Sang Tu lay on the ground in fright, not daring to move, shouting for the mercenaries around him.

"Come and protect me, beat them up! I paid for it! "

At this time, Santu's heart was extremely frightened, and he returned to such a tense state in the state that had just relaxed.

The remaining mercenaries covered in batches, shooting haphazardly towards Chu Feng's position, obviously disrupted by Chu Feng's sneak attack this time.

After all, it was now the territory of other countries, and Chu Feng knew very well that the battle must be ended as soon as possible.

He used his tactics to command his team to annihilate the mercenary squad.

"He Chenguang, you and Li Erniu immediately give me to defeat the other party's snipers, don't give the other party any chance!"

Although Chu Feng knocked out the head of the other party's mercenaries, seeing that the number of the other party was still above them, he said to the rest.

"The others, the machine gun team gave me fire cover, to buy a good time for the snipers, and the rest, give me cover to advance, give us little time left, after closing in, the grenades are waiting for these turtle sons."

After speaking, Chu Feng took the lead and began to assault.

The heavy gunfire soon attracted the border patrols of other countries, who followed the direction of the sound and reconnoitred towards the borders of their own countries.

After being commanded by Chu Feng tactically, the firepower dominance of the Dragon Soul squad became more obvious, and with the degree of skillful cooperation, suppressing the opponent's firepower could not counterattack the opponent at all.

"Oh my God, what kind of special forces is this, it's just a god, this kind of combat power is too strong!"

A mercenary lay on the edge of a stone by the river, his eyes falling out in shock.

They watched as the Dragon Soul squad began to move rapidly towards their positions, and everyone panicked.

The mercenaries suddenly couldn't believe that they were also special forces, how could there be such a big gap in strength.

"We can't see the position of the opposing snipers at all, their fire is too heavy, and our casualties are too heavy."

The mercenaries watched as their teammates fell to the ground one by one, and the survivors couldn't find a suitable way to defend.

Chu Feng led the assault group to a position only a hundred meters away from the opponent, and he could clearly see the position of each mercenary.

"Grenade, aim for me and throw it!"

Chu Feng personally pulled out a grenade from his body and threw it towards the location where the mercenary was hiding.

Zhuang Yan, Deng Zhenhua, Xu Tianlong, and Shi Dafan threw all the grenades on each other with a brush.

With a sound of explosions, the other side completely lost its sense of battle by this bombardment.

Seeing this opportunity, Chu Feng immediately ordered all the personnel to rush over for the final finish.

When the Dragon Soul squad all ran over, all the mercenaries died under Chu Feng's gunfire.

"Count the number of people and clean up the battlefield!"

Chu Feng turned around and looked for something.

"Captain, Sangtu is here!"

Zhuang Yan said to Chu Feng, Sang Tu held his head in his hand, lying on the ground and trembling his body.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Sang Tu said to Chu Feng in horror.

Chu Feng was angry, stretched out his hand to pick up the mulberry soil, looked at the cannon fodder on his face, and sarcastically said to him.

"You're running, aren't you very good at running?"

Sang Tu looked at the Huaxia State special combat team members beside him in horror, pointed to Ah Shui, who had died on the ground, and confessed.

"I told them not to mess with the Huaxia troops, but they didn't listen, alas, why am I so unlucky. I don't want to go against you, it's all this bastard's doing! "

Seeing Sang Tu complaining alone, Chu Feng said to him in a cold tone.

"Since you dare to violate the rights of our country on our territory, we will definitely bring you to justice, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will arrest you back and take you away!"

Chu Feng glanced at the time, it had been more than ten minutes since they started fighting, and the border guards of their country would soon rush back, in order to avoid direct contact, they needed to return to the territory of Huaxia Country as soon as possible.

Chu Feng led his team and retreated towards the border with Sang Tu.

Soon, Chu Feng returned to the territory of his own country, and at this time, the border guards of the neighboring countries arrived at the place where the incident happened just now.

They looked at the corpses lying on the ground in amazement, and said suspiciously.

"What the hell is going on, who are they, how did they die here?"

Observing the dress and equipment of the other party, the soldiers of the patrol of the neighboring country noticed the problem.

"These people look like some elite international mercenaries, but..."

They didn't dare to imagine what kind of people could beat the bodies of these mercenaries into a hornet's nest, and they looked like honeycomb coal, and they couldn't bear to look at them directly.

"It must have been done by the troops of Huaxia Kingdom, with such a strong strength, only the troops of Huaxia Kingdom can do it, captain, should we hold them accountable, they invaded our land without authorization."

The soldier said to his captain.

The captain of the border guard looked at the fate of these people and said with a sigh.

"Forget it, we can't accuse them without evidence, we have also seen how strong the strength of the Huaxia State army is, even if it is reported, it is useless, the country will not have a conflict with the Huaxia State because of this matter, and it will not end well!"

When the captain said this, the soldiers also agreed with the captain's statement.

"That's right, let's not get ourselves in trouble, after all, our country has nothing to lose."

"Yes, yes, I never want to have a military problem with Huaxia, their combat effectiveness is too terrible."

The captain listened to the exclamation of his soldiers, and said with a sigh himself.

"I hope that our country will not go to war with Huaxia in this life."

After that, the border guards of the neighboring country cleaned up the battlefield, buried the bodies of these mercenaries, and quickly left.

Chu Feng escorted Sang Tu back to the place where the battle on the border of Huaxia Kingdom had first taken place.

The soldiers neatly placed the bodies of the sacrificed border guards together, and Chu Feng shouted angrily at Sang Tu.

"See, that's what you did, let the warriors of our country lose their lives forever, you damn it!"

Sang Tu was pushed to the ground by Chu Feng, and he closed his eyes nervously, not daring to witness all this.

"I didn't do it, it has nothing to do with me, it was all killed by those mercenaries, I don't have the ability to do this, they shot and killed these people, and I don't want to cause such consequences."

"You don't want to?" Chu Feng was enraged again by Sang Tu's words, and he put his foot on Sang Tu's body and said, "Aren't those mercenaries your people?" "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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