Wen Changlin informed the police department of the news of the black cat's appearance in the East China Sea.

After receiving the news, the police department attached great importance to it, and the chief of police personally supervised and commanded.

After all, the chaos caused by K2 in Huaxia is still vivid, and the impact caused is also very bad.

The police department concluded that the leader of the K2 organization, Black Cat, must have made a big move when he came to China in person, and it was very likely that he was planning a terrorist attack.

So the chief of police personally contacted the Secrecy Bureau to ask for information, and took the initiative to contact the National Security Bureau and the military department to request a joint operation.

Tokai City, which is very calm on the surface, is actually the sea on the eve of the storm.

Xiao Cheng personally called Wen Changlin.

"In any case, we must ensure that the World Youth Games are held as scheduled!"

Wen Changlin immediately made a military order: "Please rest assured, if there is any mistake, I Wen Changlin will come to see you." "

Xiao Cheng called the military department again: "Your military department, what are the arrangements?" There must be no negative impact, otherwise the international media will not eat dry. "

In fact, Xiao Cheng didn't say a lot of things, and now the rise of Huaxia has become a settlement, and foreign forces can't stop it, but those international media use a pen knife to smear Huaxia, which has caused a very bad image distortion for Huaxia.

If there is a little bit of a spread pool in the World Youth Movement this time, then they will definitely spare no effort to criticize Huaxia.

At that time, the entire international community may have to condemn China, and then it will be a war without gunpowder.

"Please rest assured, I have arranged for Chu Feng to go to the East China Sea, I believe that with the dragon soul led by him, he will not disappoint the leader."

Hearing the name Chu Feng, Xiao Cheng seemed to have taken a reassuring pill, and indeed Chu Feng had never let him down the country.

In the end, Xiao Cheng only said one sentence, even if Chu Feng was there, we couldn't take it lightly, and hung up the phone.


Donghai Haitian Resort, which is the designated accommodation for athletes of the World Youth Games.

With a beautiful location and a comprehensive range of services, it is one of the best resorts in the world.

Athletes from abroad have come here one after another, and they have come to this event with their dreams of sports competition.

Unbeknownst to them, a group of people who entered the resort as volunteers were carrying out secret activities in an orderly manner.

"Hurry up!"

"Be natural and don't attract the attention of others!"

A volunteer wearing a cap whispers a reminder to his companion.

No one would have imagined that boxes of explosives would be transported to the resort along with the World Youth Games materials.

At this time, a few cars came from a distance, and all the armed police came down.

"Check, check! Stop what you are doing, these materials must be checked! The armed police gave orders to the volunteers.

One of the volunteers at the head was polite to Wu and said, "Haven't you already checked it?" Why do you need to check? "

The armed police ignored it and just signaled to the other party to cooperate with the action.

"No problem! The people's police are for the people, brothers, and cooperate with the work. Then he motioned to the volunteers behind him to help the police with routine checks.

The moment he turned, he gave one of the volunteers a look.

The man hurriedly blocked a bag of supplies with an exception to a volunteer, and the person behind hurriedly dropped the bag of supplies.

But it was such a small action, but it was also noticed by an armed policeman.

The armed police immediately stopped their movements: "Don't move! What's in that package? "

The volunteer seemed to have just reacted and hurriedly explained: "This is the athlete's personal belongings. "

Then I hurriedly put down the package and opened the package, and sure enough, it was the equipment checked by the athletes.

After some inspection, several armed police officers and soldiers were left behind, and assistants were here, specially responsible for security checks.

But what they didn't know was that inside the package of the athletes' consignments were powerful arms and explosives.

And these volunteers turned out to be all members of the K2 organization arranged by Haitian Group to enter the resort.

"Hurry up and inform the chief, the Huaxia police seem to have noticed our actions, and the resort has been closely monitored by the police, so we must not make a big splash about our actions."


At the same time, Chu Feng had already made contact with the Minister of Police, and in addition to the Dragon Soul Squad, a large number of special forces had entered Donghai City to cooperate with the police department.

"Chu Feng, this time it's all up to you, I know the strength of the K2 organization, it is difficult to compete with them head-on with the strength of our police, I hope you can take care of it more." The chief of police said truthfully.

Chu Feng replied with a smile: "It is the obligation of our special forces to fight terrorists and mercenaries, so this time we still need the cooperation of your police department, although we do not belong to the same system, but we all have a common goal, that is, to protect the safety of people's property and safeguard national interests." "

"Well said, how do you need us to cooperate with your actions, you can just say it."

Chu Feng said 1510: "Without disturbing the people and athletes, strengthen security measures, and at the same time I also need you..."

After hearing this, the chief of police pondered for a moment: "This way... Is it really possible? Are you sure you won't make a big mess? "

Chu Feng replied confidently: "Don't worry, as long as you do it, the rest will be handed over to our military department." "

The Chief of Police finally made up his mind and said, "Good! I hope you don't let me down! "

After hanging up the phone, the police chief still slandered in his heart that only a madman could come up with this plan!


At the same time, in an unknown small hotel in the East China Sea, a graceful-looking woman walked in, who was Zhang Haiyan's secretary, codenamed Poison Fly.

In the past few years, she has been by Zhang Haiyan's side, and it can be said that she has mastered all of this company.

"Chief, the things you arranged have been done, and all our people have been arranged into the resort."

The black cat nodded and said, "What's going on with the Huaxia police." "

The poisonous fly replied: "The brothers outside have received news that the police department seems to have noticed something, and the investigation is very thorough, and the intensity is much greater than a few days ago.

Moreover, among the security personnel of the police department, there are many well-trained soldiers, which are difficult to deal with, so the brothers are a little constrained for the time being. "

The black cat nodded and said, "It seems that the Huaxia military has noticed us." "

Then the black cat got up from the chair, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the resort in the distance and said slowly: "Tell the brothers, start the action on the day of the opening ceremony of the World Youth Games." "_

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