Just when Chu Feng was defusing the bomb, the brothers who were ambushed on the periphery also discovered the arrogance, because the entire area of the resort was controlled by people from the police department and the military department, so there were people staring at any noise.

Coupled with the monitoring of drones, it can be said that it is very strict, so a ghostly figure quickly entered everyone's field of vision, and this person is the hacker of the K2 organization.

He didn't choose to fix the loopholes of the system after he found out that his security system had been hacked into the first place, but gave up the security system to find the black cat.

Because he knew that if the security system was repaired at this time, it would be useless, because soon the police would find him, and now the black cat will be able to stop all this, so he came to the black cat's house and wanted to talk to the black cat, but when the black cat saw him, he frowned, and faintly felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Chief! Oh no! The people of Huaxia have cracked our security system, and it is very likely that the resort has fallen! The hacker said anxiously.

After hearing that the security system had been breached, the black cat knew that something must have happened, and he shook off the cup in his hand with a snap, and then came to the window, only to find that the entire downstairs was surrounded by water.

A large number of policemen, driving police armored vehicles as cover, surrounded them, and searchlights on the main highway were trying to check the situation of the building he was in.

The black cat quickly closed the curtains, and then scolded: "Waste! Damn it! It's all fucking rubbish! "

Then the black cat picked up the gun and shot the hacker to death, in his eyes, this kind of useless person is not worthy of living in this world!

At this time, there were only a dozen elite backbones around the black cat, but he didn't panic, because he still had the last hole cards, and he began to rush downstairs with the only dozen or so people left under his hands.


On the second floor, a commander reported to Chu Feng: "Report to the command!" We have surrounded the black cats, please instruct! "

Chu Feng had already received the news at this time, and began to approach this side quickly, and he asked, "Does the black cat have any movements!" "

The commander said: "No, stay on the façade of the building all the time!" "

Chu Feng felt that it was not good, with the character of a black cat, he would definitely not be tied up like this, so he said: "It's not right to let the most elite people under your command form an assault team and go and fight with them." Remembered. Don't have a large-scale head-on confrontation until I get to the scene, your job is to hold them down! "

The commander refused: "Report to the command!" I don't think we can hold them back if we don't fight them with real guns, so I ask for my life and launch a fierce attack on the black cat! We'll pull it down until you arrive at the scene. "

When Chu Feng heard this, he first fell into a short period of contemplation, and felt that what the commander said was right, so he said: "Your decision is correct, but it will make your soldiers fall into a trap and even lose their lives." "

The commander didn't even think about it, and replied loudly: "Soldiers! First, the original intention of protecting the family and defending the country! Never changed! "

Chu Feng laughed and said, "Okay! Tell the name and then take your brothers on it! "

The commander smiled and said, "No." After getting off the black cat, I personally reported to the commander! "

As he spoke, he hung up the phone, picked up the sharp gun, walked in the first place, and said, "Brothers, rush with me!" "


A group of soldiers, just like that, rushed into Jianzhong.

The black cat was also a little surprised when he saw this scene, didn't they know about the bomb? Or is it that the Huaxia military is crazy and wants to burn jade with itself?

But it doesn't matter, the people present are all elites with extremely strong combat effectiveness, and this scene will not be taken into account at all.

"Chief, let's play with this bunch of shit, I'm almost rusty!" A white man said arrogantly.

"Hahahaha! I think you're in a hurry to play with a woman! Another black man smiled.

The black cat said calmly: "Don't fall in love, we want to leave the East China Sea immediately, I want to leave a deep impression on Huaxia." "

As soon as several people heard this, they all understood what the black cat meant, so they no longer hesitated, let alone fell in love with the war, and a few war madmen actually began to break through at the first time.

But no one would have thought that the momentum of the group of policemen downstairs had not decreased by half a point at all, although their strength was obviously weaker than K's special forces, but their heroic posture made everyone's scalp tingle when they looked at it.

This is the Chinese soldiers!

"! Did I dig up their ancestral graves? A mercenary with an Asian face yelled.

By this time he had already run out of ammunition, and the soldiers were killed and wounded, but none of them retreated.

As if to fight them endlessly, some people have already killed red-eyed, and rushed out with submachine guns, wanting to kill a bloody way for the black cat.

But after shooting with the soldiers, they were also beaten into a sieve.

The black cat shouted, "I can't go down the stairs anymore, jump from the window!" "

Jumping from the window, although it was the fourth floor, it was nothing at all for a mercenary like them, who had been in a hundred battles, and the view outside was even more empty, and most of the Chinese soldiers rushed to the façade of the building.

The chance to jump off will be a little bigger.

So the black cat led the team to jump first, and his mercenaries gave birth to a few people, but as soon as they landed.


Just one shot was heard, and one of the mercenaries was shot in the head.

The black cat barks badly, it's a master.

Immediately after a burst of intensive gunfire, several of his subordinates were shot dead on the spot, the black cat was shocked, although there were only a few soldiers downstairs, but looking at the timing of the shooting just now, it was clear that they were all experienced masters.

A word popped into his head.

Dragon Soul!

Only it may be a dragon soul, and only they will have the combat power of such a gun!

The black cat dodged and quickly hid behind the dark cover, knowing that if he didn't take out his hole cards again, it would be impossible for him to escape.

He yelled, "Don't move! I'm holding the remote control of the VX3 bomb in my hands! As long as I let go! The VX3 bomb will detonate! The whole East China Sea will give me a funeral! You don't want to see that! "

Chu Feng had already come to the front at this time, and looked at the black cat with his head and brain hidden and showed a sneer.

He said, "Then you can detonate one for me!" "

The black cat heard Chu Feng's words and showed that it had been, and then laughed. _

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