The earthquake in China can be said to have affected the whole world, of course, it is not the power of the earthquake, but the influence. The whole world received this news that shocked the world at the same time.

A large city of five million people was razed to the ground in a matter of minutes, and the most important thing about the city was that it was located in a mountainous area, and the transportation was very inconvenient, and the trains and roads that could get to Tianchuan City had been destroyed.

The airport is too far from the city, and the airport highway also collapsed in this earthquake. So it's a challenge to get into the interior of the city, let alone the town center.

Therefore, many countries are looking at Huaxia's school flowers, and their citizens were killed in the disaster, but what will Huaxia do in the face of such a difficult rescue, whether to go in hard, or to retreat.

And at this time, the country that represents the most advanced science and technology in the world actually published a rescue robot.

The robot has eight legs and looks like a large spider without a head, and can easily climb over many areas that are inaccessible to humans.

After about a lot of steep obstacles, this technology in the United States is actually being studied by many countries, but it is in a state of backward technology.

But in fact, the original technology of the United States was a kind of detection robot that was intended to be used in war, and it could carry bombs, submachine guns and other weapons with it, which would achieve unexpected results in jungle warfare.

But when I heard that there was such a big earthquake in China, the CIA immediately decided to modify the size of the robot and fine-tune the performance, treating the war robot as a rescue robot.

Immediately after the publication of this technique, the leaders of China immediately got in touch with the conquest of the United States, and the leaders of the two countries met as soon as possible.

Xiao Cheng personally rushed to the United States to inspect the robot on the spot, and found that this robot was particularly suitable for rescue in Tianchuan City.

Just when Xiao Cheng was about to sign a contract with Mi Guo, an accident occurred, and the Mi people actually sat on the ground and raised the price, making a very unreasonable request.

Although there will be some interests between the two countries in exchanges, for the safety of people's lives and property, Huaxia is fully able to get so much money.

However, the United States requires that in the rescue process, no matter how long it takes the people of the United States and how many people are rescued, there can be no urging and complaining in Huaxia.

Moreover, in the reconstruction work after the rescue, there must be a country to rebuild, and China is not allowed to interfere.

Finally, the aftermath of the reconstruction should also be carried out by the United States, and Huaxia is not allowed to interfere.

This is simply a land reparation, and it is absolutely impossible for Huaxia to agree.

But the world's attention is on this, and Hua's rescue work is not doing well, and that's a joke.

If the people of the United States enter Tianchuan City and take a few robots to play cards, will we also give you money and be grateful to you?

The most hateful thing, no matter what happens later, the whole world will think that the rice country is benevolent and righteous, and will not know how many pickled things they have done in it.

Second, allowing the people of the United States to carry out reconstruction work is tantamount to making the Chinese conquest lose the popular support and credibility. The most important thing is that they can unscrupulously take advantage of this opportunity to plant flags in China.

At the same time, the entire Tianchuan may become an intelligence base for the people of the United States, and their image will also subtly affect the citizens of Tianchuan.

And the most infuriating thing is the last one, which is simply spraying money from all over the place, and they operate it, isn't that equivalent to leasing this cross-border to you?

This is only strategic significance, as well as the huge profits brought by economic development, Xiao Cheng can be sure that the cost of the United States in the rescue work and their investment in the later maintenance is almost a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, Tianchuan is located in a mountainous area, with countless resources and mines, so it is absolutely impossible for Xiao Cheng to agree to this matter.

But if you don't agree, how can you save the victims of Tianchuan?

If the rescue is not successful, it will definitely make the whole world see a joke, not that he, the leader, is too utilitarian, but in his position, he must take into account the face of the country.

Xiao Cheng picked up the phone and called the military department, which said that the troops at the front had reached the outskirts of Tianchuan City and were now being rescued.

Xiao Cheng sighed, it turned out to be just a suburb, although the area of the suburbs of Tianchuan City is the largest, but the total population is only one million, standing at twenty percent of the city's population.

Then he asked: "Is there any news from the front, or a rescue plan, how can the two million people trapped in the city center be rescued?" "

The person from the military department said: "Now the rescue has just begun, and the troops cannot enter the epicenter of the city center at the first time, but you can rest assured, Chu Feng has already taken people in to explore the way, and he has already made a military order, and he will definitely lead the rescue force to enter the epicenter area as soon as possible." "

When Xiao Cheng heard this, he said suspiciously: "Chu Feng really said that? "

The other end of the phone replied: "That's right, the deputy minister of the military department personally reported that Chu Feng took the dragon soul to enter the center of Daotianchuan City first, and then found a suitable location for paratroopers to land in the air, and notified the rescue force as soon as possible, so that the losses and casualties can be minimized, and more importantly, time can be saved." "

Xiao Cheng sighed, there was some relief, and then snorted coldly: "Although we in Huaxia do not have the high-tech and fancy intestines of the United States, there are many soldiers who are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and are not afraid of death!" "

Then Xiao Cheng hung up the phone and said to himself, It seems that I can only rely on you, Chu Feng, this is your duty, and in the same way, we owe you, you must succeed.

If it is not successful, it will not only make the rescue work very difficult, but also cause the rescue troops of the military department to lose a lot of manpower and material resources.

It will even take the lives of rescuers, you know, those soldiers who wore camouflage uniforms and fell from the sky wrote wills before going to the front line again.

The state really doesn't want to use these wills one day.

And at this moment, Chu Feng was leading his Dragon Soul team to hover over the epicenter.

Because of the earth's crustal changes, the entire city center generated a lot of fog and dust during this time. So if you want to be airborne, it's simply impossible.

Chu Feng frowned, then looked at the brothers on the plane and said, "You wait here, I will jump down alone, first find a place for you to land, and then launch a signal flare, you will be airborne according to the location of the signal flare." "_

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