Zhang Haiyan seemed to grasp some life-saving straw and asked, "Then how can I cooperate with you." "

Chu Feng replied unexpectedly: "I don't want you to do anything, you just need to continue to be their marionette, pay attention, you must not show your feet, just like before, just be obedient to them, but when they want to give up on you and start acting, you must take Secretary Yao to meet a black cat." "

"Meet a black cat?" Zhang Haiyan was puzzled.

Chu Feng nodded, Fang Cunxin held Zhang Haiyan's hand, and said, "Trust our captain, he will definitely eliminate K2." "

Zhang Haiyan looked at Fang Cunxin, and finally chose to believe in her daughter, she nodded heavily and agreed.

Chu Feng looked at the time and said that he could leave, so he walked out with Fang Cunxin, who was reluctant to give up before parting with Zhang Haiyan, for fear that his mother would be wronged.

But being a soldier told her that at this time, she couldn't be a child, and she had to obey orders.

In the end, she resolutely left, and Zhang Haiyan swallowed back the tears in front of her, showing her demeanor as the first strong woman in the East China Sea.

Ten minutes later, Secretary Yao woke up, and the moment she woke up, she raised her vigilance.

Her nature, which she had cultivated over the years of life and death, told her that she could not just fall asleep.

But she looked around and found that there was nothing the same, opened Zhang Haiyan's door, and found that Zhang Haiyan was just looking at the company's information as usual, and the recent progress, and there was no change.

Could it be that I have really stayed in a peaceful society for a long time and have forgotten my instincts?

Secretary Yao thinks it's possible, it seems that he must be tired these days.

She continued to hold her breath and take care of Zhang Haiyan.


And at this moment, at the port of Xiaoyang Village, Donghai City, one ship after another began to dock.

All of these ships have no official status, and the crew on board snatched them through various channels and then smuggled them into China.

The hummingbird came to the black cat's room and said, "Master, the brothers from abroad have arrived. "

The black cat was a little surprised: "Arrived so soon?" "

The hummingbird nodded and said: "Most of the customs in Huaxia have gone to the World Youth Games to support the scene, and there are still many of them under martial law throughout the whole process, probably because they want to wish us, so the border defense of the coastline is relatively weak, and the brothers can easily smuggle in." "

The black cat laughed and said, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect Huaxia to make such a fatal mistake, God help me." "

Then the black cat got up from his chair and said to the hummingbird, "Go, I'll go see them." "

The hummingbird hadn't seen such a high-spirited scene for a long time, and he was very happy to see this scene.

The two walked out of the room and came to the beach, among all kinds of people, holding weapons in their hands, but there was only one thing they had in common, that is, the disdain on their faces, and the bloody breath coming out of their bodies.

This group of people are all murderous and fierce characters, and many are even adherents of anarchism.

One of them, a mercenary named Del, in his country, was not satisfied with the law, and killed everyone in the town.

And not far from him, a black man, with a mouthful of white teeth, grinned cruelly, his code name was White Fang.

He is a complete war maniac, who once spent two months in the Amazon forest with Interpol, and finally thousands of Interpol encircled and suppressed him, and he killed hundreds of people and fled.

And in front of them, there is a white man called a vampire.

He used to be a terrorist on the same level as the black cat, and was finally convinced by the black cat, this madman This madman was once a member of the United States Marine Corps and participated in many American wars.

Dissatisfied with the commander in the barracks, he actually killed the commander and 13 Marines, and finally wandered the world and began to recruit soldiers.

But one mountain does not tolerate two tigers, and the vampire meets the black cat, the man who impresses him.

And these hundred or so people gathered here, all because of the call of the black cat, they are all K2's golden eagles, the black cat's right-hand man.

"Brothers! Welcome to Huaxia! The black cat's unique voice slowly entered everyone's ears.

"Oh! Chief, call us all here, do you have anything to explain, or do you have any major decisions? The vampire was the first to jump out and ask about the black cat.

The black cat said unhurriedly: "I think you have all heard of a sentence, that is, Huaxia is a forbidden place for mercenaries. But I can tell you, that's bullshit! "

"Oooh! The leader is right! "

"Kill the Huaxia military!"


A group of people below began to echo, and there were many nimble minds who had already thought about what the black cat was going to do.

Black Cat continued: "I want to tell you today that we K2 mercenaries are going to conquer the territory of Huaxia and carve a scar on their faces, so that they know that provoking our K2 organization is their biggest mistake.

Now that the World Youth Games are just around the corner, what we need to do is to sabotage, and then kidnap the athletes of the World Youth Games, so that China will become the target of the world!

If we succeed, not only will the K2 organization be truly famous around the world, but we will also have untold wealth and unimaginable attention, and you will have whatever you want.

Money, beauty, power, everything..."

The black cat is impassionedly giving a group of terrorists, doing pre-war mobilization, every word is impassioned, and behind every word is bloody killing.

"I know, didn't you join K2 to satisfy your own desires? Now I give you the opportunity to fulfill your desires. "

Black Cat then asked Hummingbird to send the list of athletes and all the information about the World Youth Games, as well as their respective tasks.

He said: "Everyone has their own tasks and goals, remember, the Huaxia police and the military are not dry food, so don't have any thoughts of underestimating the enemy." "

"Understood! Chieftain! "

"Long live the Chief!"


Listening to the compound voices of the people below, the black cat whispered to the hummingbird beside him, "Hasn't the Hound side been at war with the Huaxia military yet?" "

Hummingbird said: "No, but the Huaxia military has already dispatched a large part of the troops to surround the hounds. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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