Tang Xinyi and An Ran learned through the monitoring software that all this was the same as Chu Feng expected, all of them were black cat smoke bombs.

An Ran scolded: "Hateful! This black cat even wants to use his own woman, but this woman gave birth to a child for him! "

Chu Feng on the other side of the walkie-talkie frowned and asked, "What's the situation ahead of Enron, after receiving the signal to the headquarters, you can withdraw it." "

An Ran told Chu Feng what he heard: "This hateful black cat, he took advantage of the police's attention to Zhang Haiyan and arranged agents of the K2 organization around her to step on the point.

And he is ready to push Zhang Haiyan to the opposite side of us and attract our attention, which is really too inhumane. "

Just then, a series of rapid phone ringtones came from the listening headphones.

Chu Feng motioned for everyone to listen carefully to the information.

"Hey, Chief." Secretary Yao's voice was very respectful.

Chu Feng held his breath and concentrated, it seemed that it was the phone of the black cat.

"Is there anything Zhang Haiyan can do?" The black cat's voice came coldly.

"No, it's known to be cooperative." The fly replied.

"That's good, haven't the hounds fought the police yet?" The black cat continued.

"No, the vulture has just sent back a message that the police are constantly reinforcing the Dongcheng overpass, and now the hound people and the police are confronting, at first everyone is very combative, but with the increasing number of police, there is some timidity.

The atmosphere at the scene was very tense, and they were not easy to do, after all, there were too many police, and once they did, the vultures did not dare to guarantee that our people could get out. Poison Fly 1510 recounted.

"Rubbish! A bunch of rubbish! The black cat was a little angry, and he continued: "Let him think of a way to make the hound people and the Huaxia police clash head-on as much as possible, and attract more attention from the police, otherwise our plan will not be implemented." "

"Got it, Chief." The poisonous fly finally asked: "How to deal with Zhang Haiyan, just let her fend for herself?" "

The black cat sneered: "Fend for yourself? She doesn't have that power, after the World Youth Games, try to find a way to execute Zhang Haiyan and all the informants in the Haitian Group, these people know too much, and they are likely to be found by the Huaxia police. "

The black cat's voice did not have a trace of emotion, and there was no wave when it came out about the execution of Zhang Haiyan.

Chu Feng was a little sad when he listened to the monitoring headphones, this innocent girl would have such a inhuman father.

Chu Feng retracted his thoughts and said to everyone present: "Everyone has heard it, whether it is Zhang Haiyan or the hunting dog, they are actually the bait of the black cat. "

The director of the Secrecy Bureau asked: "Then we are now. What to do. "

Chu Feng thought for a moment and said, "There are three breakthroughs now.

"Three?" Wen Changlin wondered.

"That's right, three, the hound on the East Overpass, Zhang Haiyan who was used as a marionette, and Secretary Yao next to Zhang Haiyan." Chu Feng said.

"Secretary Yao is an undercover agent of the black cat, if you want to roll her over, it's impossible, it's still hopeful to send someone to catch her back." Wen Changlin said.

"That's right, it's easier to catch Secretary Yao than to roll her over, and we also have information to get useful information from her mouth, but this will undoubtedly expose our actions, with the temper of a black cat, Bao Buqi will have a ruin with us, and then escape." Chu Feng analyzed.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Wen Changlin asked.

"We're in a stalemate on the hound's side, and I'm sure with the character of the black cat, it's impossible for the hound to make any action until the hounds don't make much of a fuss." Chu Feng is a well-organized analyst.

"And we have to take advantage of this time to quickly pry open Zhang Haiyan's mouth, try to make her obey, and provide us with information."

"Isn't this plan too risky, Zhang Haiyan has a black cat's subordinate by her side, and Secretary Yao is watching over her, how can we get in touch with Zhang Haiyan without attracting her attention?" Wen Changlin asked.

"Yes, even if we can get in touch with Zhang Haiyan smoothly, we may not be persuaded to move her to cooperate with our work." The director of the National Security Bureau expressed his opinion at this time.

Chu Feng smiled: "I actually realized this a long time ago, and I had foreshadowing it a long time ago. "

"Foreshadowing?" Everyone looked at Chu Feng suspiciously.

That's right, when he just arrived in Donghai City, Chu Feng had already explained to Ye Cunxin that he wanted to find a way to return to Haitian Group.

As the largest sponsor of the World Youth Games, Haitian Group will definitely provide a large number of volunteers.

In the past few years, the K organization has subtly arranged a large number of undercover agents into the Haitian Group, and Chu Feng asked Ye Cunxin to find out this group of people.

But in fact, there is another meaning, that is, to contact Zhang Haiyan at the necessary moment, if the military is not looking at Chu Feng's face, Ye Cunxin will definitely be expelled from the army, or even go to a military court.

Therefore, at this time, it is most natural for Ye Cunxin to contact Zhang Haiyan.

It can not only avoid Secretary Yao's single-mindedness, but also most likely to break through Zhang Haiyan's psychological defense.

Shen Xun said his thoughts, and the director of the Secret Bureau was holding a different sword, and he said: "I don't agree, Ye Cunxin is just a little girl, and she is the biological daughter of the black cat, if you send her to contact Zhang Haiyan."

It is very likely that he will turn against the water and defect to the black cat, after all, Zhang Haiyan's feelings for the black cat are there..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chu Feng: "Lord Director! Let me emphasize once again that Ye Cunxin is a soldier under me, and I fully trust her to complete this mission and clear her suspicions.

And I warn you, don't slander my men with unreasonable reasoning! "

Chu Feng's eyes were cold, and the director of the Secret Bureau looked a little frightened, and suddenly remembered that Chu Feng had broken into the detention center of the Secret Bureau, and he was angry.

But thinking that this is a special period, I can't have differences at this time, but I don't want to lose face, so I said: "Okay! If Ye Cunxin can complete the task perfectly, our Secret Bureau will not only no longer suspect her, but will also credit her, but when the time comes, I will personally apologize to her! "

Chu Feng looked at the director of the Secret Bureau, a little crying and laughing.

However, he didn't say anything, but picked up the phone and broadcast it to Ye Cunxin.

At this moment, Ye Cunxin is sorting out the information and investigating all the personnel of Haitian Group in the past few years.

She was just about to report to Chu Feng on the progress of her work. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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