After the wedding, Chu Feng said goodbye to all the guests one by one.

After all, the guests present all have important things to do, and they can't delay too long.

And in order to give Chu Feng a sweet honeymoon after marriage, the military department personally approved a one-and-a-half-month vacation for Chu Feng.

Chu Feng drove the car to An Ran's family to their luxury villa, just when the door was opened.

Jingle bells!

Chu Feng's mobile phone rang suddenly.

It turned out to be a phone call from the Anti-Terrorism Department, and Chu Feng seemed to have something in his mind.

"What's wrong?"

An Ran came over and asked Chu Feng.

"I'll answer a phone call, you take your parents upstairs first!"

After Chu Feng saw An Ran and other family members enter the house, he came out and picked up the phone.

"I'm Chu Feng, what's the matter?"

The voice of the head of the anti-terrorism bureau came from the phone.

"Chu Feng, I know it's inappropriate to call at this time, but now there is an urgent message that you need to deal with, and we have already sent someone to the Dragon Soul Brigade. You can also accept it, I really don't want to delay your vacation. "

"Director, I'll take it!" Chu Feng said calmly: "I, first of all, am a soldier, and then myself!" "

The director said bitterly: "That's really sorry, I can only rely on you at this time!" "

Chu Feng raised his brows, thought for a while, and hung up the phone.

He didn't choose to go upstairs, but called Enron directly.

"My dear, I'm going back to the brigade right now, there's a more urgent task over there."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, An Ran already understood that Chu Feng was going out on a mission.

"Shall I go back with you?"

"No!" Chu Feng rejected An Ran's request, "You can rest well at home, I'll just go back alone, when I come back, we will travel together, please explain it to your parents." "

After finishing speaking, Chu Feng returned to the Dragon Soul in a military vehicle.

The members of the Dragon Soul Brigade had already received the grapevine, and they heard that there was an urgent task, and everyone was waiting for Chu Feng's order in the equipment warehouse.

Tang Xinyi was talking to someone from the counter-terrorism department in the conference room.

Chu Feng pushed the door and walked in.

"What happened?"

Tang Xinyi anxiously walked over and said to Chu Feng.

"The CTA has received the latest information that Santu, an important member of the international criminal organization K2, has been found at the border of Yunnan."

Chu Feng sat down and looked at the information on the big screen.

The counter-terrorism department continued to give an account.

"Sang Tu, an important member of the K2 organization, mainly responsible for the flow of the organization's underground funds in Southeast Asia, was informed by us when our country was trading, and is now preparing to abscond out of the country."

Chu Feng carefully stared at the person's information and learned about it.

"The decision of our Anti-Terrorism Department is to ask Captain Chu to lead your Dragon Soul to arrest the other party."

"Because this guy is protected by mercenaries, you can be dispatched. And this matter is very confidential and cannot be known to other forces! "

The tone of the CTA was very firm

"Captain Chu, time is pressing, I hope you can get ready to take action immediately, this K2 organization is currently very rampant in the world, and it has caused the attention of many countries, and now they are doing things under the noses of our country, we can't do anything."

After reading the information, Chu Feng said to the anti-terrorism department.

"Please rest assured that I will immediately select the members of the action team and set off immediately."

When Chu Feng came to the equipment warehouse, he saw that everyone was ready.

"Captain, let's go!"

He Chenguang said to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng glanced at everyone, hesitated, and spoke.

"The situation of our operation this time is quite special, and the superiors have asked us to only allow us to form a special team of nine people to carry out the mission, so I will now talk about the members of the mission this time, and come out!"

The team members looked excited, and they gathered their eyes to look at Chu Feng.

"He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu, Xu Tianlong, Song Kaifei, Zhuang Yan, Shi Dafan, Deng Zhenhua, a few of you will go with me on a mission this time, and the others will wait for news in the brigade, and if there is an emergency, support immediately."

Li Erniu originally lowered his head, but after hearing his name, he was so excited that he jumped on Wang Yanbing's body.

"Eh, I was really scared to death, this time I finally let me go out on a mission."

Wang Yanbing smiled at Li Erniu and said.

"Brother Niu, you won't be so excited, be careful to wait for the captain to change you."

When Wang Yanbing said this, Li Erniu jumped down in a panic.

"Now let's start checking the equipment, and in ten minutes, follow me!"

Chu Feng put on his equipment and sent a message to An Ran before getting on the plane.

"When I come back, love you."

The assault team flew in a helicopter towards the target location.

On the plane, Chu Feng explained the situation to the team members.

"This is the target we are going to capture, now let everyone take a look and remember this person."

Chu Feng handed the photo in his hand to the hands of the team members.

"We must not relax this time, according to the information from the superiors, this person is protected by a group of well-trained mercenaries, these mercenaries are composed of former special forces from various countries in the world, and even the poster commandos of the United States."

Chu Feng observed the expressions of each team member, his face was a little nervous, and his heart was also tense.

He cheered up at his teammates.

"No matter how strong the opponent's combat power is, as long as we meet our dragon soul, we can take down the other party, do you have confidence!"

After Chu Feng's encouragement, everyone's hearts burned again, and they looked at Chu Feng firmly.

He Chenguang spoke.

"Don't worry, captain, our dragon soul will never pick soft persimmons, I will let the other party know how powerful we are."

"Well done!"

Chu Feng gave the players a thumbs up than this.

"This time, it's still the same as last time, He Chenguang and Li Erniu are snipers, Wang Yanbing and Song Kaifei are the deputies of the two, and the others are the fire support, do you understand?"

After receiving the captain's order, Wang Yanbing glanced at He Chenguang who was sitting next to him, this time he was not as unhappy as before, because he knew that whether he was a sniper or a deputy, he had a major role.

"Happy working together?"

Wang Yanbing stretched out his hand to He Chenguang.

He Chenguang replied with a smile.

"Happy working together!"

After several hours of flying, the plane reached the sky above the site of Yun Nan's operation.

Said the pilot.

"Captain, can you land?"

Chu Feng gave the other party an OK gesture, and as a striker, he came to the door of the plane and slid down the rope easily.

The team members followed, one after the other.

Chu Feng looked at the plane in the sky and sent a finished message to the other party.

The plane looked at the appearance of the commando team and slowly flew into the sky. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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