This day was already the time of the commendation meeting, and Chu Feng and several men put on brand new military uniforms, and their usual ones had already been drilled very old during the training process.

After all, the logistics department of the entire barracks knew that the Dragon Soul Brigade was the most expensive unit in military uniforms.

So their clothes are characteristic, the quality is very good, but the quality is also good and the quality is troublesome, that is, this group of big old coarse people never wash much, because they will still get dirty the next day after washing.

Therefore, the military uniforms of the Dragon Soul Brigade are the most criticized, and today the logistics specially approved a new set of military uniforms for them, which made several people extremely uncomfortable.

At the beginning of the period, they were still training during the day and wanted to wear this new military uniform, but they were stopped by Chu Feng in time, you must know that this is An Ran personally went to the logistics to come, if they were ruined by this group of wolf cubs, they would lose their face.

Then I'm really going to sleep on the couch.

When he arrived at the venue, Chu Feng was also a little dumbfounded, this battle was too big, the stage specifications were no worse than the stage of the Spring Evening, and the wrists of the most critical performers were big enough.

All of them are obvious, and these first-line stars are all free, and they regard this performance as a public welfare activity.

Although I don't know if they are sincere, this public relations work is really good, and it is worth learning from some people who send lawyers' letters if they don't come.

Chu Feng and the others found a place to sit down, but they were called away by the staff, saying that their Dragon Soul Brigade had a special position. So a few people were led to their own seats like dirt buns entering the city.

To be honest, Chu Feng didn't plan to come to this commendation conference after selecting a few heroes, but who knew that the military department gave the Dragon Soul Brigade the best team, just can't help but give face, right, then reluctantly accept it.

After Li Erniu sat down, he asked, "It's over, I've never been so nervous on the battlefield." "

Wang Yanbing scolded: "You are nervous, Cuifen will definitely be able to see your great achievements, you just wait to go back and pick up the child." "

Li Erniu wanted to have a good fight with Wang Yanbing, but was stopped by Chu Feng, and they were not allowed to mess around in Gansu.

At this time, the whole commendation meeting has begun, and the beautiful female host and the handsome male host appeared at the beginning, but they did not show a smile, but asked everyone to stand up, and then observed a minute of silence for their compatriots under the rubble.

Chu Feng took the Dragon Soul Brigade and mourned silently, and then after everyone sat down, the real commendation meeting was held.

The process of the conference is very simple, that is, in groups of two, commendation, and after each commendation, a first-line star will perform on stage.

After Tang Xinyi and Fang Cunxin received the award, they both came back happily, seeing such a happy Fang Cunxin, Chu Feng nodded, it seems that she has come out of the shadow of her father who killed her with her own hands.

After the village cadre came on the field, he stuttered, which made the audience laugh, but everyone also applauded him to cheer him on.

It was not so much a commendation meeting as an evening meeting, and the atmosphere of the whole venue was close to a climax.

Especially after Fang Cunxin accepted the award, everyone was encouraged by her heroic posture and high appearance, and the supporter also asked a few questions that could enliven the atmosphere, such as do you have a boyfriend.

Fang Cunxin said no, and the holder asked reluctantly, why don't you find one?

As a result, Fang Cunxin was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he even replied that there was a chance that the army would not let the target.

caused the audience to burst into laughter, because the host obviously forgot to have this regulation, but he still didn't give up and asked what criteria do you have for finding a boyfriend in the future?

Fang Cunxin asked with a big grin, why are you asking in such detail?

This time it was not only applause, laughter and whistles, but also people began to heckle.

Fang Cun's cheekiness is one of the thickest in the Dragon Soul Brigade, but the host is obviously a chick, and his face turned red all of a sudden, but he is also an experienced host, and he can still control this little stage accident.

Besides, this is not an accident, he actually borrowed the slope to get off the donkey and said: "Then if I have a crush on you, I want to pursue you, how can I catch you." "

The whistle in the sky, Fang Cunxin's answer simply made all the male compatriots who had a good impression of her vomit blood, and she said: "Find a way to win our boss, the captain of our Dragon Soul Brigade, you can pursue me." "

Win him? Win him, it is estimated that he will have to cultivate for hundreds of lifetimes, how can he fight a fierce man who resists a building with one hand, and does he rely on cultivating immortal novels?

However, this was just a small episode, and it passed quickly, and the last one to be commended turned out to be the best team, the Dragon Soul Brigade.

Chu Feng brought his brothers onto the field, and Li Erniu hurriedly asked, "Boss, what are you going to say on stage later?" "

Chu Feng said: "Whatever you say on the battlefield, you will say." "

Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing glanced at each other and said, "What are you shouting on the battlefield?"

Chu Feng was almost vomited blood by these two living treasures, but also, it was really not interesting to shout and kill on the battlefield.

The Dragon Soul Brigade came to the stage, and the venue of the entire commendation conference reached a climax, because the amazing strength and execution of the Dragon Soul Brigade in this rescue and disaster relief campaign were undoubtedly the first people.

The most important thing is that they have completed the task that no one can complete, and they have successfully slapped the faces of the people of the United States and blocked the mouths of those unscrupulous foreign media. After Chu Feng came to the stage, the host asked: "General Chu, you are young and promising, and you are so handsome." "

That's right, it's not the captain, but General Chu, Chu Feng's military rank has long been the title of major general, and it's not too much to call a general.

Chu Feng nodded awkwardly and said, "My daughter-in-law helped dress up well." "

This sentence, like Fang Cunxin's interview, caused an uproar, but Chu Feng was booed, everyone knew that Chu Feng took the most beautiful female soldier An Ran.

This is simply the pain of the whole army, this guy is very hateful, but I can't beat you, and I'm not as handsome as you, so we can endure it.

Chu Feng shook his head proudly on the stage and said, "Of course, we are also handsome, but after having a daughter-in-law, we are even more handsome." "


The earth-shattering boos directly made the venue explode, but the host obviously didn't want this military boss who was bigger than the sky to continue, he said: "What do you think is the reason for today's achievements." "

Chu Feng replied without thinking: "The unity and cooperation of the officers and men of the whole army, as well as the generous support of local volunteers. "

The host asked again, "What do you want to say to the audience?"

As a result, the real dragon soul team said without thinking about it: "The battle will be won, and the attack will be overcome, because we are iron-blooded Chinese soldiers." "_

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