Several leaders listened to Chu Feng's explanation, and their heads were big for a while, this Chu Feng didn't do anything right when he wasn't on the task, it's just that they were all soldiers under him anyway.

And this kid's ability to bastard is the best in the world, because there is no reason, as long as you dare to use my soldiers, Lao Tzu will fight with you.

It was not reasonable at all, several leaders looked at each other and acted as if nothing had happened.

After the commendation, a memorial meeting was held, and at the posthumous meeting, Chu Feng did not show any insincerity, and was very serious.

The dead are the greatest, not to mention that the dead are all soldiers, all his brothers, and all heroes who shed their blood for this country.

Liu Tianyu won the second-class merit, a second-class merit medal, and the title of first-class martyr.

His comrades-in-arms held back tears and sent flowers to Liu Tianyu, in that charge, Liu Tianyu knew that walking in the front would be used as a live target by the mercenaries of Organization K, but he resolutely walked in the front.

To his soldiers, he won a chance to survive and successfully killed two mercenaries.

One sentence broke the opponent's defense, and it was precisely because of this that the black cat jumped over the wall in a hurry and chose to jump off the building.

Chu Feng personally stepped forward and gave Liu Tianyu a military salute, and everyone present was very moved.

Some people were even excited, because they knew what this meant, and the dragon soul captain affirmed that this was the dream of many soldiers.

Chu Feng stood in front of them and said, "Brothers! I know that you are all very sad about Liu Tianyu's death, but you must remember that you will still experience this kind of danger, after all, those uneasy elements outside the country will still come to encroach on our territory.

But we must be prepared to sacrifice for the country, the battlefield is the fate of our soldiers, and sacrifice is our inevitable end, but from now on, I hope you can train hard to improve yourself, only if we are strong enough, he writes that the evil forces that covet our territory will stay away from us, I am waiting for you in the dragon soul! "

I'm waiting for you in Dragon Soul!

What this sentence represents, what it means, everyone knows clearly, dragon soul, that is the dream of all Chinese soldiers.

After Chu Feng's words, everyone quickly walked out of the haze, no longer grieving for Liu Tianyu's death, but becoming more angry and turning grief into motivation.

After it was over, Chu Feng looked up at the sky and thought of Fang Cunxin, she came to the training ground and saw that Fang Cunxin was still training in the name.

Seeing that Fang Cunxin ignored him, Chu Feng beckoned and called Fang Cunxin over.

Fang Cunxin would not refuse Chu Feng's active call, he came to Chu Feng, no longer had the previous jump, but saluted a military reason, and said: "Report, what are the instructions!" "

Chu Feng sighed and said, "Don't be so restrained.

Then he asked: "Why don't you award it, so many leaders are watching, didn't you like to be in the limelight the most before." "

Fang Cunxin lowered his head and replied: "That military industry is not mine, if it wasn't for the captain, you arranged it in advance, I wouldn't have seen that head, so I don't deserve this military industry!" "

In fact, Fang Cunxin still hasn't said a word, she has been having a nightmare in the past few days, that is, she has learned about her biological father with her own hands, and there is that daughter, will she use her father's life to exchange for a second-class merit?

And the captain also helped himself to save his mother, and even the Haitian Group was proudly kept, except for a major purge carried out by the Haitian Group, the others are still the same as in the past, nothing has changed.

The mother is still the first iron lady in the East China Sea, a strong woman. Even the sponsorship of the World Youth Games has not changed, and it has even been praised by the whole world.

So he felt that Chu Feng and the military department had done enough for her, and if she was still licking her cheeky skin to receive that military industry, it would really be ignorant of promotion.

Chu Feng was helpless, patted her little head and said, "Then don't..."

Chu Feng couldn't find a suitable word for a while? Ambition? It's very inappropriate, and the anger instantly becomes even more embarrassing.

Fang Cunxin smiled and said: "Don't worry, captain, I didn't give up, I just want to earn military industry with my own hands, I don't want to rely on anyone, and I think I'm too weak, I have to train hard to improve myself."

Sooner or later, I will join the Dragon Soul by my own strength, and I will become the first female soldier king and the first female captain of the Dragon Soul Squad! "

Chu Feng nodded, then showed a very awkward expression, looked at Fang Cunxin from top to bottom and said, "The ideal is very full, the reality... But it's a good thing for young people to have ideals, I support you, come on! "

I said that, but the tone was still some...

Fang Cunxin looked at Chu Feng with a straight face, and finally squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "I want to surpass you!" "

Look, come on, you know that this girl wants to target herself.

Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder and said, "This goal is a bit ambitious and difficult to achieve, but I am optimistic about you, come on." "

After saying that, Fang Cunxin turned around and left to continue training, Chu Feng came to the military camp of the Fire Phoenix, several female soldiers were chatting and gossiping, and Chu Feng coughed outside the door.

Tang Xinyi walked out of it and gave Chu Feng a military salute and asked, "Captain, what's the matter." "

Chu Feng pointed to Fang Cunxin on the training ground and asked, "You have to worry more about her business." "

Tang Xinyi nodded and said: "Fang Cunxin's current psychological defense line is too fragile, a person who was so strong before, he was very arrogant, he was not afraid of heaven and earth, but now he is so fragile by the black cat."

I've never seen Fang Cunxin cry, but in the past few days, she has often secretly shed tears in the middle of the night.

I don't want to worry about it. "

Chu Feng said: "You usually accompany her more, and there is an appropriate amount of training, although her physical fitness is very good, but she can't withstand such a toss, the most important thing is that it is too rigid and easy to break." "

Tang Xinyi nodded and said: "Captain, don't worry, our Fire Phoenix is a big family, Fang Cunxin is a good sister in our big family, each of us is her family, and we won't let her go like this." "

In fact, Chu Feng noticed just now that next to the training ground, there were members of the Fire Phoenix team communicating with Fang Cunxin, and it seemed that they had discussed it before.

But that's right, Fang Cunxin, now needs someone to accompany him the most.

At this time, An Ran walked over, took Chu Feng's hand and said, "Fang Cunxin's matter, you can rest assured, so many good sisters are here, where do you need to worry about a big man." "_

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