Just as Lei Zhan and Xu Tianlong were touching the middle of the enemy's formation, a figure rushed out from inside, and it turned out to be the Del and another black man named Fang.

He is different from Del, who has been forced to become a mercenary step by step because of his brutal personality, and Fangs is a complete villain.

In his early years, this guy planned all kinds of terrorist attacks around the world, and at first he was just kidnapping rich people and extorting money, but gradually he liked the feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife.

So he began to plan terrorist attacks, and he planned more than twenty of them just for the recorded terrorist attacks, and the reason why he is still at large today is of course inseparable from his mind and the protection of the K2 organization.

But what is more important is his personal skills, this guy is a very strong hand-to-hand combat master, who has killed more than a dozen soldiers of the United States with his bare hands, and it is rumored that he has experience in hand-to-hand combat with giant bears.

And now Del and Fang appeared here together, obviously wanting to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Lei Zhan and Xu Tianlong.

The two recognized the identity of their opponents at the first time, and even the terrifying things about the two of them, but Lei Zhan and Xu Tianlong would not flinch at all, as members of the Dragon Soul Squad, no matter how strong the opponent was, they would not give the opponent a chance.

The two took out daggers at the same time and fought with the two, Lei Zhan and Del used an unbelievable style of fighting, that is, fist-to-flesh attacks, without any defense at all.

If anyone saw the fighting methods of these two people, they would definitely pee their pants because they were too frightened.

However, this is the military. This is the warrior, who will never back down, as long as they are in military uniform and with their backs to the flag, they will not retreat half a step.

Del laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! Asian, my physical fitness is far superior to yours by nature, suffer death! "

After listening to Del's words, Lei Zhan was not moved at all, just punched hard, and kept beckoning to the other party.

At the beginning of the period, Del felt that he had won the game, but later he could hardly imagine that this Asian had such great perseverance and combat effectiveness, and in the end he regretted using this method, and by this time it was already late when he was timid.

Lei Zhan didn't give a chance to retreat at all, a punch hit the opponent's temple, and the opponent directly lost the center, followed by another punch, hitting the same position, Del's eyes were bloodshot, and after another circle, the black Del had lost his life.

Although Lei Zhan was not lightly injured, he was not in the way at all, he just spat on it. Then stride forward.

Physical fitness? In front of the spirit of my great China, no one can defeat the spirit of this country!

Watching the battle between Xu Tianlong and Fangfang is much more terrifying, the two of them are holding daggers, and they have no intention of attacking head-on at all, although it is a hand-to-hand grappling, but the moves are extremely insidious moves.

And inadvertently, Fangs also wanted to put the black gun to support Del on the side.

But after Xu Tianlong saw it, instead of organizing him, when he pulled out his gun, he directly grabbed the empty gear and strangled him.

After killing the two, the two went directly to the center of the battlefield, and at this moment, the mercenaries of the K2 organization had already died, and there were still a few strong ones who were still desperately resisting.

The vampire, in particular, was preparing to flee here under the cover of his companion.

Just happened to be pretended by Xu Tianlong to put on a sign and directly stopped him, the two continued to tremble, and Lei Zhan on the side did not choose to help, but took out his gun and shot other terrorists.

Bang bang bang!

Originally, this group of terrorists was already very embarrassed without cover, but there was a guy with very strong firepower at the near point, and he was instantly defeated, and everyone fled in a very embarrassed way, completely understanding the heart of resistance with the Dragon Soul Squad.

But this is not yet played, the Dragon Soul Squad never captures the captive team, and all enemies only have death words in front of them.

Shoot, shoot, shoot!

It was like a rain of bullets that cut holes into their bodies, harvesting their lives, and finally killing all the terrorists after the vampires fell unwillingly.

Chu Feng estimated that there were nearly two hundred terrorists in this group, which might be the entire strength of the K2 organization.

He checked everyone's corpses again, but found that the black cat was not among them, he immediately took out the radio, connected to the command headquarters, and told Wen Changlin about their current situation.

Wen Changlin was overjoyed to hear that they had killed nearly two hundred mercenaries from the K2 organization.

"Chu Feng, this is a great achievement in the history of world counter-terrorism, but we must find a way to catch the black cat," Wen Changlin said.

Chu Feng hung up the phone and began to frown and ponder, he knew that if it was usual, it would be a feat to be able to wipe out the elite nest of the K2 organization, but now it was nothing at all, because the leader of the 2 organization, the black cat, was still at large, and he still had a VX3 bomb in his hand that was enough to destroy a city.

And at this time, the black cat disappeared, he must have gone to the location where the bomb was planted, according to Secretary Yao's confession, the bomb was in the resort, in the residential building where the athletes lived.

So Chu Feng hurriedly gathered the whole team and began to rush in the direction of the residential building.

But at this time, Chu Feng's radio rang, and when he picked it up, he saw that it was Tang Xinyi's call.

"Boss! Are you going to go deeper into the resort? Tang Xinyi asked anxiously.

Chu Feng said, "That's right, what's wrong." "

Tang Xinyi said: "You can't rush in, in the depths of the resort, we detected that there is a new security system, this is not the official security system installed by the World Youth Games, it is likely that the K2 organization installed the security system in order to install the vx3 bomb, if you rush in, the consequences are unimaginable." "

Chu Feng frowned, he didn't expect the black cat to have this kind of arrangement, but he didn't panic, he took out his portable computer and carried out remote invading, you must know that Chu Feng himself is a very senior hacker.

For the intrusion of this security system, it is naturally easy to come by.


In Xiaoyang Village, on the outskirts of the resort, in the side room of the house where the black cat once lived, a white man was guarding several computers and checking the security system he had designed, and he was very satisfied with his masterpiece, thinking that no one in Huaxia could crack his system, let alone disturb the leader's plan under his nose.

But the next moment, his eyes widened and he looked at the computer screen in disbelief

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