Chu Feng confirmed his location and sent it to the Anti-Terrorism Department.

The other party quickly returned the information.

"The other party has already started moving towards the border an hour ago, and I hope you will intercept them at the border quickly."

After Chu Feng received the order, he glanced at the map.

It would take them two and a half hours to reach the border if they followed the normal route, but this speed was too slow and it was easy to miss the best time.

Chu Feng compared the route on the map, and he suddenly found that there was a small river in front of him, and if he crossed it directly, the time could be shortened by half.

"Everyone go in this direction, and we will reach the border line position in the fastest time!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Feng led the team members to start moving towards the border.

Santu was now crossing the jungle under the protection of a mercenary team, preparing to smuggle across the border.

Their movements were fast, and Santu received a message from the organization, telling him that his identity had been exposed to Huaxia's surveillance, and that he was quickly evacuated from Huaxiaguo.

But just as they were hurrying through the woods, the mercenary captain Ah Shui made a pause gesture.

Everyone suddenly crouched on the ground.

Sang Tu asked suspiciously.

"What's the matter, the border of China is ahead, why don't we leave?"

Ah Shui said softly to Sang Tu.

"There is movement ahead, it should be the border patrol team of Huaxia Kingdom."

"What then?"

Sang Tu became nervous, he didn't want to die in Huaxia because of a transaction.

Ah Shui glanced at his surroundings and commanded his team and said.

"We can get around from that side so we can avoid their sight, so we can cross the border as well!"

Ah Shui made a gesture and commanded his team members to cover the evacuation, change the route, and prepare to bypass the patrol from the side stream.

The mercenaries reacted quickly and immediately began to execute, running in the other direction under alternate cover.

The patrol of the border guards was only one squad, and they were resting nearby, and the squad leader looked at the hot weather and said to the soldiers.

"It's too hot for the hell, and the brothers can go down and take a cool shower, it's very comfortable."

Listening to the captain's proposal, it was not bad, so two or three soldiers swapped their guns behind their backs, jumped into the stream, and poured cold water on their bodies.

But just as they were happily washing, one of the soldiers heard a chaotic noise from the jungle next to them.

The soldier who often patrols the border has long since developed a good pair of ears, and he is sure that it is the footsteps of a group of people.

In order not to startle the snake, he immediately patted his teammates and jumped ashore and whispered to the squad leader.

"Squad leader, there seems to be someone over there!"

The squad leader glanced in the direction pointed by the soldier, although the jungle looked normal on the surface, but for the safety of the country, he signaled to go over and check the situation.

"Be vigilant and follow me!"

The squad leader led the soldiers over quickly.

"Not good!"

Ah Shui's consciousness was very sensitive, and he reacted for a while.

"We were discovered by each other."

Santu's nerves began to tense again.

"So what are we going to do?"

Ah Shui listened to the other party's footsteps getting closer and closer, and he said to Sang Tu.

"We can't give the other party a chance to react, after all, boss, your identity is special, once you expose your whereabouts, we are very likely to be tracked by the other party's special forces, so..."

Ah Shui said to his teammates.

"Wait a minute, the sniper is shooting at the opponent's fire support, and the others are shooting alternately after me, and we have to finish the opponent in the fastest time."


The mercenary captain Ah Shui soon saw the figure of the patrol force in his sight, and he put a silencer tube on the submachine gun in his hand and aimed it at the opponent's head.


Ah Shui fired the first shot, directly killing one of the opponents to the ground.

"Not good, there is danger ahead, cover shooting."

The patrol squad leader saw his soldier lying in front of him, and his eyes immediately turned red when he was hit by a bullet in the center of his skull.

"Fuck, the other party's strength is very strong, everyone should be careful....."

The eyes of all border guards were red.

died, but they were their comrades-in-arms who got along day and night.

Now he is dying in front of his own eyes, and no one can stand it.

At this moment, the mercenary commando team led by Ah Shui quickly launched a fire suppression, and rows of bullets strafed over.

The sniper occupies a vantage point, aiming at the opposing machine gunners.

The squad leader listened to the fierce attack and said to the machine gunner.

"Fire cover!"

The machine gunner set up the machine gun and fired a blind shot in front of him, without seeing the exact position of the opponent at all.

"Squad leader, their firepower is too strong, we can't resist at all."

The squad leader lowered his head and aimed his gun in front and shot over.


Chu Feng heard the sound of gunfire in the distance, he commanded his troops to stand on guard, looked at the map by himself, and stretched out his hand to geek.

"That's right, it's in front of us, it seems that the other party has reached the border line, and it will move quickly with me in a battle formation!"


Ah Shui saw that the other party had completely lost his ability to fight, and said to his teammates.

"Alternate cover, no one can be let go."

As he spoke, three or four team members behind him rushed forward with guns in their hands.

Under the fierce fire of the opponent, a patrol squad fell eight fighters in an instant, and the squad leader was also bombarded by grenades and was dying.

He looked at one of his own soldiers beside him, and he took the other man's hand and said.

"We are no match for them, you should evacuate quickly, tell the news to the headquarters, and let them send someone over."

"No, I'm not going to leave yours." The remaining soldier shouted to the squad leader, "As a soldier of Huaxia Kingdom, I would rather die on the battlefield than become a deserter." "

He looked into the squad leader's eyes and slowly closed them.

"Squad leader! Monitor! "

He yelled hoarsely at the squad leader's corpse, but he was the only one left fighting.

He gritted his teeth and raised the machine gun next to him, keeping his composure.

Ah Shui sensed that the opponent's firepower had gradually ceased, indicating that the battle was basically over.

"Show me if there's any live mouth in front of me, check it."

He said to his teammates.

The mercenaries in front of them walked vigilantly in front, pressing their own steps in the direction of the patrol force.

The only surviving soldier watched as the enemy got closer and closer to his position, and he clearly saw that the enemy was right in front of his eyes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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