At this time, Chu Feng rescued two more people, and finally said to everyone: "Although this wave of aftershocks is not too shaking, there will be a very large aftershock coming soon, you should evacuate quickly." "

Everyone had no doubt when they heard Chu Feng's words, because in their hearts, Chu Feng was the pillar.

Therefore, everyone cooperated with the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade and began to retreat.

But the retreating ghost retreated Chu Feng did not follow, he had to continue to go back to save people, although the people who were buried under the ruins were almost rescued by him, but there were still many people who were still buried under the ruins.

So after parting in twos and twos, Chu Feng told everyone not to estimate him, he has a way to protect himself, so everyone must be pulled to a safe place, and then wait to come back, after this wave of aftershocks, a large army will come to the rescue.

Everyone clicked one after another, saying that they would obey Chu Feng's orders, and a village cadre from an urban village was rescued, and he said to Chu Feng: "Notice, although we are not special forces, we are also cadres, we can't be sheltered like this, we also have to do something for the people." "

Chu Feng glanced at the village cadre and was not injured, so he said: "Okay, for this group of villagers, my wrong people may not be easy to arrange, you help them arrange the entire army and communicate well." "

The village cadres said that there was no problem, and then they set out to stop everyone from leaving.

Chu Feng, on the other hand, turned around and continued to look for the wounded in the ruins.

At this time, on the side of the headquarters, the commander-in-chief took the walkie-talkie and issued an order to the two divisions in the sky and said: "Now immediately parachute into the disaster area, you have a period of safety, don't waste this time." "

Then everyone resolutely fell from the sky, and a soldier of the Dragon Soul Brigade was answering the signal below, which made the people at the division headquarters feel admired that even if there was only one special soldier, the entire signal area was very obviously safe.

After seeing that the entire landing site was cleaned up by the Dragon Soul Brigade without any obstacles, everyone admired the command ability of the commander of the Dragon Soul Brigade and the execution of the Dragon Soul Brigade.

After landing, the division commander asked how many people the Dragon Soul Brigade had photographed.

The special forces who kept his hand saluted and said, "All of them are in the central part of the disaster area, a total of four hundred people, led by the captain of the Dragon Soul Brigade himself. "

The division commanders of the two divisions nodded and asked this special soldier to help lead the team, because they were now blind in the entire disaster area and did not have any useful information, so they could only rely on the Dragon Soul Brigade.

They had just walked to the area near the urban village, and Tang Xinyi walked out quickly with the Dragon Soul Brigade and a group of disaster victims.

Then he found a very safe place to start camping and treating the wounded.

When they saw a female soldier pointing very meticulously and competently, the two commanders looked at each other very puzzled, and said in their hearts, could it be that the captain of the Dragon Soul Brigade is a woman?

No, when I was at the commendation conference some time ago, I clearly saw that it was a man, and it seemed to be called out of the peak.

So the two of them went forward and asked: , the person in charge of the Dragon Soul Brigade..."

Tang Xinyi glanced at the two division commanders, confirmed the ranks, and only then did she see the airborne troops who had just dared to come behind them, and said truthfully: "Report to the chief, our captain is waking up on the front line for disaster relief! We came here to set up camp, and there is an aftershock of more than seven magnitude in the urban village, so it is not appropriate to enter, and the captain is alone in it to deal with the aftermath!"

The two division commanders looked at each other again, the aftershocks above level 7, do they still need to deal with the aftershocks?

At this time, Wang Yanbing came over and said, "Sister Tang, you go and arrange work first, you are clear about this kind of thing." "

Then Wang Yanbing stepped forward, saluted and said: "Two chiefs, our captain has almost rescued the victims in this urban village, please rest assured, you are now here to stand by for a while, and when the aftershocks have passed, just go directly to the deeper area, and the matter here has been resolved." "

The two army commanders were completely blinded, and they had already solved the problem? How did they solve it? With these three or four hundred special forces?

Don't lie to me, okay? Even if you are the king of soldiers in the special forces, it is impossible to open up such a large urban village in such a short period of time.

Even if you are given explosives and rocket launchers, it is impossible to dismantle them, not to mention that so many victims need to be treated.

But when the two of them saw the victims on the ground, they couldn't help but meditate, as if they had indeed rescued a lot, but they shouldn't do it all here.

So the two didn't believe it, and they had to go into the disaster area to have a look, and just when the two walked to the entrance of the urban village, an ordinary middle-aged man walked out with a few followers, several special forces and a few wounded.

After seeing the large army, the middle-aged man came up and said, "Comrade, you are here, I am the village cadre of this village. "

The two military commanders, looking at this posture, it seems that there are still many people in it who have not been rescued, and they must hurry in to rescue.

So the two said: "Don't worry, comrade, we will definitely rescue the villagers." "

Then the village cadre practiced shaking his hand and said: "No, no, Captain Chu Feng Chu inside has already come out of all the victims, and now he will withdraw immediately, if you come early, Captain Chu will not have to work so hard, risk his life to rescue alone in the ruins, hey, it is really hard for him, you must reward Captain Chu when you go back!"

The two division commanders were completely blindfolded, could it really be that he rescued everyone alone?

Then the two of them glanced at the wounded all over the place and the expression of the female soldier named Tang Xinyi when she mentioned their captain, and knew that it seemed that this was very possible.

At this time, a rumbling sound sounded, the ground began to shake, and although the entire urban village was already full of wreckage, it still began to collapse with the shaking.

Everyone felt a strange sight of heaven and earth changing color, and then everyone saw a man covered in mud, walking out of the ruins with the wrath of nature, although the earth was shaking, but every step he took seemed to be stepping on the steps of a swordsman, looking very calm and very solid.

His appearance is a little funny, but everyone feels a kind of determination despite the determination of tens of millions of people, is this the temperament of the king of soldiers?

When he walked in front of the two divisions, it was like a national flag standing on the top of the mountains!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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