At the entrance of the community, more than a dozen military vehicles were neatly placed, and dozens of heavily armed soldiers came down at a moment.

The first car of the team looked particularly imposing and different from the others.

The door opened, and a man in a neat military uniform stepped down, came to the other side, and opened the door.

"That's my daughter!"

Father An pointed to An Ran and said to the villagers.


Ann's mother quickly called her daughter's name.

I saw that the man in military uniform took An Ran's hand and walked over with a smile on his face.

"This is..."

Mother An pointed at Chu Feng and asked.

An Ran looked at Chu Feng and introduced it to his parents with a smile.

"This is the Chu Feng I told you, and he is also my fiancé."

Chu Feng looked at An Ran's parents with an appreciative look, and hurriedly spoke.

"Uncle and aunt, my name is Chu Feng, and I specially brought An Ran to see you today."

Father An didn't speak, but he first noticed the rank of major general on Chu Feng's shoulder.

Father An's face suddenly rose with pride, and the whole person suddenly became arrogant, like a big rooster in the hen flock.

"See, I'm not bragging to you." Father An pointed at Chu Feng and said, "You see that my sons-in-law are all major generals, so what kind of position is the chief of the capital, can he compare with my son-in-law?" "

When the neighbors saw that Chu Feng was really like what Father An said, their eyes widened one by one, and their eyes were full of envy and awe.

Major generals, you can often see them in the capital, and those who live in the capital also know how big an official this is.

Now that he actually appeared in the community, and he was so young, everyone was naturally extremely envious.

Suddenly, more and more people began to watch, and Chu Feng was surrounded by water.

At this time, Chu Feng was very embarrassed, and An Ran, who was standing on the side, realized that he hurriedly relieved Chu Feng.

"Alright, let's all disperse."

An Ran said to his father.

"Let's hurry home, there are so many people here, how embarrassing it is!"

Father Ann followed his daughter's advice and beckoned in a panic.

"Let's go back, we're going home for dinner, and we'll talk again when we have time!"

Chu Feng also waved to everyone politely, humble and polite, showing the demeanor of a general.

"It seems that I am more popular than you in your house?"

An Ran tugged Chu Feng's arm and muttered.

"Of course, you are a young man who will come to a place like ours, and everyone will treat you as a baby!"

Chu Feng touched An Ran's head and followed her parents to the house.

When he returned home, An Ran found that his seven aunts and eight aunts had come, and a group of people were standing in their own homes and sitting.

After seeing Chu Feng enter the door, he hurriedly shook hands with Chu Feng.

"Ranran, you are so blessed to have found such an excellent boyfriend."

An Ran was also embarrassed by his relatives all of a sudden, but fortunately, Chu Feng had a smart brain, he said with a smile.

"It's Enron who is excellent, and she is what I pursue!"

As soon as Chu Feng's words came out, it could be regarded as holding An Ran to the sky.

praised Chu Feng's sweetness one after another.

It was not easy to make a place on the sofa for Chu Feng to sit in.

At this time, Father Ann asked curiously.

"This.... Chu Feng, what are the little brothers outside taking it? "

Father An pointed to the downstairs, standing tall one by one, each holding a large box of bride price in their hands.

Chu Feng realized it at this time, and was watched by the villagers just now, and all the important things that he was nervous about were forgotten.

He hurriedly got up and said into the phone.

"Send it on!"

After a while, more than a dozen soldiers kept putting things in the house, and all of them were beautifully packaged.

Chu Feng explained to An Ran's parents.

"Uncle and aunt, these are the bride gifts I brought this time, I gave them to you, I don't know if you like it?"

Father An took a look, after so many greeting gifts, it was the first time he had seen him, and he almost had to fill his home.

He said without hesitation.

"Satisfied, satisfied, you are too polite, you will come, and you will bring so many gifts."

Chu Feng smiled, it was the first time for him to handle these things, and he didn't know what to prepare, so he handed over this matter to his uncle to help him deal with it, but he didn't expect to buy more than a dozen cars of things, saying that it was the Chu family's face to be supported.

After all, Chu Feng is also the head of the Chu family now, and this little thing is not valuable to him.

The relatives watched An Ran bring back such an excellent boyfriend and send so many gifts, and they were also embarrassed to be An's father.

"You can rest assured that Ran Ran will be handed over to this young general, looking at the momentum of others, you will definitely be able to protect Ran Ran."

"Lao An, your family is so blessed. You also follow the light, I really regret why I didn't raise a daughter in the first place! "

"Yes, my two sons will worry to death when they buy a house in the future. It's still good to be old, and you want to enjoy Qingfu in the second half of your life! "

Father An's mouth couldn't close when he smiled, and the more he looked at Chu Feng, the more he liked it.

An Ran sat beside Chu Feng, and his face suddenly turned red.

The relatives didn't let An Ran go so easily and continued.

"Harm, look at our daughter, I found a boyfriend, not even one percent of An Ran's boyfriend, this is envious of me."

In an instant, Enron's parents were about to be praised to the sky.

Soon, when it was time to eat, everyone sat down around the round table.

Looking at the carefully prepared meals on the table, Father Ann began to speak first.

"I prepared some casually, I don't know if it's delicious, I'll just eat some."

Father An knew that Chu Feng was a big family, and he was delicacies from the mountains and seas every day, and in the face of a small family like himself, he would definitely be a little unaccustomed.

But Chu Feng didn't show it at all, he shook his head.

"No, these things look pretty good." As he spoke, he picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth and chewed it, saying, "Very delicious uncle, I'm not unaccustomed to it, so don't worry." "

Seeing that Chu Feng could accept it, Father An relieved his heart.

An Ran sat on the side and sandwiched all kinds of dishes for Chu Feng and asked him to eat more.

Looking at the happiness on the faces of the little couple, An Ran's parents also smiled.

After the meal, the relatives said.

"I heard that soldiers can drink, today we have to see if this general has such a drink!"

Being so little bit by his relatives, Father An suddenly thought that he had treasured Wuliangye for many years and put it at home.

Ran into the house and took it out.

"Then it just so happened that I brought my boyfriend back today, let's not get drunk and go home, and have a big drink."

An Ran saw that his father was here to test Chu Feng, and thought that he almost didn't drink in the army, so An Ran persuaded him.

"Dad, Chu Feng has a rule in the army that he can't drink, and he has no interest in drinking."

Father An saw that An Ran was still persuading his son-in-law to drink, and said.

"How can you not drink on such a good day, right, Xiao Chu?" Father An bypassed An Ran and asked Chu Feng directly.

Chu Feng was also embarrassed to refuse, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, my uncle is happy today, so I'll accompany my uncle for a few drinks."

An Ran gave her father a moment of silence in her heart, and drank with Chu Feng, isn't this looking for abuse!

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