Chu Feng immediately organized his subordinates to assemble

"I have received the news that the black cat has entered the bedroom and is hiding inside the Haitian Building." Hearing the name Haitian Building, Ye Cunxin couldn't calm down.

She took a step forward and said, "Boss! I'm going to arrest that guy myself! "

Chu Feng ignored it, but said very solemnly: "Don't talk until I finish assigning the task!" "

Ye Cunxin rarely saw Chu Feng so solemn, and retreated to the team and stood neutrally.

Then Chu Feng told everyone about Wen Changlin's arrangements. "This operation is different from the past, we have to cooperate with the work of the police department and arrest without affecting the World Youth Games..."

Chu Feng took a map and said: "This is a panoramic map of Donghai City, with my understanding of the black cat, he is a person who must be repaid."

Then the terrorist attack in our country will definitely seize the door, that is, the World Youth Games, so all the venues and facilities, we must be armed.

Now Erniu is already in the resort, but I suspect that it is one of K2's gathering points, so..."

Chu Feng looked at He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and said, "You two plus Erniu go and keep an eye on here, remember that no one is allowed to act without my order, otherwise I will ask you." "

Li Erniu, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing nodded solemnly, they rarely saw the boss give such a solemn order.

Chu Feng looked at Zheng Sanpao and Zhuang Yan again: "You two go to the indoor branch hall, the black cat will not waste any opportunity to create a terrorist attack, so we can't take every venue lightly." "

The two of them took the order.

"Xu Tianlong, Song Kaifei!" Chu Feng took a roll call.

"Here!" Both replied at the same time.

"You two go to the hub and be on standby." The hub station, similar to our distribution station, is generally located in the center of all venues, making it easier to go anywhere.

"The rest of you, come with me to the main venue!" Chu Feng finally said.

"Understood!" Lei Zhan and the others replied in unison.

At this time, Ye Cunxin raised his hand a little anxiously and said, "Boss! What about me! What about me! "

As the biological daughter of the black cat, she has not had any contact with the black cat, and she just wants to clear her suspicion as soon as possible and dissociate herself from this heinous devil.

Chu Feng ignored it, waved his hand, and gave an order: "Action!" "

Ye Cunxin saw that everyone was going to prepare for war, and he was a little panicked, and hurriedly said to Chu Feng: "Boss! Captain! You have something to say! I have something to do. "

Chu Feng showed a very embarrassed expression and said, "Xiao Ye, I know that you have the intention of clearing your name, so I originally wanted to arrange a character for you, but...

Chu Feng wanted to speak and stopped.

Ye Cunxin saw that Chu Feng's posture was a little uncalm, and hurriedly asked: "Boss, what task do I have, don't worry, I will definitely obey the command and not act without permission!" "

When Chu Feng heard Ye Cunxin say this, he was a little embarrassed on the surface, but he was actually very happy in his heart.

He said, "Can you really promise not to act on your own?" "

Ye Cunxin nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and then said: "I dare to make a military order, I must obey the command, and I will never cause trouble to the team." "

"Good!" Chu Feng nodded and continued: "I'll give you the most critical task now, and that is to go home!" "

"Home?" Ye Cun was puzzled.

"That's right, according to the intelligence, the black cat is likely to be hidden in the Haitian Mansion, and during this time, your mother Zhang Haiyan has disappeared inexplicably, and all the work of the company is arranged by her secretary, so we suspect that the members of the K2 organization have already infiltrated the Haitian Group, and I want you to find out the specific information of this part of the people!"

At first, everyone thought that the boss's arrangement was a bit risky, but after thinking about it, this seemed to be the most reasonable arrangement, after all, no one knew Haitian Group better than Ye Cunxin.

Ye Cunxin didn't hesitate, saluted a military reason, and said loudly: "Ye Cunxin takes the order!" "


At the same time, high-level military and police officials from all over the country have gathered in the East China Sea to ensure the smooth holding of the World Youth Games.

The leaders of the Police, the Anti-Terrorism Department and the Military Department came together.

Wen Changlin personally presided over the meeting: "According to intelligence, the black cat disappeared after appearing in Haitian Tower, and his mistress Zhang Haiyan was extremely exposed during this time.

She went in and out of various entertainment venues, even pedestrian streets and places she had never been to before.

It's very unusual. "

The Minister of Counter-Terrorism thought for a moment and said, "Did Zhang Haiyan come into contact with black cats during this time?" "

Wen Changlin shook his head and said, "Not to mention contacting the black cat, even strangers didn't appear by her side." "

The representative of the military department asked, "Chu Feng hasn't come back from the front line yet?" "

Wen Changlin replied: "I have already informed him, and he will be there soon." "

When Gao said this, there was a knock on the door of the conference room, and Chu Feng walked into the conference room.

Wen Changlin told Chu Feng about the current situation, and after Chu Feng listened, he pondered for a moment and said, "The black cat is actually missing?" "

"That's right, now the enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, and the situation is very unfavorable for us." Wen Changlin replied.

The representative of the military department said: "This is a special period, and it is impossible for our military department to act with great fanfare, if it is changed to peacetime, we can completely carry out a carpet investigation, and now... Ay. "

Chu Feng shook his head and said: "The carpet investigation and command has brought social panic and the suspicion of the international media, what we have to do now is to brake quietly." "

Then he opened the map and said: "I have carefully studied the information of the black cat, and with my understanding of the black cat, he must still be in the East China Sea, hiding in the dark and treating Zhang Haiyan as his wife.

And the eyeliner we sent to investigate Zhang Haiyan is likely to have been discovered by him, which is why Zhang Haiyan behaved so abnormally. "

When the Minister of Counter-Terrorism heard this: "What should I do then?"

Chu Feng said: "Withdraw all the people sent to keep an eye on Zhang Haiyan, and use drones and urban surveillance systems for electronic monitoring, we don't need to know what Zhang Haiyan did, we just need to know where she went." "

When a few people heard this, they were a little puzzled, and pondered carefully. immediately understood Chu Feng, as long as he knew Zhang Haiyan's whereabouts, and relied on the police to investigate the people entering and exiting the scene, he would naturally screen out who was the suspicious person.

Wen Changlin finally made a decision: "Just follow Chu Feng's plan and withdraw everyone." Mobilize all police forces to carefully investigate the scene of the games, and on the other hand, investigate all the suspicious characters in all the places that Zhang Haiyan has been in and out. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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