Black Cat felt that Hua Xia Guo was humiliating himself for a while, and did not take the negotiation proposed by himself and K2 seriously.

He immediately made up his mind and decided to prepare a plan to take revenge on Huaxia.

He said to his men.

"Immediately prepare a new round of plans for me, strike at Huaxia, let them know how powerful we are, and force them to hand over the mulberry soil."

"Okay, boss, I'll do it right away!"


At this time, Chu Feng had already returned to the Anti-Terrorism Bureau to explain the anti-terrorism operation to his superiors.

After the superiors examined the battle report submitted by Chu Feng this time, they began to praise him.

"Chu Feng, you did a good job this time, without any loss from you, you defeated the other party's mercenaries, and captured Sangtu alive, and successfully completed the task."

As he spoke, the superior leader walked in front of Chu Feng and took out the military merit medal for this operation.

However, Chu Feng's face did not show any joy, and there was even a hint of sadness.

He refused the military merit medal given to him by his superiors, and he spoke.

"I thank my superiors for their trust in me, but I feel that this mission is a very failure!"

The leader thought that Chu Feng was joking modestly, everyone knew that Chu Feng had completed this task perfectly, how could it be a failure?

Chu Feng thought in his heart that those border guards were lying in a pool of blood one by one, still holding steel guns in their hands, Chu Feng couldn't forgive himself.

"I feel that I am very useless, if I had arrived earlier, those brave soldiers would not have died, this is my dereliction of duty, I think these military medals and awards belong to those soldiers who sacrificed their lives to defend our China."

The leader listened to Chu Feng's suggestion and patted Chu Feng's shoulder with relief.

"Rest assured, the state will also reward those soldiers who sacrifice themselves to defend the border, and they are all good. You are all the best soldiers, and the Motherland will not forget you! "

Chu Feng's eyes were always resolute, and he secretly swore in his heart that K2 and the black cat would become the eternal enemies in his heart, and he would definitely avenge these warriors.

Finally, after some consultations, the CTC applied to the military superiors to pay generous subsidies to the soldiers who died in this operation, so that their family descendants would be treated well.

In the Huaxia Secret Bureau, because of this border operation, K2 was implicated, and many people in the border detachment were killed, so they began to be busy at this time.

The leaders of the Secrecy Bureau attached great importance to this incident, reopened the Black Cat file, which had been sealed by the Secrecy Bureau for many years, and re-took out this part of the information and began to study it.

After a series of discussions, the director of the Secrecy Bureau and other senior leaders got the final opinion.

In the internal understanding of the Secret Bureau, they knew the relationship between Zhang Haiyan and Ye Cunxin and the black cat.

For so many years, the reason why Zhang Haiyan has not been moved. is because the Secrecy Bureau knows that Zhang Haiyan is a secret stake planted by K2 in Huaxia, and there is another use for keeping her.

But this operation made them suspect that K2 would have a revenge on Huaxia, and would definitely take some action to strike a fierce blow to Huaxia.

The senior leader of the Secrecy Bureau spoke

"Everyone knows that Black Cat has a strong sense of self-esteem and revenge, and is a completely unprincipled person, this time he must have carried out many actions against Huaxia and caused harm to our Huaxia."

Everyone began to gather together to discuss, and in the end, they found that Ye Cunxin was in the Dragon Soul Brigade led by Chu Feng, and if the black cat wanted to retaliate, it would definitely start with Ye Cunxin's special forces.

They decided that Ye Cunxin would become a traitor.

"Immediately arrest Ye Cunxin and start a private review of her!"

After receiving the message from the superior leader, the Secrecy Bureau issued an order and dispatched a large number of people to the Dragon Soul Brigade.

"Could you please show me the evidence?"

All the members of the Fire Phoenix stood in front of the people of the Secret Bureau, preventing them from arresting Ye Cunxin.

Ye Cunxin was frightened by the situation in front of her, she didn't know what happened to her at all.

"Please don't obstruct official business, this is Ye Cunxin's arrest warrant, please cooperate!"

The Secrecy Bureau said to them in a straight voice.

"Ye Cunxin is our team member, we know her very well, she is not such a person, how much she has contributed to our Huaxia, you should all know very well, now tell us that she has a problem, it's ridiculous!"

The members of the Fire Phoenix protested one after another.

The Secret Bureau directly broke through the blocking of the members of the Fire Phoenix, and walked in front of Ye Cunxin, preparing to arrest her.

At this time, Tan Xiaolin called Lei Zhan over, and the two of them arrived here in time and said to the people from the Secret Bureau.

"If you arrest her, then take me too!"

"Are you going to rebel..."

Seeing this situation, the Secret Bureau was very embarrassed to act, and they came to Lei Zhan and said to him.

"Ye Cunxin's father is the leader of the international criminal organization K2, Black Cat, and just now during the mission carried out by your captain, he killed many soldiers of our border patrol team, so we want to review the relationship between her and Black Cat, I hope you will cooperate?"

After listening to the secret revealed by the people of the Secret Bureau, the members of the Fire Phoenix team were very surprised.

"How is that possible?"

"How can the father of the big dog be a criminal, you must be mistaken!"

"Don't wronged people, okay, we can sue you?"

Everyone pleaded for Ye Cunxin together, and even Ye Cunxin himself was very surprised after hearing about it.

She said to herself.

"Isn't my father already dead?"

She stood there with a blank look in her eyes.

Lei Zhan was also speechless at this time, Tan Xiaolin stood beside Lei Zhan and said softly.

"Could it be that they are mistaken, how is this possible?"

Lei Zhan shook his head.

"No, if any department makes a mistake, the information of the Secret Bureau must not be wrong, which means that they really have evidence."

In this way, the people from the Secret Bureau directly took Ye Cunxin back to the bureau for review.

It didn't take long for Chu Feng to return to the Dragon Soul Brigade from the Anti-Terrorism Bureau, and at this time, everyone was standing at the door with anxious eyes.

"What's wrong, you look so unhappy?"

Chu Feng asked suspiciously.

Everyone rushed to explain to Chu Feng, and the scene was very chaotic.

"Stop!" Chu Feng was disturbed by this mess of hemp, "Lei Zhan, you say!" "

Lei Zhan stood in front of Chu Feng and told Chu Feng what had happened. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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