The border guards with machine guns fired at the opponent without warning, relying on the jungle as a cover.

One of the mercenaries in front of him was shot in the leg by the sudden bullet because he didn't notice that there was still a person alive on the other side.


With a loud shout, he cursed and shot in front of him.

However, the well-trained soldier found himself spotted by the other side, and he dodged the bullets with a sideways roll, and he hid behind a tree, looking for the next suitable opportunity.

However, his figure was already seen by Ah Shui in the distance, the corners of Ah Shui's mouth rose, took the sniper rifle of his subordinates, and aimed at the position of the soldier.


Ah Shui quickly shot a bullet and hit the soldier's hand with the gun.

Seeing the bullet penetrate his right hand, the soldier clutched his hand and screamed in pain.

"You will all die here, as long as you hurt our soldiers, our Huaxia Kingdom will definitely not let you go."

Seeing that it was not early, Ah Shui said coldly to his subordinates.

"Don't waste any more time, kill him!"

The mercenary, who had been wounded by the soldier just now, walked over and said to the soldier with a smile.

"It's you kid who beat me, give me death!"

As he spoke, he raised his gun and shot at the other party.

At that moment, with a whizz from a distance, a bullet glided through the air and passed through the mercenary's temple.

Blood spurted wildly, and the mercenary fell directly in front of the soldier.

The soldier turned back in shock, only to see a small team coming like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

It was Chu Feng who came in time, he saw the other party's soldiers who were endangering his country with a gun in his hand, and shot the other party's head without hesitation.

Ah Shui suddenly reacted.

"It's not good, the friendly troops of the other side rushed over, look at the marksmanship, it should be their special forces."

Suddenly, several mercenaries in front of them panicked and looked around.

Chu Feng shouted at his teammates.

"Cross-fire, suppression of fire from the front, covering our soldiers."

Chu Feng's agile technique quickly entered the battle state.

Sang Tu asked nervously shaking Ah Shui's arm at this time.

"What are we going to do now, why is this happening again?"

Ah Shui stared at the situation ahead and said with a fixed heart.

"Huaxia Country is a forbidden place for mercenaries, they will not let us go if they find out, we will evacuate immediately!"

He sent letters to his men

"Cover the evacuation, don't fight!"

At this time, the wounded soldier picked up the gun with one hand, watched the other party flee one after another, and shot in the direction of the escape.

The Dragon Soul Brigade led by Chu Feng rushed to the area that had been attacked just now and saw the injured soldier and the soldiers who had died on the ground.

The blood in Chu Feng's whole body boiled, and his eyes were full of bright red bloodshots.

"Damn, these people's methods are so cruel!"

He turned his head to Zhuang Yan and said.

"Bandage that brother's wound right away."

Seeing that it was the special forces of his national team rushing over, the soldier hurriedly stood up and walked to Chu Feng's side, and said with tears in his eyes.

"Chief, I'm fine, I'm still able to continue fighting, please let me stay and avenge my dead brothers."

As he spoke, the wounded soldier burst into tears.

He Chenguang looked at the wounds of the sacrificed soldier and said.

"It's all fatal wounds, one fatal, these people really have two efforts."

Wang Yanbing closed his eyes and replied.

"These bunnies, look like I'm going to blow their heads off."

The members of the Dragon Soul Squad spoke enthusiastically.

Chu Feng looked at the soldier, patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, I really didn't disgrace our Huaxia country, worthy of our border soldiers, they are all good, I believe you will be able to avenge your comrades-in-arms."

Chu Feng glanced at Zhuang Yan and signaled.

Zhuang Yan quickly wrapped a bandage around the soldier and nodded at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said to the team.

"We're going to speed us up and not let them escape."

After speaking, Chu Feng stepped on the body of the mercenary who had been killed just now and stepped on it.

Ah Shui took Sang Tu and fled frantically in the direction he had just set, but fortunately they evacuated in time just now, and only lost one soldier.

With only two kilometers of the border line ahead, they had been evacuating alternately under cover, and someone in the team said to Ah Shui at this time.

"Boss, I think our current firepower can overpower the other side's special forces, I have fought with the soldiers of the Huaxia Army before, and the quality of the soldiers cannot be compared with ours at all!"

Another mercenary said to Ah Shui.

"That's right, boss, we have fought against the special forces of the United States before, and I don't believe that their quality can be compared to the special forces of the United States."

Ah Shui hesitated at this time.

Said to his men.

"We can lay an ambush here, and at the speed of their march, it should be some time before they can get there."

Ah Shui watched Sang Tu's physical strength slowly begin to decline, and he arranged his troops to prepare to ambush the unknown special forces of the Huaxia Kingdom behind him.

"The first squad is in ambush in front, take the other side by surprise, and let them know how powerful we are!"

Ah Shui gave an order to his first squad.

"The second and third squads are on standby, and when the time comes, press me from the side to exterminate the special forces at the stacking point."

Ah Shui is very aware of the capabilities of the special forces in the world, and in his eyes, the troops behind him are just a group of soldiers who are a little stronger than ordinary soldiers, and they do not pose any threat to themselves.

Just when his first squad was just preparing for battle behind him, the sound of battle quickly sounded.

"So fast!"

Ah Shui was very surprised, he didn't expect the other party to have such a fast ability to act.

Chu Feng's Dragon Soul squad was pressing on the other party behind him, and suddenly found that a small group of combat troops on the other side had detoured back in front of him in their direction.

Chu Feng quickly judged the other party's consciousness and ordered himself.

"They want to ambush us, fire at them, and don't give them any chance to prepare!"

He Chenguang subconsciously raised his sniper rifle, aimed at the opponent's head, and fired the first shot.

Subsequently, the Dragon Soul squad carried out a fierce fire suppression against the opponent's position.

For a while, the other party was thrown into chaos.

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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