Zhang Haiyan followed the black cat when she was a teenager, and watched the black cat go from a ruffian hooligan to today.

She knows too well the personality of the black cat, and knows that this guy can do anything to achieve his goals.

Back then, in order to make a name for himself in K2, he even killed his benefactor's family.

In order to remain incognito, he returned to the past and killed everyone who knew him, not even his relatives.

Because of this, Zhang Haiyan is afraid of this man from the bottom of her bones.

"Don't be afraid, it's not for you to die!" The black cat smiled and said, "I still have to keep your life and take care of our daughter!" "

Zhang Haiyan trembled and asked, "You, what do you want me to do?" "

The black cat smiled slightly: "You have been mixed in the East China Sea for so many years, and you have already had a high level of connections and status. In the past two days, I have a brother coming, you can find a few hidden places for them to stay! "

"Also, provide me with thirty cars. You should also know that the Huaxia police don't like us K2. In order not to startle the snake, you can only use your connections! "

"That's all?" Zhang Haiyan asked.

The black cat smiled: "Finally, provide a list of all the foreigners who came to participate in the sports meeting this time." Where they live, what kind of car they take, what habits they usually have, and give me a detailed information. "

Zhang Haiyan looked at him in horror: "You, what are you going to do?" "

The black cat slapped on the table: "Do you want your daughter to live?" "

"Yes!" Zhang Haiyan nodded vigorously in fright.

The black cat snorted coldly: "Then do as I say, don't ask why, don't ask any questions!" "

"This matter is over, you can live well with your daughter, and I will let you go completely!"

Zhang Haiyan stood up tremblingly, staring at the black cat with both eyes: "You, are you serious?" "

The black cat nodded: "This time it must be serious, but you must hand over the Donghai Group, this is K2's property." As for you, I know you've left a lot of wealth over the years. When it's over, you can get out, your money is enough for your mother and daughter to live the rest of your life! "

Zhang Haiyan took a deep breath: "Okay, a word is a certainty." I'm going to do these things for you right away! "

The black cat waved his hand, and Secretary Yao stepped aside.

"Remember, you must keep it secret, so that the police can't find it!" The black cat reminded: "Don't betray me, otherwise, Ye Cunxin will give you a funeral!" "

Zhang Haiyan, who walked to the door, trembled again and walked out without hesitation.

For this strong woman, Ye Xin is everything to her.

It's okay to leave everything behind now, as long as you can keep Ye Cunxin safe.

After she left, Secretary Yao said, "The mission is over, really let her go?" "

The black cat snorted coldly: "If Huaxia knows each other, she can live." If Huaxia didn't know each other, then she would be harmed by the Huaxia government. I will be with everyone here, and I will be buried with you! "


An hour later, a phone call suddenly reached Wen Changlin's office.

Wen Changlin took off his glasses and picked up the phone, and after listening for a while, his whole face suddenly became extremely serious: "What did you say?" Are you sure that person is a black cat? "

"We followed Zhang Haiyan and saw him coming out of the building. You can't be wrong, it's 70% similar to the photos provided by Interpol. "

Wen Changlin hurriedly asked, "What about the people, are you tracked?" "

The scout said bitterly: "I was dumped, his anti-tracking skills are very clever, we are not opponents!" "

Wen Changlin's brows immediately furrowed: "If you continue to follow Zhang Haiyan, you must report all her movements!" "

Wen Changlin hung up the phone and immediately called a meeting of all the high-level officials under him.

He briefly told the matter, and the black cat came to the East China Sea, which immediately caused a shock.

Black Cat is a well-known criminal in the international community, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is even the number one terrorist.

Intelligence from several Western countries has confirmed that this black cat has supplied many terrorists with weapons and food.

Although it is not provided free of charge, it is a terrorist to do business with terrorists.

Such a person suddenly came to the East China Sea, and it came at such a sensitive time as the upcoming World Youth Games, and everyone would be nervous.

"Immediately set up a city-wide raid to find the black cat and his people!"

Wen Changlin yelled: "But don't make a big fuss, don't startle the snake and let the black cat know." This man is dangerous, and if he knows we're looking for him, he might do something earth-shattering! "

"It's the time of the Games, and no mass incidents can happen, understand?"

The deputy director hurriedly said: "Then we will increase the police force to investigate the intersection and patrol." Anyway, it's during the Games, and it's okay for us to do that! "

Wen Changlin shook his head: "No, the black cat is not a fool, he can see it." "

"In this way, all the people on patrol have changed into civilian clothes. Focus your patrols near sports venues and athletes' homes! "

"The whole city is on alert, all police officers cancel their vacations and come back immediately!"

Wen Changlin yelled: "Act immediately, if anything happens, none of us will be able to get out of it!" "

"Yes!" Everyone stood up at once.

Wen Changlin and everyone else left, and immediately picked up the phone.

"Hey, Minister? I'm Wen Changlin! "

Wen Changlin said anxiously: "I found that the number one criminal in the world, the black cat, came to the East China Sea, maybe, something big is going to happen!" "_

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