How the Secret Bureau was looking for trouble with Chu Feng behind his back, Chu Feng didn't know anything about all this.

He brought Ye Cunxin back to the army, and then summoned everyone to the conference room.

In front of hundreds of people in the whole team, Ye Cunxin stood on the stage, bowing his head like a prisoner who had committed a crime.

At this moment, her heart was ashamed.

All her life, she has lived in pride, and always feels that she is a head above others.

So if there is something unsatisfactory, she will definitely be strong and will never allow herself to be lower than others.

But after this series of events, she suddenly realized that she was a poor worm.

The father is a criminal, and he is a world-renowned criminal.

With this alone, she was instantly much shorter than others.

The soldiers of the Fire Phoenix looked at Ye Cunxin nervously, they didn't know how Chu Feng was going to treat her.

Everyone has heard that Chu Feng broke into the Secret Bureau and brought Ye Cunxin back.

What is the Secrecy Bureau?

It's the place where the whole country spies and keeps all the secrets.

Those who are caught in will never be released unless they are completely detached from their relationship and released.

Chu Feng was tantamount to offending the entire Secret Bureau, just to rescue Ye Cunxin.

At such a big price, no one knew what Chu Feng would do to Ye Cunxin next.

Just when everyone was worried, Chu Feng came in through a door next to him and walked up to the stage with An Ran.

Ye Cunxin was so frightened that he hurriedly took a few steps back.

Chu Feng glanced at her, and then looked at all the soldiers coldly: "Everyone should know what happened, and they should also know what happened to Ye Cunxin!" "

Everyone was silent, silently waiting for Chu Feng's next words.

Chu Feng continued: "In our country, if a person wants to be a soldier, he needs to go through many audits, and even the audit of his grandfather's generation will not be spared. So everyone who enters the army is innocent! "

This sentence made Ye Cunxin's face instantly blush to the extreme.

With her current status, she is the last person who should be in the army.

Even if there is a person in the family who has been detained, the next generation is not allowed to be a soldier, not to mention that the black cat is still an international criminal, and he doesn't know how many crimes he has committed.

Ye Cunxin felt that even if Chu Feng put himself up, he was afraid that he would be finished.

It is basically impossible to stay in the army.

Chu Feng continued: "I don't care who you have lived or what you have done in society. As long as you are innocent and have not sinned. You are my soldiers, and you will always be my soldiers. I, Chu Feng, will always protect you! "

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they looked at Chu Feng with burning eyes.

As long as anyone with a little brain can hear that Chu Feng has something to say.

Sure enough, Chu Feng turned around and pointed at Ye Cunxin: "She, you are all familiar with her." Fire Phoenix's best sniper, but also Fire Phoenix's most disobedient soldier! "

"Her father has been verified as the leader of the international criminal organization K2, Black Cat. Countless crimes have been committed on their hands, including dozens of murders! "

"But I believe in Ye Cunxin, she has nothing to do with the black cat. The black cat is the black cat, and the leaf cunxin is the leaf cunxin. She is our comrade-in-arms day and night, do you think she is a spy and will endanger us? "


All the people screamed, and all the emotions in their chests burst out.

Ye Cunxin couldn't bear it anymore at this moment, and tears fell down one by one.

She was touched by everyone's sincerity.

Although she is usually so strong, she has a bad temper and offends a lot of people.

But one way or another, it came to the critical moment.

Her comrades-in-arms will always be on her side.

What is the purpose of being a soldier?

To have such a group of comrades-in-arms is enough in this life!

Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction: "At this moment, I just want to tell everyone, and also to Ye Cunxin!" "

"Our Dragon Soul Brigade is a whole, and those who can come in will be brothers and sisters all our lives!"

"You are the ones I am the one who can give my back to you when I go to the battlefield."

"So I absolutely believe in you, no matter what happens, I will stand with you unconditionally. Because I am not only your captain, but also your closest comrade-in-arms! "

Ye Cunxin's tears flowed down like an embankment, and he shouted excitedly: "Captain, I..."

Chu Feng smiled faintly at her: "Huaxia soldiers, life and death are shared." Dragon Soul Brigade, life and death will not give up! "

Everyone was full of enthusiasm, and shouted loudly with Chu Feng: "Huaxia soldiers, life and death are shared." Dragon Soul Brigade, life and death will not give up! "

An Ran went over and grabbed Ye Cunxin's hand, and Ye Cunxin hugged An Ran, crying like a child.

An Ran smiled and patted her on the back: "Okay, go home." Don't be afraid anymore! "


In a certain city in Europe, the black cat looked at the plan submitted by his subordinates, and the haze on his face for many days gradually dissipated.

"World Youth Games!" The black cat smiled: "This plan is very good, if you can make some movement in this sports meeting, Huaxia will definitely comply!" "

The assistant nodded: "Huaxia attaches great importance to its reputation in the world!" Today, their influence in the world is increasing day by day. If you can hold this kind of sports meeting, you definitely don't want to have an accident. "

The black cat smiled: "Yes, the analysis is very correct." As long as we make something happen, Huaxia feels threatened. Those damn Chinese people will definitely do what we ask! "

The assistant asked in a cold voice: "Boss, do you want to implement this plan?" "

The black cat thought for a moment: "Execute, by the way, gather people." Also, arrange for me, I'm going to Huaxia in person! "_

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