At the end of the commendation meeting, all the officers and soldiers who participated in the meeting dispersed, but Gao Shiwei dragged Chu Feng and others to the guest house of the military region alone.

An elegant private room in the guest house was already full of food, and Gao Shiwei, on behalf of the military region and the military department, received the wind for Chu Feng and them, and also celebrated their achievements.

Gao Shiwei took out all the good wine in the military region and poured it for everyone with a smile.

Chu Feng asked in surprise: "Commander, this is all good wine." You don't entertain the superior leaders, bring them to us to drink, are you willing to do it?"

"You were born and died abroad, and if I don't have a good wine to entertain you when I come back, then I, the commander, will be too much of a failure!" Gao Shiwei said with a smile: "Drink, I will give special permission today, you will not return if you are not drunk!"

Chu Feng picked up his wine glass: "Commander Gao is so happy, let's not be hypocritical." Come, raise your glass, salute the commander, and salute us for returning home!"

"!" everyone picked up their glasses and slammed them together, and drank them dry in a refreshing gulp.

The guards on the side immediately came up and poured wine for everyone, and the whole room was filled with the smell of wine.

Gao Shiwei's face was flushed, and he asked with a smile: "Xiao Chu, your reputation has gone out this time." It is not an exaggeration to say that you are a success. What's next?"

Chu Feng said lightly: "What can I do, continue to be a soldier, continue to lead the troops!"

Gao Shiwei looked at An Ran on the side, and said with a smile: "I heard that the two of you are a couple, and you still live together?"

An Ran's face turned red instantly, and he lowered his head to compete with the dishes on the plate.

Gao Shiwei laughed: "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, you have all reached the level, is it normal to engage in objects." But if it were in our era, you would live together without getting married, and you would be a hooligan!"

Enron's face was even redder, and his head was buried lower.

Chu Feng said embarrassedly: "Commander Gao, save some face, my soldiers are still here!"

Wang Yanbing, who was sitting opposite, said with a smile: "Captain, everyone knows about you and Sister An Ran. In fact, we have already called her sister-in-law in private, and everyone is looking forward to your marriage as soon as possible!"

Li Erniu also said: "Yes, captain, I want to marry Cui Fen." But my father said, you are the captain, you are not married, I can only fight a single person for the rest of my life, he said that I must not get married in front of you!"

He Chenguang hugged Li Erniu: "Captain, you see that Erniu has long been in a hurry." You'd better do it, hurry up and marry An Ran's sister-in-law back, otherwise Erniu will be very dangerous if he can't hold it back!"

Chu Feng glared at them: "You talk so much, your physical strength must be very good." After I go back, let's do a 200-kilometer training!"

Everyone immediately shut up honestly.

What are you kidding, two hundred kilometers of training, even if it is them, it is a training that will exhaust people.

Gao Shiwei saw that everyone had shut up, and immediately laughed: "Xiao Chu, everyone also cares about you, why don't you let people tell the truth?"

Chu Feng hurriedly shook his head: "Commander Gao, don't follow suit." I'm not ready for marriage. "

An Ran's heart chuckled, and his fingers trembled slightly unconsciously.

She had thought that Chu Feng would agree, and this was also the answer she most desperately wanted to hear.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng's answer would be this, and she felt a little sad in her heart.

Gao Shiwei glared at Chu Feng: "You are not too young, and you all live together, what are you not ready for?"

Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "Commander Gao, you.... You don't understand!"

"Then let me understand!" Gao Shiwei rolled up his sleeves reluctantly: "Today I asked about this for your father and uncle, and they also asked me to help last time." It's such a good time today, you can make it clear in front of me and in front of others!"

"Xiao Chu, I can tell you, if you don't get married, you sleep with someone every day, this is a hooligan. "

Originally, An Ran was still a little sad in his heart, but when he heard Gao Shiwei's words, his face suddenly turned even redder with shame, where is this what the big leader said.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "Okay, in fact, my idea is very simple. My current profession is dangerous, and you have seen it these days. Bullets and bullets rain down, artillery fire is continuous, maybe one day you will die on the battlefield!"

"I don't want Enron to be alone at such a young age, so I think I can wait!"

An Ran raised his head and looked at Chu Feng: "That's the reason?"

Chu Feng also looked at her: "Yes, that's the reason." If I die and you live alone, it's too painful, so....."

An Ran interrupted him and said, "Then when can you think about our affairs, you can't be unsafe for the rest of your life!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath, he actually wanted to be responsible for An Ran.

Especially when he saw An Ran's watery eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse her in person.

Once a woman is moved, she will be completely dead.

Chu Feng thought for a moment and said, "When I become a general, then I will be considered famous." It's only natural that I marry you!"

"Okay!" An Ran stood up suddenly, and then half-knelt in front of Chu Feng: "What you said just now must be counted! Now I am safe and officially propose to you." When you become a major general, you must marry me!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

They have only seen men propose, and they have never seen women kneel and propose.

This shows how much Enron loves Chu Feng.

Chu Feng paused for a moment, and suddenly hugged An Ran: "Okay, I promise you." When I become a general, I will marry you..... That day is not far away!"

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