Chu Feng handed over the girl to Wang Yanbing, at this time the girl had lost her strength, fainted randomly, and then threw herself into the rescue again, he calculated the size of the entire urban village, but the thing that made him extremely painful turned out to be that this urban village was actually big at the beginning.

The densely packed building density of the peasant houses in the most critical urban villages has led to the fact that the entire urban village is almost all rubble and ruins, and I don't know how many compatriots are buried inside.

And now is a special period, the entire urban village is currently facing the threat of aftershocks, if more victims are not released as soon as possible, they will be injured twice, and then it will really be a survival rate of one in ten.

Chu Feng was in a predicament, with his current strength, he could completely turn the entire urban village upside down, but the embarrassing thing was that he didn't have time, and all he could rely on at present was an infrared perspective function other than his strong body.

However, this perspective range is very small, only a short five meters, and it is impossible to see the bottom of the ruins as far as the eye can see, and in some places you can't even see through half of it.

Chu Feng anxiously cured and asked the system: "Is there any way for the system to allow me to detect the wounded more efficiently." "

The system prompts that you can hear and identify the position through ultrasound hearing. "

When Chu Feng heard it, he listened to the sound and identified the position, and he didn't know what the effect was, but the system recommended that this skill would definitely be better than the red danger lottery given before.

So Chu Feng didn't want to say anything, so he asked for an exchange.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the Ultrasonic Receiver skill. "

As the emotionless voice of the system finished speaking, Chu Feng felt that his hearing was obvious... It shouldn't be said that it has become stronger, nor should it be said that it has become sharper.

It's a feeling that the whole world is talking to me.

He found that what he heard was no longer voices, but bursts of signals, and the solidarity of these voices was not those that made sounds, but himself.

He felt that every inch of his skin was emitting sounds outward, and these sounds were like radar signals, and any obstacle would return to his brain, forming a very complete image.

Chu Feng frowned, finding that this could not find the victims who were buried under the ruins, but after thinking about it quickly, he understood the key to this, and then he began to hold his breath and concentrate, increasing his efforts to diverge this biological signal.

In fact, this is ultrasound, Chu Feng's ultrasound has undergone a huge change since he began to concentrate, not only can it travel in the air, but can penetrate objects, and can play a very complete and clear signal.

Chu Feng was overjoyed, it turned out that this was the ability of the system, but Chu Feng found that even if this kind of signal was propagated in solid, there was no way to find the wounded, because he didn't know whether the returned obstacle signal was a living person or a dead thing.

Suddenly, he came up with the idea of using his own infrared receiver, which he mixed with the ultrasonic receiver and made it a thermally inductive ultrasonic, so that when he returned the signal, it could tell where the victims were buried under the rubble.

All the soldiers of the Dragon Soul Brigade were looking at what ethereal thing Chu Feng could grasp, and they didn't know what he was doing, so someone whispered: "What's wrong with the boss." "

"Don't bother the boss, maybe the boss is doing it now. "


"Didn't you see what the boss was talking about today?"


Chu Feng heard these voices clearly, and said in his heart, I won't bother with you first, and when it's over, I'll go back and practice you well.

Then Chu Feng was like a radar, a signal was radiated, and a large group of victims could be seen.

He suddenly went into action, and he removed a piece of concrete and rescued two people.

With a wave of his hand, a man appeared from under a large rock.

Everyone looked at Chu Feng as if he had really turned into a god of war after doing the Fa, flipping in the ruins.

Yes, flip.

It feels like a very good swimmer swimming forward in the ocean in freestyle.

Chu Feng was that athlete, and the rubble on the ruins was the sea water, and for a while, they felt that Chu Feng's action of saving people and turning over the rubble was actually very chic.

But Chu Feng didn't know what they were thinking at this time, because he didn't have time to think about these things at all, after all, because of the increase in his perceptual acuity, he obviously felt that there was about to be an aftershock of about level six.

An aftershock of more than five magnitude will collapse an entire building, and this aftershock of magnitude 6 will undoubtedly make the entire disaster area worse at this time.

So Chu Feng was about to turn into a pangolin at this time, and he actually dug a ravine in the rubble.

In just a few minutes, dozens of people were rescued by him.

But it was far from enough, Chu Feng felt that this speed could not be used to kill everyone at all, but he did not give up, no one should die, no one could die.

Sometimes he would dig up corpses, but he would still report them as if they were alive.

When leaving, some people could see this captain who was always fearless in the face of difficulties, and his eyes were a little ruddy.

After Chu Feng's hand had increased its strength and hardness, it was still cut through the epidermis by the sharp rubble, and blood oozed from his entire skin.

Everyone he rescued seemed to be stained with his learning.

Everyone was a little moved, and many people wanted to go up and help, but they knew that the best way for them to rescue now was to cooperate with their captain, and they also knew that only such a man was worthy of calling the boss himself.

Wang Yanbing said: "If it goes on like this, I really don't have the confidence to surpass him." "

Li Erniu patted Wang Yanbing on the shoulder and said, "We don't need to surpass him, because he has been fighting side by side with us!"

Chu Feng had already rescued a hundred people from under the ruins at this time, but the aftershocks still came as scheduled, and when everyone was sighing at Chu Feng's strength, Chu Feng's eyes were red.

Because he knew that there were many more people buried under the rubble, and he had to keep working harder.

So he didn't stop his steps, and when the aftershocks came, he rushed directly into the ruins, just like rushing into the battlefield before, brave and good at fighting.

When the little girl who was rescued by Chu Feng saw this back, she felt that only such a man was worthy of Huaxia's trust. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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