Father An poured wine for Chu Feng with a smile, but suddenly saw An Ran being in the way on the side, so he hurriedly waved at her!

"You go and talk to your mother, and a few of us men sit together and talk."

An Ran stuck out his tongue and turned to leave.

Saying that, Father An called a few high-ranking elders who were drinking at home over and drank with Chu Feng together.

Although Chu Feng is not interested in wine, he has participated in countless drinking parties so far, and he still doesn't know what it feels like to be drunk.

He picked up the wine in Father An's hand and looked at it, this grade was not at the same level as the wine given to Commander Gao before.

Chu Feng just thought that at that time, he heard An Ran say that his father especially likes to have a few drinks at home, and he specially prepared good wine for An's father this time.

He opened the box on the side and said to Father An.

"These are the wines I brought to my uncle, and I have always kept them at home, and I heard that my uncle likes to drink, so I brought them here."

Everyone who had drunk it knew what it was.

"This wine is a specific Moutai that can only be drunk by senior leaders!" Father An opened a bottle as he spoke, "Everyone is stained with my son-in-law's light today, so we will drink this wine brought by my son-in-law." "

Several elders here are also greedy, they have drunk wine for decades, and they have never seen it, and now they are also convinced by Father An.

So, a few people began to drink with Chu Feng.

Come up, Father Ann said.

"Xiao Chu, there is a rule in our place, that is, newcomers must drink three glasses of wine first to pay their respects when they enter the door."

Father An got up with a smile, poured three cups for Chu Feng and put them in front of Chu Feng.

Everyone was looking at Chu Feng, with a wicked smile on their faces.

Chu Feng was such a person, he could see at a glance that they wanted to let themselves drink more.

Chu Feng smiled faintly, thinking to himself for drinking, you are looking for the wrong person.

He didn't blush, he picked up a glass of wine without panting, got up and dried it up, and poured the wine glass in his hand into the air, not a drop left.

"Good amount of alcohol!"

Father An praised Chu Feng, admiring that the young man in front of him was not an ordinary person.

He motioned to several relatives and conveyed that he wanted to get Chu Feng drunk.

At this time, several uncles also stood up and began to toast Chu Feng.

The elders have a drink, Chu Feng needs to accompany two drinks, and those who come do not refuse.

After one round, Chu Feng drank two bottles of wine alone.

Father Ann was taken aback and said heroically.

"Xiao Chu is really a good drinker, he didn't drink less bars in the army?"

Chu Feng said embarrassedly.

"Uncle An, in fact, you are not allowed to drink alcohol in the army, and I haven't drunk much before."

"Look, it's still modest!" Father An pointed at Chu Feng and said, "It's a good thing to be modest, it means that it's not public, I like it." "

Father Ann opened a new bottle of wine, filled it for the two of them, and continued to drink.

After a while, the people around him fell on the dinner table one after another, leaving only Chu Feng and Father An who were still awake.

Father An looked at Chu Feng's appearance, as if he was okay at all, he turned around and looked under the table, he had already drunk nearly twenty bottles, and he said secretly in his heart.

"This kid is too good at pretending, this looks like no one else."

Father An was not convinced, he had drunk wine for so many years, and no one had ever been able to fall later than him, and this time he met an opponent.

Father An stood up, put his arm around Chu Feng and said.

"Can Xiao Chu continue to drink?"

Chu Feng looked at Father An, who was already a little drunk, and said with a smile.

"If my uncle wants to, I'll drink it with you."

"Okay, let's keep drinking!"

With that, the two of them continued to drink.

But no matter how much you drink it, you can't pour Chu Feng, but it makes him dizzy.

It was a full afternoon, and in the evening, Chu Feng sat on the table and looked at his mobile phone, and Father An on the side fell asleep with Chu Feng in his arms.

From time to time, he muttered in his mouth.

"Xiao Chu, my Lao An has never admired anyone, you are one, you can actually drink me down, my Lao An has never been like this!"

Chu Feng sat on the side and didn't dare to move, so he had to listen to Father An's drunken quotations.

"You remember, I'm such a baby daughter, you must protect me, I didn't want her to go to the army at the beginning, she didn't stop, that place is too dangerous, you, as a man, one is to give her happiness, and the other is not to let her be hurt."

Chu Feng nodded and assured Father An, who was half asleep.

"Don't worry, uncle, since you hand over Enron to me, I will definitely make her the happiest woman in the world, and I will never let her suffer a little grievance."

An Ran listened to these two people talking one by one, and also sat down.

"Chu Feng, help me carry my dad into the house, he's drunk."

Chu Feng looked at Dad An's situation, and also put Dad An on the bed with his hand.

When he turned to leave, Father An also muttered to Chu Feng.

"If you kid dare to bully my daughter, I don't care what major general or general you are, I will fight hard with you."

After speaking, An Ran on the side was moved by his father's words and cried.

Chu Feng hugged An Ran and said to Father An who was lying on the bed.

"I promise you, as long as An Ran suffers any grievances, you can ask me."

In the evening, Chu Feng spent the night at home with An Ran, and the two hugged each other.

An Ran asked Chu Feng, "Are you serious about what you said today?" "

"Of course!" Chu Feng said without hesitation, "When did you see me when Chu Feng lied to you!" "

For Chu Feng, An Ran, a woman, is like a reassuring pill in her eyes, the kind of person who will never give up if she doesn't get it.

An Ran looked at Chu Feng's firm tone, and also kissed Chu Feng's face.

She said softly, "You can be regarded as making my father look long today, since the day I can remember, he has never been drunk, for so many years, this is the first time, you have slapped him in the face, and I will be very embarrassed to see you tomorrow." "

Chu Feng smiled, thinking secretly in his heart.

"Dad An's alcohol consumption is very good, and it should be no problem with ordinary people to drink, but unfortunately when I meet myself, I know that I admit defeat."

"Then Dad An, did they hand you over to me?"

Chu Feng asked curiously.

"Hmph, my dad told you so much today, is it a joke for you!"

An Ran had an arrogant expression, "Anyway, if you regret it now, you still have a chance, leave now, otherwise you won't be able to run away tomorrow." "

Chu Feng smelled the aroma of An Ran's hair and said.

"The woman that I Chu Feng identified, I will never regret it, you can only stay by my side for the rest of your life."

was teased by Chu Feng like this, and An Ran shyly hid in the quilt with his head covered.

Chu Feng turned off the table lamp on the side, and the black light in the room was blind, as long as the moonlight shone on the window.

He lifted the quilt and hugged An Ran, and the man's hormones were instantly stimulated.

The two of them are entangled together in the bed.

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