Chu Feng once again returned to the rescued urban village, where there was no telling how many compatriots were buried under the collapsed buildings because of the dense flow of people.

Chu Feng looked at the scene in front of him, a little distracted, feeling that if he dragged on like this, he would definitely cause more losses, and he felt that this would not work, he had to act, even if he exposed his ability to open and hang, he could not let time deteriorate.

After all, now that the aftershocks have begun, as many people as can be rescued in this hour.

So Chu Feng called out to his system in his heart.

"Ding! The system prompts the host's command. "

Chu Feng said a few words coldly: "Give me an upgrade now, I want more powerful strength!"

"Ding! The system prompts that the host must complete the task..."

Chu Feng heard the great wisdom of the system and said, "There is not so much time!"

The system prompts that the host requirements are met, and the system adopts self-sign-in

[Name: Chu Feng]

[Age: 18]

[Constitution: 50]

[Strength: 50]

[Speed: 50]

[Sensitivity: 50]

[Commanding Power: 80]

[Registration point: 10000]

[Skills: Special Firearm Usage, Special Fighting, Grandmaster-level Hacking Ability, Intermediate Eagle Eye, High-level Iron Body, Advanced Disguise Grandmaster, Grandmaster-level Beast Ability, Special Parrot Skill!]

Evaluation: Surpassing the SS-level strength of the special forces

Chu Feng glanced at his panel, the groove was so powerful.

Then the system sounded again.

"Ding! The system prompts that the host has obtained infrared thermal perspective technology, and the perspective range is ten meters. "

Chu Feng was shocked when he heard this, there was an unexpected gain, he stood to look at his infrared perspective function, and found that as far as the eye could see, everything that could be seen in front of him had become layered due to the difference in his own temperature.

At 36.5 degrees Celsius, the temperature of a living person will turn golden red, and the temperature will be golden yellow at a little bit, and the temperature will gradually turn green, blue, and then lighter and lighter.

Chu Feng began to look for the wounded, and then asked all the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade and ordinary citizens to make a special space for himself to make a ruin, and he wanted to act alone.

Izumi understands that at this time he must act alone, otherwise there is no way to achieve the fastest time to rescue, after all, the more people he will become, the more restrained he will be

The wound on Chu Feng's hand was not yet healed, but it was already painful, and he could feel that the wound would heal in a very short time.

Chu Feng used the infrared perspective function to see that a person who was pressed under the cement slab was still alive.

With a bang, Chu Feng lifted the cement slab, revealing a man who was no longer human.

Then he took the man's body out and quickly placed it in a safe open space, next to a member of the special Dragon Soul Brigade to heal.

Chu Feng immediately returned to the scene, and then every few steps he took found a wounded person.

But every time he came out of the ruins, Chu Feng would feel that the burden on his body was even heavier, because he found that there were too many people waiting for him to come to the rescue.

He can't ignore any life, he must tear up all the rubble here.

Chu Feng began to carry out a carpet rescue, and all the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade were stunned, it turned out that his captain was so good.

A piece of concrete of several hundred pounds was removed by him with one hand, and he punched a hole in the middle of a whole floor slab, and then pulled out a wounded man from it.

In fact, the tools of the Dragon Soul squad are not good, they are all tactical military shovels and the like, although the functions are very good, but the huge workload has long overloaded the military shovels.

Many people's military shovels were broken, including Chu Feng's own.

What they really need is big machinery and more consumable tools.

And now there is a perpetual motion machine like the god of war, Chu Feng's hands are like the hands of the gods to save the city, and every wave is the salvation of a human life.

"Go and help the captain clean up the field!" At this time, Wang Yanbing knew how to maximize the rescue.

That is to help Chu Feng clear out a place that is enough to house the wounded, so that Chu Feng can do his best to save people, deal with the aftermath, and hand it over to their Dragon Soul Brigade.

With that, all the soldiers of the Dragon Soul Brigade gathered together and began to clear a clearing in the ruins.

Chu Feng's eyes have a perspective function, but now they are temporarily staying in infrared perspective.

He could pinpoint a piece of ruins where no one was buried, and although such ruins were rare, there were still some, at least there were no living people underneath.

Chu Feng dug this all the way forward, whether it was the soldiers or the victims, they all felt that there were such god-like special forces, and they saw hope for this disaster.

Some people even regarded Chu Feng as an immortal and began to worship and pray.

When Chu Feng lifted a floor slab, he destroyed the current mechanical balance, causing a tube building next to it that had not collapsed to tremble.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, but Chu Feng didn't care about this danger, and continued to tour the victims who were crushed under the ruins.

But at this moment, boom!

Once an aftershock came, Chu Feng had just rescued a victim from the rubble, and he caught up with the aftershock, and the sudden aftershock caused the half of the tube building to collapse directly.

The rescued girl felt that she was really finished this time, and finally came out of the abyss where she couldn't see her fingers, and was she going to be buried again, and she still wanted to be burdened, even the soldier who had worked so hard to save herself.

The girl didn't dare to think about it, who knew that the soldier's big hand waved, raised it above his head, and then didn't even look at it, and then with the other hand he took the girl into his arms and buried his head in his chest.

Then tell her not to open her eyes!

Then, boom!

After a long time, the girl finally opened her eyes, only to see that the soldier had caught an entire building with his bare hands.

Then Chu Feng used his right hand to throw the tube building aside and threw it out directly.

Then he hurriedly sent the girl to the open space and handed it over to a member of the Dragon Soul Brigade.

But everyone looked at him like a monster, just now, they all felt that Chu Feng and that girl were going to die

But no one expected that Chu Feng would turn the danger into a disaster in such an arrogant and unreasonable way.

This...... This is simply too overbearing.

Chu Feng asked suspiciously: "Well! What are you doing in a daze!"

Wang Yanbing wiped his face and said, "Damn!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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