On the outskirts of the East China Sea, there is a fishing village called Xiaoyang Village, which has been inhabited for generations by fishermen who have gone out to sea to make a living.

And in one of the most inconspicuous houses, a man with a gloomy face looked out the window. And in every corner of this private house, there are the world's top mercenary handles.

They have a clear division of labor and the safety of the men in the guardian's room.

The man is the black cat.

Bang bang bang.

After a series of knocks on the door, the proud disciple of the black cat, Hummingbird, walked into the room and said respectfully, "Master, the hound is here." "

The black cat retracted his thoughts and said calmly, "Bring him in." "

It didn't take long for the hummingbird to walk into the black cat's room with a white man with a scar on his face.

"Oh! My leader, it's really you, I heard that you came to Huaxia to personally direct the operation, I almost thought you were dreaming, oh my God! The hound said in surprise as soon as he entered.

He is Black Cat's most loyal subordinate and a devout follower of Black Cat. Otherwise, the black cat would not have handed over the business in Huaxia to a white man.

And the hound did not disappoint the black cat, he ran a secondary processing factory in Huaxia, and raised a group of very neat minions in the field.

It not only stabilized a lot of business in Huaxia, but also created a very complete intelligence system, which made Black Cat very satisfied.

"Hound dog, put away your flattering words, I have something to explain to you." The black cat said solemnly.

The hound did not change his attitude, and continued: "My esteemed black cat leader, if you have any orders, just say it, and I will definitely go to the soup and go to the fire!" "

The black cat took out a piece of paper with several addresses written on it, and he said to the hound: "Arrange all your people in these places, wait for my instructions, remember, you must be hidden, and you must not show your feet before acting, you must know that the Huaxia police are not easy to deal with, let alone this special period." "

After the hound took the note, he checked it, memorized the contents of the note, and then took out a lighter and destroyed it on the spot.

He said, "Please rest assured, the chief, that when I received your notice, I had already gathered my men and waited for your fate.

I am very honored to be able to work with you, and I hope that we can make a deep impression on Huaxia this time! "

The black cat instructed again: "Remember, you must be careful of the Huaxia police, and you must not leave a tongue for the police, so once someone is exposed, you must take your people to resist desperately, and you can't leave any living mouth for the Huaxia police!" "

The hound, with his hands outstretched, as if taking an oath, loudly expressed his determination: "Great chief! I swear allegiance to you! Please rest assured, I will complete the task you have assigned, and I guarantee with my soul that I will not let you down! "

In the end, it was as if the hound had received a holy decree

Just after the hound left, Secretary Yao and the poisonous fly walked into the room.

"Chief, aren't our elites all in Haitian Village, why do you let the hounds make such a big disturbance on the periphery, and disperse so much manpower and firepower." The poison fly asked suspiciously.

"Manpower? Do you really think that the hounds of wine bags and rice bags can be of any use? I guess he knows it himself.

This group of people is not outdated, but when it comes to fighting with real knives and guns, it will only be a group of rabble. The black cat said coldly.

"Then chief, why do you want to let the hounds—" The poison fly stopped talking.

"Fishing has to be nested in advance, so before I act, I must also put a few smoke bombs on the Huaxia police, this group of people is the best smoke bomb. This group of people soon lost their use value, and just went to be cannon fodder to confuse the Huaxia police.

By the way, let them do something out, and we can negotiate with the Huaxia police. "That's right, negotiations.

The black cat has not changed his original intention until now, he wants to bring back Sangtu, and Sangtu has all the funds of the entire organization in his hands.

Even if Sangtu didn't confess, maybe the entire organization would be paralyzed because of the broken capital chain, so all his arrangements were to save Sangtu.

And that damn hound dog, although he helped the organization do so many things, but he didn't protect the mulberry soil, it was not a pity to die in the eyes of the black cat, so this time he was asked to take on the role of this cannon fodder.

The poisonous fly hesitated for a moment, and finally asked, "Then what about my sister-in-law." "

"Sister-in-law?" The black cat repeated the word, and then said with a very disgusted expression: "He's just a tool for me to vent my desires, even if he dies in this operation, it doesn't matter, anyway, it has nothing to do with me!" "

That's right, in the eyes of the black cat, Zhang Haiyan may not even have any hard work, just a woman he has slept with, as for the unmasked daughter, in his eyes, it is nothing.

The black cat turned to the poisonous fly and said, "You go back and take care of Zhang Haiyan now, don't let her make any moths, remember, there can't be any mistakes in every move." "

The poison flies took the order and left.


At the same time, Chu Feng sorted out the current data.

"Boss! You see, Zhang Haiyan went to these places again today, and it seems that every time she appears, she has a very blind feeling, her eyes are very ervacant, and she is always looking around. Zheng Sanpao took a stack of materials and handed it to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng looked at Zhang Haiyan's whereabouts on the data and frowned, and said, "Show me the surveillance video of the drone." "

It didn't take long for Chu Feng to fall into deep thought, Zhang Haiyan seemed to be uncertain, but seemed to be following a specific trajectory.

It's like a bank robber stepping on a spot before he acts...

Pedal point!

Chu Feng instantly realized this possibility, took out the map, marked all the addresses where Zhang Haiyan had appeared, and then drew in circles on it, and finally he marked three places on the map.

Looking at these three addresses, he frowned and pondered, it doesn't make sense, these places are very far away from the competition venue of the World Youth Games, and they have no influence compared to the World Youth Games.

Why did Zhang Haiyan go to these places to step on points?

Chu Feng instantly thought of a situation, so he quickly picked up the phone and called Wen Changlin.


Huanyu International Processing Plant.

The hound drove happily back to the factory, and the first thing he did when he entered the room was to order someone to close the door of the factory tightly.

The aisles of the factory workshop were full of people, all waiting for the hound to return.

The hound went to the top and shouted, "Brothers! The leader has given us orders! "_

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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