pitiful tone, and remembered the brutal methods of the terrorists before.

Countless civilians were killed, and many children also fell in pools of blood....

Chu Feng took a deep breath: "Okay, send your troops, I'll stay and help you!"

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