Early in the morning

Chu Feng and An Ran, who were lying on the bed, were woken up by the sound of the living room outside.

The two men got out of bed and walked out the door.

Father An saw Chu Feng at a glance and hurriedly pulled him over.

smiled at Chu Feng.

"Good boy, I was deceived by you yesterday, the amount of alcohol was so good, I vomited several times at night!"

Chu Feng opened his eyes loosely and smiled at Father An.

I thought to myself.

"It's not worth mentioning to me at all."

Just as he was hesitating to say something, Mother An walked out of the kitchen in a panic and said to Chu Feng.

"Come and eat, Xiao Chu, don't talk nonsense with your uncle."

just helped Chu Feng solve the embarrassment.

At the dinner table, the family began to talk about the marriage of the two.

Mother An first asked about Chu Feng.

"Xiao Chu, you said that you also proposed to our daughter, and your parents have also seen it, I want to ask you what you plan to do next?"

Looking at Mother An's kind smile, Chu Feng swallowed the bun in his mouth and replied.

"Auntie, I'm going to start planning to get married to An Ran next, during this time, there are not many things in the army, and I want to take advantage of this time to finish all these things."

"Good, good!" Father An was overjoyed and said, "It's good to get married early, so that we can rest assured, and we don't have to delay the matter between the two of you anymore." "

Chu Feng looked at the two of them and smiled.

"That..." Mother An hesitated for a moment and looked at Chu Feng.

"I want to ask, I know that you all live in the army now, Xiao Chu, you also have a house in the army, but you can't live in the army all the time, right?"

Mother Ann said in a tentative tone.

As a result, Chu Feng saw through it at a glance.

"Don't worry, uncle and aunt, I will give our family a consultation during this time, buy a house belonging to the two of us in the capital, and then we will move in when we are not in the army."

As soon as Chu Feng's words were finished, Mother An's expression relaxed.

Looking at such a good son-in-law, of course they have to force them to get married early, so that the cooked duck will fly.

After eating, Chu Feng left An Ran's house with An Ran, and the military vehicle at the door was already waiting for the two of them at the door.

An Ran's parents sent the two of them to the gate, looked at the magnificent military vehicle and said.

"An official car of Xiao Chu's level looks different, much more luxurious."

Father Ann said, pointing to the car outside.

"Mom and Dad, you can send it here, we are going to rush back to the army now."

An Ran saw that his parents had more and more questions, and he also felt very embarrassed, and hurriedly pulled Chu Feng out of the door.

Chu Feng bowed deeply to An Ran's parents and said with a smile.

"Uncle and aunt, let's go back first, and I'll give you news when the new house is ready."

Father Ann waved his hand and said.

"Okay, then I'll look forward to it at home with your aunt."

In this way, the two of them finally got into the car and left Enron's home.

After getting into the car, Chu Feng didn't speak, but fell asleep against the car window, and An Ran thought that he was woken up by his parents in the morning, but he didn't bother him, leaning on his side and looking at the scenery outside the window.

Before she knew it, she was also falling asleep.

When she woke up, An Ran was stunned, and she found that this path was not the direction that led to the dragon soul.

She looked at Chu Feng beside her who was already awake, and asked suspiciously.

"Where are we going?"

Chu Feng turned his head to look at An Ran.

"You wake up, go to our Chu family, the uncle happens to be at home, I have some things to discuss with him first."

An Ran didn't ask any further, she knew that Chu Feng must be related to the question about the house that her parents had asked Chu Feng about in the morning.

After a moment, she muttered.

"Actually, we just live in a divided house, it's pretty good!"

An Ran looked at Chu Feng with a simple face.

Chu Feng touched An Ran's head, took her into his arms and said.

"That's not good, if I marry you, I must make you the happiest woman in the whole of China, how can it be hasty, that's not my Chu Feng's style, the house is definitely needed, you don't care about this matter."

An Ran observed that Chu Feng's expression was very serious, and he also closed his mouth.

Soon, they arrived at the Chu family.

Chu Feng walked in with An Ran.

"Where's Uncle?"

The guard of the doorman replied to Chu Feng.

"The deputy minister should be drinking tea in the back hall, he knows that you are coming, and he is waiting for you!"

Chu Feng nodded, and then took An Ran to the back hall, and saw Chu Zheng sitting leisurely under the pavilion drinking tea.

"Chu Feng, come, come and do it!"

Chu Zheng first saw Chu Feng and beckoned the two of them to go over for tea.

"What, is it okay to go to your mother-in-law's house?"

Chu Zheng looked at Chu Feng with a smile and turned his head to An Ran again.

"It went well!" An Ran spoke first, "My parents are very satisfied with him, and they wish they could let him go early!" "

An Ran praised Chu Feng.

Chu Zheng laughed.

"Of course, my nephew is so good, it can be called a new benchmark in this vast Chinese army, it must be loved by everyone, Comrade An Ran, this is your blessing, maybe as soon as you let go, Chu Feng will be gone."

Listening to his uncle always joking with An Ran, Chu Feng grabbed An Ran's hand and replied to Chu Zheng.

"Uncle, don't worry, I won't let go of her hand, I came today to discuss something serious for you."

"What's the matter?"

Chu Zheng looked at Chu Feng suspiciously.

"I want to marry An Ran as soon as possible."

Chu Feng glanced at An Ran seriously and said firmly to Chu Zheng.

"So I'm going to prepare a house in the capital, uncle, you know, I don't know anything about these things, and I'm not familiar with them, I want you to help me take a look and choose."

After Chu Zheng listened, he said excitedly.

"No problem, you are now the head of the Chu family, and you have the final say on all major matters, I will arrange someone to help you pay attention to it in the next few days, and give you a reply when the time comes."

"Thank you, uncle." Chu Feng politely thanked Chu Zheng.

"Thank me, you should have started to progress on this matter earlier, and you can't delay your life's work."

Looking at Chu Zheng's appearance, Chu Feng smiled knowingly.

"Have lunch at home, right?"

Chu Zheng asked about Chu Feng.

"No, let's go back to the army directly, let's eat again when we have time."

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