The black cat laughed and said, "Don't try to provoke me with the provocation method! Let me tell you, I don't eat your set, you are Chu Feng, right, the captain of the Dragon Soul Squad, I have heard of you for a long time, and I have always wanted to fight you, but I didn't expect to see you in this situation today! However, this is the end of it, now give me a car and a boat, and when I leave the territory of Huaxia, we will be fine!"

Otherwise, let's go to the west together! "

Chu Feng sneered and said, "Don't waste time there, I'll tell you!" Your two physicists have dismantled Standard Chartered and are now coming together to surrender and be judged by the people! "

The black cat sneered: "Demolition? Then why don't you dare to arrest me now, there are so many of you, and I can't run away. "

Chu Feng actually said with a smile on his face at this time: "I won't do it, because I'm waiting for her to do it." "

"Who—" The black cat heard before he could finish his sentence.


There was a dull gunshot, and on a tree in the distance, a graceful figure jumped down, she was wearing a Chinese military uniform, heroic and sassy, and her face did not have the heavy makeup that a girl of this age should have.

It's an indescribable temperament, she is Fang Cunxin, the biological daughter of the black cat. He was unwilling, the touch screen detonator was to prevent him from being shot in the process of escaping, but he had obviously let go, why hadn't the bomb exploded yet?

Black Cat, the leader of the K2 organization, died in Huaxia.

The black cat fell in a pool of blood and only vaguely saw a girl in a military uniform walking towards him, and he didn't see the face clearly, but he felt a little like himself in those eyes.

He was unwilling, the touch screen detonator was to prevent him from being shot in the process of escaping, but he had obviously let go, why hadn't the bomb exploded yet?

Could it really be that as Chu Feng said, the bomb had already been defused by him?

Damn it!

Damn the Huaxia soldier, but he has some regrets, in the next life, he must not be an enemy of Huaxia.


Fang Cunxin came to the black cat's side, a little helpless, and a little relieved, but more sad.

His dream is to become a soldier who defends his family, defends the country, and eliminates violence, but his biological father turns out to be the biggest criminal in the world.

How ironic and sad it is.

Chu Feng looked at Fang Cunxin, a little unsure of what to say. The pain in Fang Cunxin's heart can only be diluted by time.

The Fire Phoenix's people came to Fang Cunxin's side, comforted her, and then left with her.

Chu Feng looked at Fang Cunxin who was leaving, and was a little worried, for fear that something would happen to this little girl.


Then Chu Feng came to the soldiers who led the commando team to intercept the black cat and others, and saw that everyone was cleaning up the bodies of their comrades.

At this time, an officer and soldier ran over and asked in a crying voice: "May I ask the commander of your operation?" "

Chu Feng nodded and asked him what was the matter.

The non-commissioned officer's eyes flowed out, and he said, "Report to the chief, we want to see you, he... He's going to..."

Speaking of which. The non-commissioned officer burst into tears, tears pouring out of his eyes.

Chu Feng hurriedly came to a place where a group of soldiers were clustered, broke through the crowd, walked inside, and saw a soldier covered in blood lying there.

He was still breathing hard, holding on to his breath, and smiled when he saw Chu Feng, wanting to salute a military salute, but he couldn't even raise his hand.

Finally, he said with difficulty: "Hello chief, I... I, Liu Tianyu, did not disgrace the military department, did not disgrace the mission, completed the task perfectly, trapped all the personnel of the K2 organization in the encirclement, and... and..."

He was about to continue, but Chu Feng held his hand and said, "Don't say it, brother, I know everything..."

Liu Tianyu smiled and repeated: "Brother, really... It's so good, I didn't expect me and the captain of the dignified Dragon Soul... Calling brothers and sisters... You know, I've always dreamed of joining you..."

Chu Feng nodded and replied, "From now on, you are my brother... You are the brother of all the soldiers of the Dragon Soul! Your spirit is worth learning from each and every one of us! "

After Liu Tianyu heard Chu Feng's words, he said, "Okay... Good brother, live well, protect well... Protect Huaxia..."

Speaking of this, Liu Tianyu smiled and passed away.

Chu Feng stood up, led everyone, took off his hat, and watched his brothers go all the way!


Wen Changlin of the command headquarters jumped up from his chair happily after hearing that Fang Cunxin had killed the black cat with his own hands, he hurriedly contacted Chu Feng, and after learning that Chu Feng's side had also defused the VX3 bomb, he led the commanders of the command headquarters to the scene.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he saw Chu Feng's gloomy face, and Wen Changlin asked what was going on.

Chu Feng just glanced back at those young faces, just shook his head, and said, "It's okay, it's just a little tired." "

Then Chu Feng seemed to suddenly remember something, and said, "Old Wen, can you let go of Fang Cunxin and Zhang Haiyan." "

Wen Changlin said: "Fang Cunxin was already fine when you made a big fuss about the Secrecy Bureau before, and the military department helped you resist the matter, and now Zhang Haiyan is in some trouble, but I can still win this old face when I get out.

After all, Zhang Haiyan provided information to help us find the enemy's lair, plus he funded the military all year round, this bit of incense is still there, although there is a mistake, but the merits are offset, and it should be no problem to hold him. "

Listening to Wen Changlin's words, Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, after all, Lao Wen was not completely sure, and he would not say the word "no problem".

At this time, An Ran got out of the car, Chu Feng saw his new wife, and finally showed a smile, smiled and stepped forward, and gave An Ran a big hug.

An Ran was a little worried when he saw Chu Feng's appearance, and asked, "Are you injured?" "

Chu Feng shook his head and said, a little tired, An Ran pulled Chu Feng and said, "Go, your vacation is not over yet!" "

After saying that, the two of them left the scene.


A few days later, in the conference hall of the police department, Chu Feng and the members of the Dragon Soul Squad all arrived, ready to receive the wrong commendation.

Chu Feng made a first-class meritorious service and was awarded a first-class meritorious service medal.

Fang Cun Xin established a second-class meritorious service and was rewarded with a second-class meritorious service medal.

Li Erniu...

But when everyone was on stage to accept the award, they found that Fang Cun's heart was no longer there, and the leaders of the headquarters were a little puzzled, why Fang Cunxin was not there, wouldn't this award show the face of the headquarters?

Chu Feng haha: "My soldiers all regard military merit as dung, only he, I, who are the captains, will be reluctant to make it difficult and treat dung as a treasure, hahahaha..."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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