The command looked at the information on the map, as well as the footage taken by the helicopter in the sky, and fell into deep thought, the whole rescue work was not optimistic,

Because the terrain is already very chaotic now, and the entire city has been destroyed, Chu Feng's Dragon Soul Brigade and the two airborne division headquarters are all in an urban village next to the center of the town.

And Chu Feng's manpower is only 400 people, which is dozens of times less than a division headquarters, and now there are millions of buried victims, and it is initially estimated that more than 90% of the people died in this disaster, but there is a trace of life, and they cannot give up.

However, because of this aftershock, the entire rescue work has come to an impasse, and once the aftershock starts, it will cause secondary damage to the entire disaster area, so it may really be a situation where there is no one in ten.

It is estimated that everyone will die here, even Chu Feng's Dragon Soul Brigade will be isolated inside.

Therefore, the commander-in-chief ordered the airborne troops of the two divisions to seize the half-hour calm period and immediately throw themselves into the earthquake center to save people.

And at this time, the unusually larger aftershocks are coming, boom!

The commander-in-chief wiped his face, it seemed that it was too late to get out of this group of victims, and the commander-in-chief connected to the front line and asked, "Hey, where is it?"

Tang Xinyi took Chu Feng's walkie-talkie and said, "Commander-in-chief, captain, he is on the front line, and the walkie-talkie is placed in the logistics department." "

The commander-in-chief asked, "Isn't the aftershocks already started now?" Why is Chu Feng still on the front line? "

Tang Xinyi said: "That's right, captain, I was afraid that there would be no survivors in the ruins, so I stayed on the front line alone, and we came out with the wounded and survivors, and now we are adjusting in place." "

The commander-in-chief sighed and asked, "How many people have you rescued now?"

The commander-in-chief is so pessimistic, how many people can be rescued in this hour, and the Dragon Soul Brigade on the front line is only a number of 400, and there are a few female soldiers, and they have to take care of the wounded, and a few people are needed to really rescue.

Tang Xinyi smiled and said, "According to the current situation, the survivors have all been rescued, and there are thousands of people. "

The commander-in-chief was shocked and asked how he did it, and Tang Xinyi said very proudly, because we have an omnipotent captain!

The general branch felt incredible, so he personally called the two division commanders, and the two commanders said: "That's right, commander-in-chief, we thought it was impossible when we landed just now, but after seeing that man, I felt that as long as he was there, nothing was impossible." "

Before this, the two division commanders also felt that the brigade couldn't do anything, but after seeing the thousands of survivors who were brought out by the four hundred people, the two shi were completely destroyed by them and the Dragon Soul Brigade had no arrogant atmosphere.

After seeing their large troops, they directly took the initiative to ask for support, and everyone quickly became one, and they were not as maverick as rumored.

And there are many interesting people, such as Wang Yanbing, who is very humorous, and Li Erniu is silly and very kind.

At this time, the commander-in-chief nodded and said, "You guys give the phone to Chu Feng!"

The two division commanders searched for a long time before they saw that Chu Feng was helping a little boy treat his injuries, and he was more skilled than many military doctors.

Chu Feng didn't use the power of the system in this kind of thing, if this power was exposed, then he would really have to be caught as a guinea pig to investigate.

After Chu Feng received the call, he said impatiently: "Commander, wait a minute, I have a wounded man here to bandage." "

The commander-in-chief said, "You put down your wounded work first, and I have something urgent to say." "

Chu Feng replied: "Human life is more important!"

In a word, the commander-in-chief could only compromise, and after a while, Chu Feng asked, "Commander, what's the matter." "

The commander-in-chief said: "Now our forward troops have been parachuted in, but your location is still in the earthquake center is very unsafe, the most important thing is that you have no supplies and supplies, and the level of medical care is also limited, you are now thinking of a way to lead the survivors out of the earthquake center and the camp on the side of the provincial headquarters, which can not only reduce the pressure on the front-line troops, but also protect their lives." "

Chu Feng nodded, feeling that the commander-in-chief's decision was really old-fashioned, so he immediately agreed, and said that he would leave immediately.

"Okay, our rescue force has also started to move from the outer suburbs to the inner city, and will help you to open a road to the greatest extent possible. "

After Chu Feng and the commander-in-chief determined the route of the breakthrough, they began to advance with a large army.

After relaying the words of the commander-in-chief to the victims, the victims all fell into deep thought, after all, their home is here, and their families are buried here, although they know that it is impossible to rescue them, but they still want to fight for it.

At this time, the village cadre stood up and helped everyone enlighten, saying that the soldiers had helped us sit a lot, and we couldn't make trouble for the soldiers anymore.

Chu Feng nodded and gave a thumbs up to the village cadre, but only to see the village cadre kneeling down and kowtowing three times to the ruins of the urban village with tears in his eyes, and then turned to leave.

What a sincere nostalgia this is.

With Chu Feng taking the lead in breaking through, it was almost overwhelming, after all, the picture of him shuttling through the ruins like a pangolin just now was still vivid, and at this time he became a tank that opened the way, crushing all the way over, and removing all the obstacles that stood in the way.

Soon there was contact with the personnel of the command outside, and the soldiers settled the survivors, and everything was in order.

The international reporters who were waiting in the security zone also reported the incident for the first time, and they invariably used the word miracle, saying that the Chinese soldiers were really admirable.

Although this army does not have the high technology of the United States, it still uses manpower to fire thousands of names, and also opens up a route that can be walked by many people, which is of great significance for future rescue work.

As soon as the report came out, the whole world was shocked, and when they saw the photos of the front line, everyone thought that it was impossible, and when they saw the scarred hands of the Chinese soldiers, they knew what they relied on to achieve this feat.

That is the spirit, the Chinese soldiers who have been inherited for thousands of years, are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and the indomitable spirit. This will be a spiritual treasure house for China and even the world. _

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