Ending the call with Evia's chief of staff, Chu Feng took a deep breath.

He didn't know when Ivia's military would arrive, but he had to hold off the men Xhaka had brought before they arrived.

He only had one chance and missed it, and it was difficult to find Xhaka.

Chu Feng said coldly into the headset: "Except for Tong Li, Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan continue to control the high places, and all the rest will withdraw from the town and go to the violet side to gather!"

Everyone was shocked to hear this order.

Is this a retreat?

He Chenguang hurriedly asked, "Captain, do we snipers also want to withdraw?"

"Leave Gu Shun behind, and the rest of the people will retreat immediately!" Chu Feng ordered.

The tank's radio also sounded: "And what about our two tanks?"

Chu Feng thought for a moment: "You also stay, but from now on, try not to fire and save ammunition." "

"It's all dirt houses, hit them with your tanks. Destroy buildings and crush terrorists!"

"Yes!" the men on both tanks yelled excitedly.

It's no different from bumper cars, and it's a real tank to hit a real house, which is a thrilling event for a big boy.

Two tanks rushed out at once, like bulldozers, towards the houses in the town.

A dozen terrorists were hiding in a small two-story building.

They saw through the window that a tank was charging at him with black smoke, and everyone was screaming in horror on the second floor.

Bullets rained down on the tank.

But aside from splashing a lot of sparks, these injuries are like itching for the tank.

The tank smashed through the gate with a thud, and then knocked down the entire wall.

The entire house was destroyed by the impact of the tank, and all the people on the second floor were crushed in the rubble.

Before they could climb out of the rubble, the tank suddenly reversed and ran over the rubble.

The terrorists were allowed to scream, but the tracks rumbled over the rubble, merging them with the ruins.

On the other side, Chu Feng controlled the tank on a rampage, and at the same time asked An Ran and Tang Xinyi to release drones for monitoring.

It is necessary to find out in advance where Xhaka's people are coming from, and only then can they be prepared in advance.

There are not many of them, and only by putting people in the most appropriate position can they be most effective.

A drone flew into the sky and began to search for targets in all directions under the control of Enron.

Minutes and seconds passed, and an hour and forty minutes later, the drone suddenly sent back a message.

An Ran nervously reported to Chu Feng: "I found someone, from the northeast!"

"How many?" Chu Feng asked nervously.

"A lot!" An Ran's pupils dilated: "This is an army, the desert is full of cars and tanks!"

Chu Feng gritted his teeth and said, "You guys immediately disperse and look for a good hiding spot." I'll come to the aid right away!"

Chu Feng said coldly: "Everyone acts according to my orders, our purpose is to drag them down, just wait until the military of Evia comes over!"

"Yes!" everyone replied loudly.

Chu Feng picked up the radio in the tank: "All the tanks, with me as the center, in a triangular attack formation! If you can't keep up, charge and attack on your own!"

"Yes!" the other two tanks immediately responded.

The three tanks quickly turned around and raced towards the desert.

The town of Bam is already in shambles, with half of the houses demolished.

Bayi poked his head out of the rubble, looked at the three tanks that had finally left, and let out a long breath.

"Reinforcements are finally here!" Ba leaned on the ruins and laughed like a fool: "Damn Huaxia, you can't run away, you all have to die here today!"

At this time, in the desert, Xhaka was leading his men towards the town of Bam.

The so-called revenge army in his mouth is actually a rabble formed under his flickering.

These extremist terrorists are surrounded at the feet of Xhaka and are a thorn in the side of all countries.

"Zaka!" Zaka's assistant looked at the map and said, "We'll be in Bam Town soon, those Huaxia people can't escape!"

Zaka leaned on crutches and said with cold eyes: "After killing all those Huaxia people, remember to bring back the information of the yellow cake." Also, do everything as the Ivia military does, and don't get involved with us!"

The assistant's eyes widened in surprise, he had the impression that Xhaka would never be so cautious, and he could go to war with whomever he wanted.

Zaka saw his doubts and said lightly: "Huaxia is a powerful enemy, and it is best not to provoke this enemy until we develop a weapon." When we have nuclear weapons in the future, it doesn't matter who it is!"

The assistant nodded vigorously: "Understood, I will definitely order later....."


At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly came from the convoy.

Three shells blew up two pickup trucks and a tank, turning them into blazing scrap metal.

The entire convoy was in chaos at once, many pickup trucks stopped in a panic, and the terrorists on the vehicles were looking for the enemy everywhere.

Xhaka also looked around through the car window: "Who fired at us, where is the enemy?"

"There!" the assistant yelled suddenly, pointing to his left.

Zaka turned his head to see the three tanks at full speed, rolling up the yellow sand behind them, rushing towards their convoy.

Zaka's eyes were about to pop out, he never dreamed that the enemy, who had only three tanks, would dare to attack his team of three or four thousand men.


Just then, three tanks opened fire again.

The roaring shells blew up several more cars on Xhaka's side, and countless terrorists were screaming and screaming.

Like a provoked beast, Zaka yelled angrily: "It's so rampant! kill them for me, kill them all!"

But before he could give his order, Chu Feng and his three tanks had already rushed over.

Several pickup trucks did not have time to dodge and were directly run over by tanks and were crushed to death along with the terrorists on board.

Chu Feng shouted excitedly in the car: "Chong Chong Chong! This is the real war!"

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