"Boss! I'm looking for you, I've already found the K2 organization..."Before Fang Cunxin could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chu Feng.

"Put your work aside for a while, let me ask you, has anyone noticed you when you sneaked back to Haitian Group recently?"

"No, I'm careful every time I go back, no one notices me." Fang Cunxin's tone was very affirmative.

Chu Feng was very satisfied, and then he continued: "Now that the K2 organization is in a big situation with the Huaxia police, I need you to help me. "

Fang Cunxin faintly felt that something very serious was about to happen, so he waited very solemnly for Chu Feng to arrange the work.

"Listen, now that the K2 organization has put your mother under house arrest, she has been manipulated by them like a marionette, and she has been helping the K2 organization to carry out terrorist operations during this time." Shen Xun's voice was emotionless.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?" There was some crying in Fang Cunxin's voice, because she knew that there was no way to forgive her mother's mistakes, after all, helping the K2 organization to carry out terrorist activities was enough to be annoyed.

So Fang Cunxin wanted to beg Chu Feng to let Zhang Haiyan go, but he couldn't say it, after all, the captain had already broken through the secret bureau for a while.

Chu Feng said at this time: "Relax, I want you to fight for it, talk to your mother, so that she can be used by us, provide us with some information, and help us act." "

As soon as Fang Cunxin heard this, he instantly raised his interest, and the haze just now was swept away.

She knew that this was Chu Feng helping her, so that the two of them had a chance to make up for their mistakes, and Fang Cunxin agreed with great certainty: "Boss, don't worry, no matter what method you use, I will make my mother change her mind." "

After saying that, Fang Cunxin was about to hang up the phone and go to find Zhang Haiyan, Chu Feng hurriedly stopped her and said, "Hey, hey! Don't be so anxious, I'm not done yet! "

Fang Cunxin was a little puzzled, is there anything else?

Chu Feng had a headache for this anxious and naughty subordinate, and he said, "Do you know where Zhang Haiyan is now?" Do you know who is around her? Will it be dangerous for you to go on your own..."

A large series of questions poured directly into Fang Cunxin's ears, and Fang Cunxin had some shame, so he complained: "Hmm! Got it, why are you talking like my mother, boss, what do you want me to do. "

Chu Feng looked helpless, and he said: "Twenty minutes later, wait for me in the corner of the back wall of the Haitian Building, and you are not allowed to act without permission until I arrive." "

After speaking, the two hung up the phone, and twenty minutes later, the two turned on time in the Haitian Building.

"Boss! Here's how to do it. Fang Cunxin was a little anxious.

Chu Feng asked Fang Cunxin not to move, and then used the camouflage technique to begin to disguise the two people, and after a while, the two changed their faces and walked into the Haitian Building.

At this time, it was already late at night, and there was no one in Haitian Dazhong except for the security guards who were keeping vigil, and the two of them could easily sneak into the inside of the Dao Building.

Then through the safe passage, climb to the top floor.

Fang Cunxin led the way in front, and ran to Haiyan's office with Chu Feng.

Right next to the office. Chu Feng suddenly grabbed Fang Cunxin.

Fang Cun was puzzled, not knowing what happened to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng used gestures to tell Fang Cunxin that there was an enemy in the room, and Fang Cunxin asked the kitchen if he wanted to kill him now.

Chu Feng's face was black, did he forget what he had explained before he came?

But now is not the time to say this, Chu Feng quietly opened the door of the office through a crack, and then checked the situation inside.

Finding that Secretary Yao was sitting upright at the desk in the office, closing his eyes and recuperating, Chu Feng could be sure that if the two of them opened the door and rushed in, they would definitely let this deeply hidden woman find out.

At that time, all the arrangements will be wasted, but for Chu Feng, dealing with her is a piece of cake.

Chu Feng unfolded his brain waves, and then began to erode Secretary Yao's brain, and it didn't take long for Secretary Yao to be dizzy and finally fall asleep.

Chu Feng tried a color for Fang Cunxin, and the two walked into Zhang Haiyan's office.

At this time, Zhang Haiyan was resting in the suite in the office, and Fang Cun couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, so he pushed the door directly.

Zhang Haiyan thought at first that Secretary Yao was looking for something for her, but when she saw Fang Cunxin coming to her, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe this scene.

"Inch heart!"


The mother and daughter hugged their heads and cried, Zhang Haiyan's grievances, helplessness and hesitation, as well as her fear of the man, were all vented in one go.

couldn't help himself at all, and Fang Cunxin's worry about his mother was finally relieved the moment he saw Zhang Haiyan.

"Inch heart! How did you come, aren't you in the army? Zhang Haiyan asked.

Fang Cunxin shook his head and said, "Mom, you don't have to hide it from me, I know it, the black cat, the leader of the K organization we have been fighting against, is my biological father, right?" "

Zhang Haiyan thought that her daughter didn't know, but she instantly understood the key, and she asked: "Does the military also know, did they treat you well!" "

Fang Cunxin shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the military is not sure what to do, Mom, listen to me, now I need your help, and the military also needs your cooperation to eliminate the K2 organization together." "

Isn't destroying the K2 organization to be the enemy of the black cat? Zhang Haiyan shook her head, she said: "No, Cunxin, you listen to me, the black cat has promised me, after this incident, let the two of us go, listen to my mother's words, don't be his enemy, this man is too terrible, his strength, you can't imagine it at all." "

Fang Cunxin shook her head, she said: "Mom, you have been fooled, the black cat has no intention of letting you and me go at all, as long as the matter is over, he will definitely kill both of us to prevent future troubles." "

Zhang Haiyan's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that the man had lied to her.

At this time, Chu Feng walked into the room, and he said: "Fang Cunxin didn't lie to you, when the Secret Bureau was listening to the mobile phone signal, I heard it with my own ears. "

Zhang Haiyan sat slumped in her chair, as if she had lost confidence in her life.

At this time, Fang Cunxin said: "Mom, listen to me, as long as you are willing to cooperate with the military, it will not be a problem to deal with black cats, believe us." "

Zhang Haiyan's empty gaze looked at Fang Cunxin, her daughter's eyes were her biggest spiritual pillar, and she asked, "Really?" "

Chu Feng said affirmatively at this time: "Those who offend me will be punished even if they are far away!" "_

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