Hound laughed and said: "The leader said just now, he is very satisfied with the achievements we have made in Huaxia in the past few years, and praised us for doing things neatly and not embarrassing the K2 organization." "

At this time, a man with a bald head shouted below: "Brother dog! Did the leader inform Jaemon when he would become a mercenary of the real K2 organization? "

When the Hound heard this topic, he was a little big-headed, and when he organized this group of people, he blew the strength of K2's mercenaries to the sky, saying that as long as they are willing to be obedient and help the K2 organization, they will have the opportunity to become K2's mercenaries.

When the time comes, money, women, and power will have whatever they want.

But now that he was mentioned in person, he suddenly had a big head, so he said vaguely: "I'll talk about this later, the leader told me that if you want to become an official mercenary of K2, you must complete the task he assigned." "

The bald head asked, "What kind of mission is that?" "

The hound replied: "Half of us here, go and destroy the three places of Haitian Shopping Plaza, Dongcheng Pedestrian Street and Sky Trade City, remember, you must smash and rob!" Do everything possible to cause the greatest social panic and negative impact. "

The bald head looked around at the people here, and then asked suspiciously, "Brother dog!" There are only about 150 of us, so why do we have to act separately, only half of them, and wouldn't it be too risky to act separately. "

The hound smiled and said, "Don't worry, how could the leader not think of it, your purpose is just to attract the attention of the Huaxia police, and our real action is to destroy the main venue of the World Youth Games!" "

Hearing the words of the hound, everyone was a little excited, the World Youth Games, which is a major competition event every four years.

And the fact that it was held in the East China Sea for a few years was originally a big international news.

And most of the Hound Dog's subordinates are from the bottom of the society, and they are lazy and lazy social dregs, if it is not for the Hound to co-opt them, it is just to do some stealing chickens and dogs.

Now that the hounds are giving them money, brainwashing them, and instilling some violent tendencies, they have long wanted to go out and do a big job.

The Hound said, "Brothers! The K2 organization gave us money to eat, drink, and be merry, and we didn't give back to the organization at allegiance, and now it's time for us to be loyal to the organization. "

Then the hound waved his hand, and someone took out a whole box of arms from the underground forces, which were all lethal weapons that had been smuggled in through various channels for many years.

He said: "As long as we complete the tasks assigned by the leader in this operation, it is the best reward for the organization, and the leader said that the brother who performed the best in the operation will be taken away personally and join the mercenary force of K2!" "

This was said on a whim by everyone, because after they were discovered by the hunting dogs in the past few years, they were instilled by the hunting dogs about the strength of the K2 organization, and how well the mercenaries were treated and how strong they were.

So in Mingming, they all aim to become a real K2 mercenary.

Now the hound throws this gimmick and gives everyone a shot of stimulant.

Then the hound said: "However, in the course of our operation, we must not be afraid of the resistance of the Huaxia police, and we must fight them to the end!"

Rest assured, if any of you unfortunately die in action, your family will be supported by me! "

"Oh! Brother Dog! K2 years old! "


The emotions of the people below had reached their peak, and the hounds winked at each other and ordered everyone to issue weapons.

And at this time, the bald head who was more active just now, after receiving the weapon, sneaked to a corner where no one paid attention and sent a message.

"Report to the Chief, our men have arranged for the Hound to be among the people, and everything is going according to plan."

After receiving the text message, the hummingbird walked into the black cat's room and said, "Master, the vulture has sent a message that our people have successfully infiltrated the hound's people, and the bomb will be planted as planned. "

"Tell the vulture to detonate it as soon as the explosives are placed, and don't drag the mud and water." Black Cat said.

The hummingbird shuddered at first, but was soon relieved, because the black cat was such a person that he would not hesitate to give up a piece when he wanted to.

The hummingbird departed.


By this time, the team of hounds had set out, and this group of improvised rabble, dressed in all kinds of overalls, seemed a little funny at first glance.

But when people noticed the lethal weapons in their hands, they felt a little frightened.

The Hound was also a little uneasy at this time, and according to common sense, the leader would definitely send someone to help him in his operation.

Why let your subordinates have a bunch of untrained bales to accomplish such an important task.

But he has been loyal to the black cat all the year round, and he doesn't want to speculate about the black cat's thoughts, just thinking that after completing the task, he can be transferred back to the K headquarters by the black cat and follow the black cat.

And at this time, when the convoy drove to an overpass, a roadblock suddenly appeared in front, and behind the roadblock there was actually a police armored vehicle.

Seeing this scene, the hound knew that he must have been exposed, and he immediately ordered his brothers to turn around.

only to find that the road had been blocked by people, and the one who was blocked behind it turned out to be special forces.

The muzzle of the black hole exuded a cold aura towards them, as if it would spew out tongues of fire that would harvest people's lives in the next second.

Two helicopters hovered above them in the sky.

"Bandits in the car, lay down your arms! Drop your weapon! You have no room for resistance! There is only one way to die..."

The emotionless tone tells a cold truth.

More than 100 people were crammed into dozens of cars, and even if they wanted to fight with the police outside, they would not have a chance to win, and if any one of them moved, the hound would definitely be beaten into a sieve.

He threw up his hands in anger and stepped out of the car.

Then his subordinates followed suit, raised their hands, and slowly got out of the car.

The person on the helicopter, turn on the walkie-talkie, contact the headquarters.

"HQ HQ! We are now on the Dongcheng overpass, and we have intercepted the mercenaries of the K2 organization, which is initially estimated to be more than 100 people and a few arms. Ask for instructions! "

Wen Changlin laughed and said to Chu Feng, who was sitting on the side: "It's really yours, it's like a god, sure enough, their target is the place you pointed out, more than a hundred mercenaries, just let us make dumplings!" "

But after Chu Feng heard it, he frowned. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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