After the earthquake, the people of Tianchuan City seemed to be soulless people, at a loss, and they didn't know what to do.

This is an urban village near the cliff in Tianchuan City, and most of the leaders in the village are buried under the ruins, and only one village party secretary is lucky or.

He got up and found the surviving village name and said: "Comrades, listen to me, such a strong earthquake, many of our compatriots have been buried under the rubble, we cannot sit still here, now we must unite, open the ruins first, and if we can save one compatriot, we will save one more." "

After all, many people are still in shock and grief for such a big thing, not to mention that many people's family members and loved ones have died in this natural disaster.

After seeing this scene, the village party secretary shook his head helplessly, mobilized everyone again and said: "Comrades, don't be numb anymore, let's act earlier." If you can save a life, it's all our compatriots!"

After everyone listened, it seemed that what the village party secretary said was right, so they found the jobs they could find at hand, and then started the rescue work.

As you can imagine, a group of displaced people who have just lost their hometowns are thinking of saving others first, rather than finding a safe place to wait for rescue.

"Comrades, work hard!" The village party secretary is holding a pickaxe in his hand and is directing everyone to carry a piece of cement, and under the cement slab is a villager's child, because the child's body is small and hidden in the cracks, so there is no danger to his life.

But children are very scared in this environment, and after a long time, they will die of thirst and starvation.




The villagers were still cooperating with the village party secretary and shouting the trumpet together, and then forcefully opened a gap in the cement slab.

Everyone was overjoyed that they could finally breathe the child, and saw the girl leaning her head over and gasping for air. The village party secretary hurriedly said: "Little sister, you push back now, and your uncle will rescue you now." "

The little girl was very obedient and shrank her head back, and then the villagers inserted the tools into the gap again, and then began to pry the cement slab again, and the village party secretary struggled to lead everyone to the rescue.

Finally knocked the cement slab up.

The whole cement slab, and the ground appeared about forty-five degrees of tutoring, the car is not more than a meter high.

The village party secretary shouted: "Enough! "

The village party secretary wanted to put his hands under the cement slab and try to pull the little girl out in this way, but when the little girl's body crawled out halfway, it got stuck.

"What's wrong? little sister. The village party secretary said anxiously.

"My foot is stuck!" said the little girl, crying.

When the village party secretary heard this, he paid it back, and got under the cement slab with his upper body, and sure enough, the little girl's shoes were stuck in the gap.

He pulled the little girl out with his hands, but to no avail.

So he crawled inside again, just enough to touch the little girl's shoes.

Then he began to help untie his shoes with one hand.

At this time, in order to help the village party secretary, the villagers supported the cement slab with a thick wooden stick, and then dragged the little girl from outside.

The village party secretary finally untied the little girl's shoes, and a click was heard.

Then everyone felt that something was wrong, and the little girl was still struggling to pull out her feet.

But it still couldn't be pulled out, the village party secretary shouted hard under the cement slab, and the wood supporting the cement slab broke in response, everyone felt that it was over, and it was over.

However, the thin body of the village party secretary actually arched his body under the cement slab, and then used all the strength of his body to support this thousands of catties of cement slab from the inside.

With the last of his strength he shouted, "Pull her out!"

The villagers also used all their strength, and the little girl's feet were pulled out of the shoes, and the whole person was also detached from under the cement slab.

But the next moment, a bang was heard, and the village party secretary's body finally couldn't support it, and he used the last moment of his life to buy time for the villagers and save a life.

And he rests on this land.

"Branch Secretary!"

"Big brother!"


Everyone came to the cement slab hysterically, trying to save him as much as possible.

But when they saw that a large amount of blood had already flowed out from under the cement slab, and no one answered no matter how they called, they knew that the village party secretary must have been sacrificed.

After all, the space under the cement dam can only accommodate a five- or six-year-old child, while an adult can only turn into a puddle of meat when he is hit by a cement slab of several thousand catties.

Everyone cried, because in their group, only the village party secretary could lead everyone, and they could only rely on this man to help everyone find their current direction.

Now that the village party secretary is gone and sacrificed, the only pillar and spiritual pillar are gone.

Everyone sat on the ground, some people were silently mourning for the village party secretary, some people lost hope of living at this time, and some people were on the verge of radical collapse.

Only the cry of the little girl kept coming from behind everyone, and he lay next to the gap in the cement slab, and kept calling for the big brother, the big brother.

Everyone watched their hometown become devastated, and their relatives didn't know whether they were alive or dead, and they had the courage to live.

Many people have the idea of committing suicide, and at this time, who can come out to save this group of people who are covered.

The foggy weather in Tianchuan became unusually heavy during this earthquake, and the visibility was sometimes less than two meters, so I don't know when this kind of weather will be a head.

At that moment, a figure appeared in the fog, followed by a second, a third, a fourth, and the group of people lined up.

The pace is very agreeable, rhythmic and sounds very shocking.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted: "Captain!

Then a very solemn voice said, "Go and see what is going on with the victims." "

Then several soldiers ran up to them and said, "Comrades, how are you, are there any injuries!"

Several villagers looked at each other, and then suddenly they wept, as if they had finally found someone to talk to and a solid backbone to rely on.

The little girl also pounced and said, "Big brother was crushed under a big rock in order to save me, you go and save him." "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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