Sang Tu shook his head and replied to Chu Feng.

"No, these people were all sent by the black cat, and they have nothing to do with me."

"Black cat?"

Chu Feng frowned, and explained the information to himself in the previous anti-terrorism bureau that the black cat was the leader of K2, and he stared at Sang Tu's eyes.

"That's right, it was the black cat who sent me to protect me, I really just wanted to run for my life. I know how powerful the Huaxia army is, and I didn't want them to kill people at all, it was their own decision. "

Chu Feng stood up, muttering the name of the black cat in his mouth, and he turned to Sang Tu and said.

"Do you have a black cat phone?"

Sang Tu hesitated, not daring to look directly into Chu Feng's eyes.

"Speak up quickly, or I'll kill you right now and let you go to those mercenaries!"

After hearing Chu Feng's warning to himself, Sang Tufang nodded and replied.

"I have, here."

Sang Tu took out a mobile phone from his body and explained it to Chu Feng.

"This is the black cat's phone."

After Chu Feng took the mobile phone, he dialed it very decisively.

Tick tick!

The black cat was waiting for Santu's news at the headquarters at this time, but he didn't expect that Santu's call happened to come at this time.

"Crooked, Sangtu, why did you give me the news so late, didn't you tell you, let you give me the information immediately after you leave Huaxia Kingdom!"

Listening to the voice of the black cat, Chu Feng said lightly.

"Sangtu has been arrested by us, I am here to warn you, all the mercenaries you arranged have been killed by us, I advise you not to provoke our Huaxia Kingdom."

The black cat was suddenly stunned, he thought that Sang Tu had been arrested, and he was about to hang up the phone immediately, but Chu Feng continued to talk to the black cat.

"If I find out that you dare to invade our Huaxia Kingdom next time, I, Chu Feng, will definitely break your body into pieces, this is Huaxia's most severe warning to you. Black cat, you'd better keep it in mind, because you won't have a next time! "

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Toot toot!

The phone's chime kept ringing in the black cat's ears, and the black cat was stunned.

The subordinates beside him asked suspiciously at the black cat.

"Big brother, what's the matter, is there something wrong with Santu!"

The black cat was silent, did not speak, and slowly put the phone on his desk.

It took a long time for the black cat to open.

"You immediately go and notify the high-level team members, and immediately convene an emergency high!"


Soon, all the high-level members of K2 came to the conference room, and the black cat regretfully explained that Sang Tu was arrested by Huaxia Guo this time.

It immediately caused a sensation in the scene, and the members discussed what was going on, making the scene chaotic.


The black cat slapped the table angrily and said.

"What is the question we have to discuss now is how to solve this matter?"

The black cat told his subordinates that the captured backbone Sang Tu was very important to them, and that there was a hard disk in Sang Tu's hand, and he had all the wealth of K2 in the entire Asian region, which had a great impact on them, and now he was captured by the troops of Huaxia Kingdom, and the matter became very serious.

The black cat sighed.

"If Sang Tu confesses everything, first of all, our K2's wealth will be lost, needless to say, even all of you here will be implicated."

When the black cat said this, the big guys were so frightened that they didn't dare to speak, and lowered their heads and became silent.

The entire conference room fell silent for a moment.

After a while, someone suddenly proposed.

"Then if we negotiate with Huaxia, do you think this is possible?"


The black cat stared at the member curiously, the idea was new to him.

"Tell me, what kind of negotiation method is it?"

The members gathered their thoughts and reported to the black cat.

"According to my understanding, Huaxia attaches great importance to the part of anti-terrorism, the latest news, in order to target international terrorists, they also deliberately set up an anti-terrorist action group, we K2 has fed so many people, you see....."

This member's idea was quickly taken seriously by the black cat, and during this time, Huaxia was indeed particularly concerned about the anti-terrorist elements, and the black cat thought that they could hand over some information about the anti-terrorist elements to Huaxia in exchange for mulberry soil.

This idea was immediately exchanged in the conference room, and everyone unanimously agreed that the terrorists they handed over would be more valuable than Sangtu and a greater threat to Huaxia.

The member said to the black cat.

"Big brother, as long as this mulberry soil does not attract the attention of Huaxia, for Huaxia, there is no threat to them at all, and it is not as good as these terrorists."

After listening to everyone's proposal, the black cat smiled with satisfaction, and he decided on the final plan.

"I agree with this condition, and immediately inform Huaxia that as long as they are willing to hand over the mulberry soil, we can put a large number of terrorists into their hands and tell them that this condition is only good for them, and there is no harm!"

After the meeting, Black Cat immediately sent someone to contact the Huaxia Police Headquarters.

They contacted the police station through the network key, told them about their conditions, and hoped that the police headquarters could seriously consider it and not miss this great opportunity.

After seeing the news, considering the seriousness and mystery of this information, the assistant immediately went directly to the office of the Minister of Police and conveyed the news to the Minister of Police.

"No, it can't be!"

When the police chief received the news, he shouted at his assistant.

"Tell them that this is wishful thinking, our Huaxia Kingdom will not be so unconfident to agree to their demands, we will not give anyone conditions, and it is impossible to accept their negotiations."

The Minister of Police was very angry, he never thought that this group of international criminal organizations would have such the audacity to talk to them about conditions.

He said to his assistant.

"Please tell the black cat, our Huaxia Kingdom will not accept any negotiations between criminals and terrorists, those K2 members in Huaxia we can catch them ourselves, and the terrorists can't escape from our palms, let him die of this heart!"

Soon, the news reported by the police department was notified to the black cat.

After the black cat saw the news that Huaxia fed back to him, he was furious.

"Our K2 is an extremely large international criminal organization in the world, in other countries, they don't dare to provoke us at all, our K2 gave such tempting conditions this time, and they rejected it, this group of guys with no eyes."

The black cat looked at the report in his hand in annoyance. _

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