In the next week, Chu Feng's Dragon Soul Brigade cooperated with the forces of the local military headquarters to start this search and rescue work in the entire disaster area, and Chu Feng used his special ability, like a radar building, and there would be many people wherever he went.

It has improved the efficiency of the military department, so in less than ten days, the search and rescue work was almost completed.

Many foreign bad media want to smear Huaxia, thinking that Huaxia is perfunctory, how can it be possible to complete such a huge search and rescue mission in ten days, but Huaxia carried out uninterrupted live broadcast 24 hours a day at the first time of rescue.

and did not give the opportunity to smear the international unscrupulous media, so everyone had to admit the fact that whether it was a war or a natural disaster, the indomitable spirit of the Chinese soldiers to protect their homes and defend the country has never wavered.

The whole world was moved.

In particular, the touching stories one after another have made the world understand this.

Earthquakes came and went as fast as they came, taking the lives of countless innocent people.

The soldiers also came quickly, but they left silently, and Chu Feng led the Dragon Soul Brigade out of the disaster area after the search and rescue mission was over.

After they left, different units also left, and the first was on the scene.

They are unknown and dedicated to the people.

On this day, Chu Feng received a call from Xiao Cheng, Chu Feng wondered, why did the leader call his mobile phone directly, is there any urgent task?

After thinking about it, although he hasn't rested since he came back, and he hasn't been tired of his wife for a while, as long as there is a task, the fan will not refuse, because he is such a person.

As a result, after picking up the phone, I heard Xiao Cheng smile and say, "I want to thank you again this time." "

Chu Feng also replied with a smile: "No matter what, it is the result of everyone's joint efforts." "

Xiao Cheng replied disapprehantly: "I've heard it all, the military department told me that except for some strategic decisions, almost all the command and dispatch on the front line were arranged and organized by you and your Dragon Soul Brigade, and the command was very good, not only minimizing economic losses, but also rescuing more people than imagined,"

Chu Feng replied fifteen-ten: "No matter what period it is, time is the most critical, and the biggest enemy of nature snatching human life is ourselves, we must arrange time and energy reasonably in order to minimize the loss, because no matter how many people we rescue, we are all losers." "

Xiao Cheng was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, no matter what, you have fought a good battle, and the reason why I called you this time is because I want you to do me a favor." "

Chu Feng was puzzled: "You are such a great guide, what else can I help you with." "

Xiao Cheng said: "Because of the attention of the whole world this time, we decided to hold a commendation meeting and select 20 representatives to be the representatives of the heroes, so that the whole world can see the spiritual outlook of the Chinese people." "

Chu Feng understood what Xiao Cheng meant, and he said, "Do you have any requirements?"

Xiao Cheng replied: "No requirement, your selection is more objective, after all, you can see who has contributed the most intuitively on the front line." "

Chu Feng nodded, and after hanging up the phone, he called all the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade together.

He took Xiao Cheng's words to himself, and after everyone was silent for a moment, Wang Yanbing was the first to say: "Boss, I won't go, forget this kind of showy thing, I, Wang Yanbing, will be naughty and try a good hand." "

"Hahahaha..." everyone laughed and agreed.

Chu Feng turned his head to look at Li Erniu.

Li Erniu said: "Boss, I'll forget it, it's okay for you to let me go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, in the face of those reporters' long guns and short cannons, I'm afraid that I will also fire." "


Chu Feng shook his head helplessly and said, "I know that you are not such a piece of material, but what I want to say is that Tang Xinyi, Fang Cunxin, Song Kaifei, and Zhuang Yan have all made very good contributions in this operation, and they must go to this commendation meeting."

Especially Tang Xinyi and Fang Cunxin, their performance in the aftermath work is extremely outstanding, and the male comrades really need to work harder, although they don't let Xu Mei go, but you don't have two female colleagues who work better, so you really can't say it. "

That's right, Tang Xinyi completely took over the logistics in this disaster relief operation, and arranged the medical, camp, and material arrangements, and she will personally go to the front line to provide disaster relief, it can be said that there has been no rest at all, and it is really fortunate that there is no similar presence on the scene.

And Fang Cunxin is even more extreme, busy before and after, and even uses his thin body to do some very dangerous things to rescue, completely ignoring life and death.

In addition, Chu Feng also let the unnamed village cadre come to power, without his mobilization and leading by example, it can be said that the thousands of survivors would not have been able to get out of the center of the earthquake.

In addition, Chu Feng also handpicked several soldiers from the military department who performed very well.

He said: "These people are the heroes who I can see, the most moved and accepted by me, although our efforts are unknown, and of course, it is justified, but I think that this time we should stand in front of the stage, stand under the eyes of the world, let them see our Chinese soldiers, the spiritual outlook of the Chinese people." "

Chu Feng's words were full of spirit, which made everyone's blood boil, that's right, we have endured it for so many years, and we should be strong on the global front.

But Fang Cunxin, the jumping little girl, asked: "Boss, why are there only nineteen people on the list, and there is still one missing." "

Chu Feng looked into the distance with a solemn expression, did not speak for a long time, and finally said slowly: "Those nineteen people are actually our surviving soldiers, and the empty chair is the real hero who died in this rescue mission.

Without their sacrifices, it would have been difficult for us to achieve such results, so we should be in awe of them, remember them, and in the eyes of the people of the world, there should be someone who can remember them,

Heroes can be unknown, but they can't be passed by the world, some people just leave, although no one knows what their names are during their lifetime, but I Chu Feng wants the whole world to know. "

After that, Chu Feng saluted the afterglow of the sunset outside the window.

And at this time, all the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade stood up on the spot, and then looked solemn outside the window with their clothes and saluted!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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