Chu Feng waited for the landing of the Dragon Soul, in fact, this time Chu Feng brought over three or four hundred people, and brought the entire Dragon Soul Brigade over.

But it was still very dangerous for him to control such a small area to skydive, but fortunately, everyone who parachuted and landed would immediately stand up to make room for the people behind them, so soon, 400 people landed safely.

Chu Feng asked everyone to go out to find a strong terrain and a position that was enough for the two divisions to parachute.

In an instant, everyone ran out in all directions, and after a quarter of an hour, everyone returned, and at this time it was reported that they had found a more suitable place to land, but they needed to clear out the position, and there were still many obstacles on it that were not conducive to airborne.

Chu Feng judged the location of the nearest standby division here, and then said, "I can't wait now, we must let the large army hurry to the center of the disaster area." Everybody's on orders!"

At this time, the Dragon Soul Brigade shouted in unison.

Chu Feng said: "Now, let's work together to clear the obstacles in the found field, try to make room for the large army, and act!"

Then everyone went straight to the location that the soldier had found.

Chu Feng notified the command headquarters as soon as possible, and the people at the command department felt incredible when they heard that no one in Chu Feng's Dragon Soul Brigade was injured, and that they had found a suitable place to land in such a short period of time.

Some people even think that this is a miracle, a war where every second counts, and every mistake means the death of hundreds or thousands of lives.

Everyone rejoiced and felt that this must be a godsend, and the commander-in-chief immediately conveyed the order to the division headquarters, ordering the military region close to Tianchuan, excluding the troops of the two divisions, equipping all rescue tools and engineer suits, and taking off immediately.

The airborne location and altitude have been marked by the Dragon Soul Brigade, and there must be no mistakes.

At this time, all the people were excited, and they were finally able to enter the disaster area.

At this time, Chu Feng organized the entire Dragon Soul Brigade to clear the obstacles on the field, and every soldier had a grim face and a solemn expression, because they knew that although they were the king of special forces, they were the best in the army, and they were the killing gods on the battlefield.

But in their essence, each and every one of them has the five words of serving the people engraved in their souls.

They were soldiers first, and then they were warriors.

And today they know with empathy that this is their mission.

Just now, they accomplished a feat that no other country in the world can accomplish.

With visibility of half a meter, airborne parachuting is a Chinese soldier, who is in a difficult and dangerous position, and must also protect the safety of people's property.

At the same time, more Chinese soldiers are heading here.

The eyes of reporters from all over the world gathered, they heard that there was a deadly squad that had entered the disaster area, they originally thought that it was a Chinese death squad, to show the international body, but after seeing that there were two divisions ready to fly to the disaster area.

They were shocked, not long ago, they were still laughing at Huaxia, they couldn't afford the technology of the United States, and they wanted to use this way to fool around, but now they found out that the blood of the Chinese soldiers in World War II seemed to be back.

What is it to throw our heads and spill blood? We don't have high-tech weapons, so we use people's names to pile them up, and there is no other place in this world that can show off its might on the territory of China.

Even if it's a natural or man-made disaster!

The people of China will never be defeated, and the perseverance of the Chinese soldiers is engraved in their bones.


After half an hour of emergency repairs, the Dragon Soul Brigade finally cleared the entire site and was waiting for the arrival of this large force, but at this time, the command headquarters got the news.

The leylines of the epicenter are very unstable, and there will be multiple aftershocks within an hour, which will cause very large losses to parachute reinforcements.

After hearing this, the commander-in-chief was unusually big, and it turned out to be many aftershocks, if it was one, it was okay, but it was so many times, and the aftershock level was 5 at the lowest and 7 at the highest.

On this scale, it can already be counted as a major earthquake with enough destructive power.

The command made a decision at the first opportunity.

"Attention to all departments, attention to all departments, the airborne manned helicopters immediately return to the barracks, immediately return to the barracks, there will be large-scale, high-frequency aftershocks soon, and after the aftershocks you are returning to the disaster area. "

The chief of staff asked the commander-in-chief: "Commander-in-chief, what about the front, the people inside ..."

"So far, we can only hope for the Dragon Soul Brigade. Then the commander-in-chief picked up the walkie-talkie, connected Chu Feng's connection and said: Chu Feng, here command, you now take people to the depths of the disaster area immediately, you must be careful on the road, within an hour, there will be five to seven high-frequency aftershocks in the entire earthquake center.

This scale is enough to destroy a small city, you must pay attention to safety, it is impossible for a large army to enter and rescue at this time, but you can rest assured that we will not let you fight alone. After the aftershocks, we will rush there as soon as possible.

But you have to go to the first scene, and race against time, which is the biggest task for you to be blind.

If you arrive a minute early, you can rescue one more person, and hopefully you will be able to complete the mission perfectly and come back alive. "

That's right, coming back alive, even if it is the Dragon Soul Brigade, they are all dead in this mission, and every minute and second they spend in the disaster area is the most dangerous moment.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "No problem, I promise to complete the task." "

After speaking, Chu Feng hung up the walkie-talkie and said to all the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade who gathered again: "Leave one team member here to stand by, if the large army sets off, he will stay here to answer, and the rest of the people will rush to the first scene with me." "

Then Chu Feng recounted the current information to them, especially about the continuous aftershocks that followed soon after, Chu Feng did his best to popularize knowledge to everyone.

Because he knew that the action under such circumstances was the first time he had done it.

But Chu Feng understood that they were only allowed to succeed and not fail, and if they failed, they would not only lose Huaxia's face, but also the company of Huaxia soldiers, but also be irresponsible for the lives of the ordinary people buried in the ruins.

Even if he let his current life be filled, they will definitely not have any complaints, this is the Huaxia soldier.

In the tent of the headquarters, the commander-in-chief's face was cold, and he was almost dripping water, and the high aftershocks for a whole hour were no more powerful than an eleventh magnitude earthquake, especially if two million people were still buying inside, Chu Feng, you must come on. _

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