East China Sea, an international metropolis known as the Paris of the East.

On the main road with a lot of traffic, there is a unique building that stands out.

This is the office building of the Haitian Group, which has just risen in recent years.

And the owner of this building is also a well-known strong woman in the East China Sea: Zhang Haiyan.

With its excellent trading capabilities, Tianhai Group has become a new star in this market.

And its head, Zhang Haiyan, is a remarkable figure, known as a prodigy in the stock market, and has also participated in gambling and hotel investments around the world.

The annual profit for the group is very considerable.

It is precisely because of her legendary experience that she has won the reputation of the Iron Lady of the East China Sea.

In the political and business circles of the East China Sea, Zhang Haiyan has become a figure who can stir up the storm at any time.

Even in the military, Zhang Haiyan has a certain amount of energy.

She gives a big sponsorship to the military every year.

The military that benefited included the South-Eastern Military District and the South-Western Military District, as well as various R&D departments of the military department.

And Ye Cunxin's rebellious girl was able to enter the army, which also entrusts Zhang Haiyan's relationships.

If it weren't for Zhang Haiyan's connections to the sky, with Ye Cun's unclear background, he wouldn't have wanted to join the army if he was killed in this life.

And Zhang Haiyan didn't know at the moment that Ye Cunxin had been suspected and monitored.

She also didn't know that because of K2, the identity she had been trying to hide was also revealed.

Just this morning, when she went to work, she was already being followed by the police and the Secrecy Service at the same time.

At this time, in the Tianhai Building, Zhang Haiyan held a meeting as usual to arrange the work of the group.

After the meeting, she hurried to the office, ready to discuss the next step of cooperation with the bosses of several groups.

As soon as she pushed the door in, she was immediately shocked by what she saw.

A man, familiar enough to give her nightmares, was sitting in her chair with his legs crossed on his desk, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"You haven't seen me in so many years, you don't know me?" The black cat asked lightly.

"Black, black cat!" Zhang Haiyan seemed to see a ghost, and the whole person retreated uncontrollably.

"Stop!" A pistol was held to her head.

Zhang Haiyan looked back in shock, because the voice was too familiar.

I saw Secretary Yao, who was getting along with her day and night, holding her at a gun like a stranger at this time.

"You, you're his too?" Zhang Haiyan was furious.

Secretary Yao closed the door with a blank face. Go to the boss and go! "

Zhang Haiyan had no choice but to walk to the opposite side of the black cat.

The black cat smiled faintly: "Zhang Hai, are you sitting in this position?" Is the entire Tianhai Group yours? It's K2 that gives you the property! "

"Everything here is given to you by K2, and I put you in charge. Anyone around you, even the driver security guard, is likely to be organized! "

Zhang Haiyan looked ugly, for so many years, she had wanted to get out of the black cat's control.

K2 summoned her to attend conferences abroad several times, but she refused.

In return, 40% of the company's annual earnings are paid to K2.

Zhang Haiyan thought that if she was so conscientious and dedicated, K2 would not be looking for her, just treat her as a tool to make money.

Unexpectedly, the man who made her live in a nightmare for the rest of her life still appeared.

"You, you promised me that you would never come to me again for the rest of your life!" Zhang Haiyan said tremblingly.

The corners of the black cat's mouth hooked up a sneer: "My promise, you also believe it?" Your company is mine, and even your whole person belongs to me. What qualifications do you have to ask me? "

Zhang Haiyan's eyes showed pleading: "Black cat, for the sake of our former relationship, can you let me go?" I don't want to live that kind of life anymore, I want to live this life with our daughter in peace! "

The black cat slapped on the table: "Zhang Haiyan, is your brain caught by the door?" "

"Enter K2, unless we give up on you, when do you have the right to ask the organization not to come to you? According to the house rules, I can let you die now! "

Secretary Yao clicked and pulled the bolt on the side, and just waited for the black cat to give an order, and he could immediately end Zhang Haiyan's life.

Zhang Haiyan swallowed her saliva fiercely and looked at the black cat nervously: "Then for the sake of us having a daughter, can't you let me go?" She is your offspring, and she has your blood in her veins. Moreover, she is still a soldier ....."

The black cat laughed: "Soldier? So I think my identity is dirty? Don't forget, you can live a rich life comfortably, all of which are given to you by a dirty person like me! "

"She can easily buy a luxury car with a credit card, and it was also given to her by me, an international criminal."

"After enjoying so much, she turned around and didn't recognize her father, thinking her father was dirty! Such a daughter, should I keep her? "

Zhang Haiyan was so frightened that she immediately knelt down.

In the East China Sea, the dignified Iron Lady actually knelt down for a man.

If these bigwigs in the East China Sea business district see this, it is estimated that they will not believe it for the rest of their lives.

"Please, please let us go!" Zhang Haiyan cried and said, "She is your daughter, and she doesn't know anything about you. I kept telling her that her dad was a hero! "

The black cat exhaled heavily and sat back slowly: "Really? She also thinks his dad is a hero! "

Zhang Haiyan nodded: "She has longed to see you since she was a child, and she has always thought about you in her heart." Black cat, she's your daughter, please don't hurt her! "

The black cat looked at her coldly, looking at Zhang Haiyan's face full of tears, but he was indifferent.

He had been such a cold man for so many years.

Unscrupulous means to achieve the end.

Zhang Haiyan is the woman he has slept with the longest time in his life.

But so what, it's just a vent for him.

"Okay, I can promise you not to hurt my daughter!"

The black cat said lightly, "However, you have to do something for me." As long as you help me, I will never look for you again! "

Zhang Haiyan's heart was beating fiercely, and she had a premonition that something terrible would happen. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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