Chu Feng didn't expect that it was obviously a secret mission, and as a result, the whole army knew about his fame.

However, this is exactly what he wants, and with this experience of going abroad, it will be more helpful for Chu Feng's reputation in the whole army.

Gao Shiwei smiled and said, "Put down your things, change into military uniforms, and you all come with me!"

"Where are you going?" asked Chu Feng curiously.

Gao Shiwei said: "Commendation Conference, everyone is already waiting for you. "

Everyone had excited smiles on their faces, and they were commended as soon as they returned home, which was a great joy for the soldiers.

Chu Feng and the others immediately went to the barracks to change into military uniforms, and after a little washing, they immediately followed Gao Shiwei to the military region.

Chu Feng and Gao Shiwei sat in the same car, and Gao Shiwei asked curiously.

For this Ivia's operation, Gao Shiwei wanted to know the details inside.

Especially when it came to capturing Xhaka, it was a big battle for Gao Shiwei.

"Legendary experience!" Gao Shiwei couldn't help but praise after listening to Chu Feng's narration: "In our peaceful country, most soldiers can't see the most cruel side of war. You can see it, and you can participate in it, you should feel a lot, right?"

Chu Feng nodded solemnly: "I am very glad that our motherland is strong, and the people do not have to live in that environment." I don't want the war to affect our country, only peace is the most beautiful thing in the world!"

Gao Shiwei smiled: "If we want peace, we must be tough enough." Evia was supposed to be a beautiful little country, but if they were strong enough, they wouldn't be where they are today!"

"So!" Gao Shiwei said in a deep voice: "If you want to make the motherland peaceful, you can only rely on us soldiers in the end!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Fortunately, we Chinese soldiers have never disappointed the country and the people once. "

Gao Shiwei looked at him: "By the way, have you been injured this time?"

Chu Feng nodded: "Several team members were slightly injured, but they were all bandaged on the warship, so it's not a big problem!"

Gao Shiwei let out a long breath: "Fortunately in misfortune, you can still return in that situation, you are worthy of being the strongest special forces in our army!"

The convoy soon came to the military region and stopped at the entrance of the military region's auditorium.

The auditorium can gather 5,000 people at a time and has hosted several military parties.

When Chu Feng walked in, he found that the entire auditorium was already packed.

There were not enough seats for 5,000 people, and many soldiers sat in the aisle with their horses.

Even all the aisles on the second floor were full of people.

"Make such a big scene?" Chu Feng was a little shocked.

Gao Shiwei said lightly: "This is the meaning of the military department, to use your deeds to inspire more soldiers." "

Chu Feng nodded, he understood that this was a kind of political propaganda.

The Chinese army is very good at this set, and practice has also proved that this set is quite effective.

Gao Shiwei walked to the stage, and Chu Feng led his subordinates to sit in the first row, where there were seats that had been reserved for them a long time ago.

Gao Shiwei stood in front of the microphone, his image was not angry and arrogant, and the whole venue was instantly quiet because of his appearance.

"Everyone!" Gao Shiwei said in a deep voice: "Everyone knows the reason why I summoned you today!"

"Yes, just to welcome our heroes home!"

"Let's applaud the heroes with warm applause!"

Warm applause suddenly rang out at the venue, and they rushed towards Chu Feng and them like a mountain of mountains.

Li Erniu said excitedly: "I have never been welcomed by so many people, I am so happy, I am so happy!"

Gao Shiwei waved his hand, and the thunderous applause quickly quieted down.

Gao Shiwei said loudly: "Today, on behalf of the military department, I am here to award military merit medals to our heroes in recognition of their heroic performance in the evacuation operation. and fearless sacrifices and great contributions for the peace of mankind!"

"Now, on behalf of the military department, I award Chu Feng, the captain of the Dragon Soul Brigade, a first-class meritorious service medal. In addition, award him the title of first-class combat hero!"

The venue once again burst into thunderous applause.

Chu Feng ran to the podium amid applause, and Gao Shiwei solemnly placed the medal and hero title in his hand.

"Next, on behalf of the military department, I would like to award several heroes who have performed outstanding in the evacuation operation this time!"

"They are He Chenguang, Zhuang Yan, Yuan Lang, Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing, Xu Sanduo...."

"They are hereby awarded a second-class meritorious service medal!"

The people who were named ran excitedly towards the stage.

In the warm applause, Gao Shiwei wore medals for them one by one.

All those who received military merit medals stood in a row behind Gao Shiwei.

At this moment, they stood at the highest point of the military region, even a little higher than Gao Shiwei.

Gao Shiwei turned around and said to all the officers and soldiers: "I have gathered everyone here today, not just to let you witness this scene. "

"I also want everyone to know that everyone must be aware of danger in times of peace. War is never far away, and when war comes, will you be able to protect your home and your loved ones?"

"Can we be like these heroes of the Dragon Soul Brigade and protect our people home safely from a place where there is a rain of bullets and cannons?"

Gao Shiwei said loudly: "We Chinese people have never liked war, but we are never afraid of war. We are the people's soldiers, an army born from the people. If war does come, I hope you will shoulder the heavy responsibility and protect the people behind us!"

"This is the true meaning of your soldiers, and it is also the true duty of your soldiers!"

After Gao Shiwei's words were finished, the audience once again burst into warm applause.

What is different from the previous one is that this time, there is an indescribable fire dancing in everyone's eyes.

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