But everyone thought it was too risky.

Wang Yanbing took the lead and said: "Captain, no, you have no vision at all when you jump like this, first, you can't see the height above the ground, and second, if you hit some building..."

"Yes, yes, why don't I jump down, I'm more familiar with the mountains..."Erniu hurriedly said.

"No, if you want me to say it, we will jump down together, so that the success rate will be a little better..."


Everyone gossiped, Chu Feng shouted and stood upright, everyone sat upright, Chu Feng said: "I know you all have good intentions, but what I want to tell you is that you have to have a long brain and think more before doing anything."

My physical fitness and combat experience are the most suitable people to go down and explore the path here, so you don't have to fight, you are in the air and stand by. "

"But..." Some people still wanted to stop Chu Feng.

"This is an order!" and everyone was silenced with one sentence.

After all, Chu Feng has the body of King Kong, even if he really bumps into any building, he can perfectly avoid injury.

Chu Feng resolutely jumped off the helicopter, and at the first time he jumped, Chu Feng did not adopt a diving posture like he had done in the previous parachute jump, but opened his arms and formed a large shape between his legs and arms.

Then you spread your eagle eye and look at your surroundings, and sure enough, this is the mountain wall.

Chu Feng had looked at the map of the entire Tianchuan City before jumping down, and he obviously noticed that in the center of Tianchuan City, with his back against a natural mountain wall, it was a great wonder of Tianchuan City.

If you had just let the brothers jump down with you, someone would have crashed into the mountain wall.

Although the visibility of the fog is too low, it is very good in the field of view of Chu Feng with Eagle Eye.

He descends with his limbs spread out, using the wingsuit he remembered in his previous life to fly. Wingsuit flight is to make the glider into a shape similar to clothing, wear it on the body, and when flying in the sky, it resembles the wings of a bat.

Therefore, it is named wingsuit flight, and this extreme sports flight mode relies on the particularity of the air flow on the surface of the mountain or sea, and uses the high-speed air flow to produce upward pressure to wake up the flight in the descending state.

Chu Feng controlled his posture little by little, and in this state, he felt that one mistake would make him suffer greatly, and sure enough, he didn't think so.

A spit cliff appeared in front of him, and Chu Feng hurriedly adjusted his figure, but he suddenly remembered that the military uniform he was wearing was not a wingsuit flying costume.

So the ability to regulate the air is not very strong.

Chu Feng could only unfold the body of King Kong, and then he directly collided with the mountain, and then banged and hit it squarely.

But it looks very miserable, but in fact, Chu Feng doesn't have this little suffering, it's still a small case.

Chu Feng grabbed one end of the mountain wall with one hand, then used his eagle eye to check the terrain, and finally found a direction and jumped down directly.

Because he was almost on the ground at this time, he didn't need to control the direction, he directly adopted a diving attitude and came to a distance of 200 meters from the ground, Chu Feng opened his parachute at this time, and then landed safely.

But as soon as he landed, Chu Feng felt that something was wrong.

I heard a boom.

The cement road under his feet collapsed directly, and then slid down a slope, Chu Feng jumped up at the first moment of the collapse, and then grabbed a tree to avoid sliding down.

He looked at his guards and saw that it was a winding road behind the city center.

Chu Feng was still a few hundred meters away from the real ground, but now that his feet were empty, he could only climb down from here.

At this time, Chu Feng unfolded all his body skills and climbed down from the mountain wall.

As soon as Chu Feng came to the ground, he felt a sense of gloom, according to the records in the data, it was the area with the largest flow of people in the entire Tianchuan City.

But now, the uncomfortable corpses lying upside down are the ruins and broken walls, Chu Feng looked back, it turned out to be the bottom of this cliff, there had been a landslide, and there was no longer any original cityscape under his feet.

I don't know how many people were buried, Chu Feng was a little sad, he didn't stay, in fact, this place is already very suitable for the Dragon Soul team to land, but too close to the mountain wall, there will be great danger, so Chu Feng began to run inside the city, trying to find a safe and empty location.

Eventually, he found a half-reserved parking lot.

He took out the red snake's new good stick, unscrewed the tongue of fire inside, and laid out a square.

Wang Yanbing, who was on the helicopter, was anxiously observing the situation below, and to be honest, he couldn't see anything at all.

But the sound of Chu Feng hitting the mountain wall just now was really earth-shattering.

They almost thought that Chu Feng had been sacrificed like this, but soon he saw a red photoelectric appear below, followed by a second, a third, and a fourth.

The last four optoelectronics form a red square, which is nothing short of miraculous.

The boss actually found a place to stay, and he shouted, "Brothers, do you see that red square area, jump!"

After saying that, he jumped down in a hurry, then the second, and then the third, until the entire Dragon Soul team disappeared into the vast mountain mist.

The helicopter returned the same way, and after returning to the camp, the first one was called out into the tent by the commander-in-chief, who was a little timid in the face of the second-in-command of the military department.

The commander-in-chief asked, "Have the Dragon Soul Squad all set off?"

The helicopter pilot said, "That's right, it's all set off, and the captain was the first to jump down and find a place where they could land, and then everyone parachuted in one after another." "

At this time, the chief of staff asked, "They all jumped down, why haven't they notified us to leave?"

After seeing the captain of the dragon soul, the helicopter pilot was also a lot more angry, and the timidity just now disappeared, and he actually looked at the chief of staff with idiotic eyes and said: "People are dragon souls, where they can be airborne, we really may not be able to land."

And that area is very small, I saw that it is a square of more than ten square meters, just enough for their team to be airborne, and our large army needs a large position to provide for the landing of our large army. "

The chief of staff reacted at this moment, and asked in surprise, "Is he the captain of the Dragon Soul?"

Then the commander-in-chief, together with the helicopter pilot, looked at the chief of staff with idiotic eyes.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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