After the director of the Secret Bureau learned the news that Ye Cunxin was forcibly taken away by Chu Feng, Lei Ting was furious, stood up, and yelled at his subordinates.

"This Chu Feng is too blind, when will it be someone else's turn to interfere in our Secret Bureau, it simply doesn't take us seriously."

The subordinates did not dare to speak, so they had to nod.

Chu Feng is a major general, only a person like the director can evaluate him, how can he be qualified.

"Director, that's what Chu Feng said, we didn't have a way at that time, you also know Chu Feng's temper, as long as it's what he wants to do, no one can stop it."

The director scolded angrily.

"It's not okay to be in charge of a dragon soul to give him what he can, even if the National Security Bureau does things, he has to give our Secret Bureau a face, this Chu Feng....."

The director of the secret bureau was speechless in anger, and beckoned his subordinates to go out.

He thought to himself.

"I'm just censoring a problematic female soldier under him, he bites like a mad dog, and he dares to take people away from me under my territory, it's really unusual."

But after that, the director of the Secret Bureau thought about it again, this Chu Feng is not only the captain of the Dragon Soul Brigade, but now he has also become the head of the Chu family, and his identity is even more prestigious, he can't fight Chu Feng hard, he must take other measures.

So, he found the military department and asked the people from the military department to give him an explanation.

Who knows, as soon as the military department heard that it was related to Chu Feng, they immediately began to protect the calf.

The minister of the military department said with a smile at the director of the secret bureau.

"This Chu Feng is a rough man, young and ignorant, and he doesn't understand the rules, so you don't need to compete with him."

The director of the secret bureau is unwilling, and he must let the military department give him an explanation.

The minister of the military department said euphemistically bypassing his own topic.

"You can rest assured, we can give you an exact statement that Chu Feng is a real soldier in our Huaxia, there will be no problem, since he did this, then there must be his reason, we have to understand him."

"Understand him?"

The director of the Secret Bureau was reluctant, and he found that the people in the military department were just giving Chu Fengyuan a field, and they simply didn't deal with the problem for themselves.

Seeing that the people in the military department showed that they had nothing to do with themselves in front of him, the director of the secret bureau scolded.

"Could it be that it makes sense for him Chu Feng to do things, but there is no reason for us to deal with things in the Secret Bureau, you guys are too disagreeable, this is simply not the attitude to deal with problems!"

The head of the military department found that the head of the Secret Bureau could not sit still, and began to change his harmonious tone to say to the director of the Secret Bureau.

"Don't worry, our military department has always done things fairly, and we will ask Chu Feng according to your accusations, I believe that Chu Feng will definitely give the country a satisfactory explanation, if you really ask. Use your Secrecy Bureau to get out, and our military department will be the first to clean him up. "

The minister of the military department did not give the director of the secret bureau a chance to breathe, and came to the director of the secret bureau and said.

"However, if he doesn't have a problem, this matter will be managed by our military department, and your Secrecy Bureau can save worry." The minister of the military department said a little seriously.

"After all, Chu Feng is now a major general, if your Secret Bureau directly attacks a major general, where will the face of our military department go, do you say it!"

The director of the Secret Bureau didn't expect that he came to ask for an explanation with a lot of enthusiasm, and this time he came and went, and he was countered by the people from the military department, and he knew very well that the people from the military department were all speaking for Chu Feng again.

If you keep spending here all the time, you can't solve the problem at all, the director of the Secret Bureau snorted coldly and left the military headquarters with a stomach.

The assistant to the minister of the military department said after watching the people from the Secret Service leave.

"Minister, you said that the people of this Secret Bureau are not good to provoke, you have to provoke Chu Feng's hard bones, it seems that the director of this Secret Bureau is on the same page as Chu Feng."

The head of the military department laughed.

"Since the people of the Secret Bureau are so powerful, let him be good, if he can defeat Chu Feng, then I, the minister of the military department, don't have to do it, tsk."

"That's right, why should a flower from our military department make the people of the Secret Bureau make irresponsible remarks."

The assistant was also reluctant to get up, he continued.

"Looking at the posture they just walked, it doesn't look like they are giving up, where should they go to ask for an explanation?"

"Then let him go, I also want to see who he can find to trip him with Chu Feng's current status."

was said by the people in the military department, and the director of the secret bureau knew that he could not discuss with them in the military department, so he took people to the office of the supreme leader to evaluate himself.

Who knows, when the director of the Secrecy Bureau told the Supreme Leader everything about it.

The Supreme Leader just smiled and said.

"I don't think what the people in the military department said is wrong, Chu Feng must have his thoughts when he does that, he is not like such a nonsense person, I have the same opinion as the military department."

The director of the Secret Bureau didn't expect that he was poured cold water by the supreme leader, and it was clearly a matter of his own reasoning, but in the end, he found that he was ignored again.

The director of the Secrecy Bureau expressed distress.

The Supreme Leader not only did not help the people in the Secret Bureau, but also asked rhetorically.

"Have you handled so many things in the Secret Bureau, and even you, the director of the bureau, have begun to cling to one thing, can't you handle this matter if you can't handle it?"

was criticized by the Supreme Leader, and the director of the secret bureau reluctantly shut his mouth.

He found that as soon as everyone heard Chu Feng, they began to favor Chu Feng, and they didn't take their words seriously at all.

He muttered to himself.

"This Chu Feng's life is too good, even if the military department protects him, even the supreme leader speaks for him, is this Huaxia what Chu Feng said?"

The director of the Secret Service was blasted out of his office by the Supreme Leader, and he stood outside with someone in chagrin.

It was at this moment that he really understood that everyone was protecting Chu Feng, a calf, and he couldn't afford to provoke him at all.

He shook his head and returned to the Secret Bureau with the man.

On the way back, he slowly thought of the importance of Chu Feng to Huaxia, if there was no Chu Feng, many things would be very difficult to complete, and Chu Feng's contribution to Huaxia could not be explained clearly.

From the Supreme Leader, the director of the Secret Bureau was the real blow, telling himself from the side that he trusted Chu Feng.

The supreme leader is already the highest-ranking person in Huaxia Kingdom, and he has given himself such an answer, and it seems that there is no hope for this matter. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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