After the final battle with K2, everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

The World Youth Games were held as usual, and all the citizens were happily watching the games, and the athletes were sweating on the field.

International friends from all over the world who came to watch the game were able to appreciate the characteristics of Greater China and the passion brought by sports competitions to the greatest extent.

And Chu Feng didn't care about these at all, and after giving everyone a short vacation, he started boring training day after day, year after year.

But the thing that is very puzzling is that for them, these trainings are already engraved into the bone marrow, and no matter how they repeat them, they will not find anything boring.

On the contrary, every time I train, I will be extremely excited, and even laugh heartily as if I am amusing myself.

"Three cannons! Your position is five centimeters worse than planned! "

"Wang Yanbing! Don't think I can't see your little tricks, train the basics first and then think about how to take shortcuts! "


Chu Feng's neutral voice has been back on the training ground.

Although Chu Feng's eyes have been staring at the recent situation on the side of the Dragon Soul Squad, he has been paying attention to the movements on Fang Cunxin's side, just a few days ago, in order to train Fang Cunxin's patience, endurance and attention, Chu Feng designed a special training program for her.

He found a target for Fang Cunxin, which turned out to be an egg five hundred meters away, and then found a bunker in a state of imitation war.

"You aim at that egg for me now, when I let you shoot, you can shoot the bullets out of the sniper rifle, if my bullet hesitates after giving the order, or misses, you will not be allowed to eat today!" Chu Feng's words were very harsh, and Fang Cun knew that the captain was testing himself.

Then after a full seven hours, Chu Feng let Fang Cunxin shoot the bullet.

The result can be imagined, Fang Cun's heart was full for two seconds before hitting the egg.

She lowered her head and came to Chu Feng, Chu Feng looked at her watch and said, "Do you know what a two-second error represents on the battlefield?" "

Fang Cunxin nodded, Chu Feng was really in his body, and said: "Go get an egg, put it a kilometer away by yourself, if there is any hesitation this time... You know the consequences, and I'm not going to give you another chance. "

The consequence that Chu Feng said, everyone knows, that is, leaving the army, after all, his exams have always been so strict,

Fang Cunxin put the egg on a stump a kilometer away, in fact, the reason why Chu Feng used the egg as a target has another purpose, that is, force majeure, if some animal takes the lead in this process, it can only prove that you are unlucky.

It was already evening, and he hadn't eaten an inch, and he had maintained a position behind cover, and he hadn't moved all day, and his whole body was scorched by the scorching sun

But she still gritted her teeth and persevered.

"Boss, is it okay to train like this? Tang Xinyi asked worriedly.

Chu Feng glanced at her and said that the target distance was two kilometers, but it still hit the target. "

This kind of training method is a training method that he thinks of what he saw on TV when he accidentally recalls the memories of his past life.

He felt that it was very suitable for Fang Cunxin's quality, after all, Fang Cunxin's personality was out of step and he did not obey discipline, so he used this method to exercise his heart.

At this time, Fang Cunxin was lying alone behind the cover of the training ground, aiming at the target motionlessly.

Everyone else had already rested, and Fang Cunxin was the only one who insisted on this boring training.

But the brothers saw it in their eyes, and they also knew in their hearts that Chu Feng valued Fang Cunxin very much, and felt that she was a malleable talent, so he would take care of her like this and open a small stove for him.

At three o'clock in the morning, Chu Feng suddenly walked out of his dormitory, and then said in the direction of Fang Cunxin: "Shoot!" "

Although the voice is not loud, it should be able to accompany Fang Cunxin faintly, Fang Cunxin's spirit has been in a state of high tension, and he is very concerned about every move around him.

At this time, Chu Feng's low-voice command was like a thunderbolt in her mind.


The bullet came out, and Chu Feng turned around and returned to the room very happily.

This gunshot can be said to wake up everyone in the dormitory, and the little sisters of the fire phoenix all came out to cheer for Fang Cunxin, went to her side to congratulate her, and gave her the water and food that had been prepared long ago.

It can be seen that they haven't slept all night, waiting for the result of Fang Cunxin's shot.

Of course, there are also people who scold Chu Feng for being unkind, only Fang Cunxin understands what this means to himself.


After a few more days, Chu Feng's training continued, Fang Cunxin could already shoot bullets at any time, and there would be no state of detachment, compared to her direct dehydration and fainting on the first night, it can be said to be a very big improvement.

Even Chu Feng felt that this girl's progress was faster than he imagined, and if she continued like this, she would really become the first female soldier king in Chinese history one day, but it would be impossible to surpass herself.

On this day, Chu Feng was still in the training ground, making training plans for his brothers, all of which were the training of the devil's class.

At this time, An Ran came to Chu Feng's side and said, "Chu Feng, our house has been renovated, do you want to see the effect." "

After Chu Feng heard An Ran's words, he suddenly thought that he had been married for so long, and he hadn't lived in the new house for a day, so he said: "Okay, let the brothers go over together and visit, by the way, we haven't had a good time together." "

Then Chu Feng thought that such a big house was empty if he didn't live in it, so he stepped in and let An Ran's parents move in to take care of their old age, after all, it was impossible for him to live in it for long in a year.

So he said to An Ran: "When the time comes, bring your parents over and let the two old people live there." "

An Ran said: "That's okay, anyway, Zaimen is in the barracks, just let them help take care of it." "

Chu Feng hugged An Ran and thought, this is a husband and wife, they can think of anything together.

After the training, everyone finished washing, and when they heard that Chu Feng was going to take everyone to his new house, they were all very happy.

"Boss! Are we going to fight the local tyrants, or are we fighting the landlords! "

"Hahahaha! How can the boss be a local tyrant, that's a big dog! "


Chu Feng kicked and joked with everyone, and then the brothers drove to Chu Feng's new house together. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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