The hacker was so frightened that he was almost speechless when he saw his computer screen, because it was originally full of all kinds of data and the situation in the resort, but he saw all kinds of cartoons, what a happy and gray wolf, a rainbow cat and a blue rabbit three thousand asked.

Seeing that he was momentarily stunned, he immediately exclaimed, "Oh! Who is it! Who hacked my computer! "

Then he thought of something impossible.

"Huaxia! How can there be a hacker in Huaxia who is more powerful than me! That's impossible! That's impossible! "

While shouting hysterically, he thought of the seriousness of this matter, and he instantly understood, and then picked up his laptop and rushed out the door to find his leader, Black Cat.


At this time, after Chu Feng completed the system invasion of the K2 organization's hackers, he began to mobilize troops into the depths of the resort, and he knew that once the security system failed, the K2 organization would know their actions.

So at this time, the K2 organization will definitely find a way to notify the black cat, Chu Feng thought of this, and immediately took out the radio and gave orders to all the operation commanders.

"Attention departments, attention departments! All commanders, and put the people in their own team, on all the roads leading to the resort, and no one is allowed to enter! "

After hearing Chu Feng's order, the various departments immediately executed it, blocking all the intersections in an instant, and not even a single mouse was allowed in.

Chu Feng led people directly to the center of the resort, Chu Feng motioned for everyone to stop, he looked at several nearby buildings, and finally saw that the volunteers near one building were the strangest.

Normal volunteers walk politely, but the volunteers in this building walk with their knees turned out and one foot in front of them, which can only lead to such a habit when they shoot in a standing position for a long time.

So Chu Feng ordered his subordinates to slowly touch over and cut the throats of the outermost mercenaries.

The poor mercenaries didn't get nervous thinking that there was no alarm outside, thinking that there would be no danger, but now it seems to be a foolishness.

Then Chu Feng came to the side of the building, connected the monitoring inside with the computer, and found that there were a lot of mercenaries inside, but fortunately, their equipment was not very good, this group of people was the first to enter the resort, and they still had to hide their identities.

Chu Feng told everyone that they had to rush into the basement in one go, and the VX3 bomb was in the basement.

And the volunteers inside, according to Secretary Yao's description, are all mercenaries, and the Dragon Soul team must kill the other party with all their might, without giving the other party any respite.

After receiving the order, everyone did not hesitate, directly raised their guns and rushed inside.

Most of the mercenaries in it are only self-defense, and after seeing the well-equipped and combat effectiveness report of the dragon soul squad, it is like the wheat in Akita, which is harvested one after another

The dragon soul team had silencers installed on the walls, so it didn't come out loud, but the muzzle of the fire was extremely terrifying in the dark after Chu Feng pulled off the electric switch

But even if Chu Feng arranged the work in this way, the other party's counterattack came very timely, after all, these are all professional terrorists, and they began to attack as soon as the Dragon Soul squad broke out.

Some of the elites among them, after seeing the Dragon Soul team rushing in, immediately judged the gap in equipment through the dense sound of bullets, although they had a pistol in their hands, but there were still a lot of smuggled weapons on the façade of this building.

Immediately, someone took out a weapon from their respective rooms and began to confront the people of the Dragon Soul Squad.

Li Erniu originally thought that there was a huge equipment gap between the two sides, but when he saw someone running out with a submachine gun on his shoulder, he quickly made a judgment, dodged to the side of the corridor, and then shouted: "Brothers, there are a few hard stubbles ahead!" "

After Wang Yanbing heard this, he knew through the local firepower that the other party must have back-up support, so he immediately came up with an idea.

He pulled out a flashbang from his tactical backpack and was nearly blinded by that damn mercenary vampire.

So he's going to give this damned group of mercenaries a taste of that now.

The flashbang was thrown, making a crisp sound, and then with a buzzing sound, Wang Yanbing rushed directly into the corridor.

The opponent's firepower just stopped for a moment at this time, and the sound of someone cursing kept coming.

But at the same time that Wang Yanbing reacted, several members of the Dragon Soul Squad reacted.

They cooperated with Wang Yanbing's actions and opened fire directly to cover it, and Wang Yanbing directly approached the point from the stairwell to strafe.

Everyone didn't expect that the Dragon Soul Squad's counterattack would be so fast, directly shooting this group of mercenaries in the corridor.

The screams were accompanied by blood flowing out of the corridor, and Chu Feng strode forward and rushed directly to the basement.


Although the iron door in the basement was very strong, it was still kicked open by Chu Feng.

There were several mercenaries in volunteer costumes inside, who were directly killed by Chu Feng, and the other two people wearing glasses and white coats, without asking Chu Feng, knew that they were physicists in Secretary Yao's mouth.

The two physicists knew about the arrival of the Huaxia police as early as the first gunshot, but they didn't expect Jiang Ran, the strength of the Huaxia police, to be so strong and rush here so quickly.

But they didn't panic, they just picked up the computer and shouted, "Stand back for me!" Otherwise, I'll activate this bomb! Everyone dies together. "

Then Chan Feng looked at Chu Feng and said, "Huaxia police, you bunch of garbage, do you know what this is, as long as I press this button, I will let you die together!" Let your city go to hell with us! "

Then the two physicists burst into laughter.

Chu Feng sneered, and actually threatened him in front of him?

Dare to do something that endangers the people of Huaxia in the territory of Huaxia, I really don't want to live anymore, Zigu Huaxia has never failed to resist foreign enemies.

The territory of Huaxia does not allow any foreign touches, it will always be a forbidden place for mercenaries, as long as Huaxia is there, the Chinese giants are there, and the spirit of Huaxia will be immortal!

Then, Chu Feng unleashed brain waves that directly eroded the brains of the two physicists.

When the two physicists first saw Chu Feng's hesitation, they thought he was already timid, and they secretly laughed at the timidity of the Huaxia police in their hearts, but the next moment, the two of them were momentarily stunned, as if they were being manipulated like marionettes.

Chu Feng then ordered them to defuse the bomb immediately. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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