Chu Feng saw that the family was not moving, and they were all panting and complaining, it is estimated that many people are scolding themselves in their hearts, and they are not in a hurry, but they take out their watches very badly and say, "Thirty seconds have passed." "

As soon as everyone heard that this guy was going to play really, they began to run to the canteen, and the dishes in the second canteen were only steamed buns and pickles.

The aunt in the cafeteria didn't have time to stop it, so she could only shout: "Oh, hey, don't rob it, one for each person, you are not allowed to eat more." "

Not only did the cooks shout again, but even the soldiers shouted: "Damn, give me a place, I haven't eaten yet!"

"Get me a steamed bun for the one in front too!"


Chu Feng didn't look at the scene behind him, he just smiled and looked at his watch, and then shouted loudly: "Hurry up!

Later, when I heard Chu Feng's words, the robbery was even more tragic, some people ate three steamed buns by themselves, and they still held two in their hands, and some people could only grab them from other people's hands if they couldn't eat any of them.

If it weren't for the lack of time, it might have been a fight. But even so, each other left each other with a look that you waited, turned back and settled accounts with you.

Chu Feng shouted at this time: "In the last ten seconds, immediately return to the original position after eating, line up and stand!"

"Ten, nine, eight, ......"

Chu Feng began to count down, everyone was still choking on steamed buns in their mouths, and then they began to run back, some people hadn't eaten yet, but when they heard Chu Feng start the countdown, they could only run back in a panic, still scolding Chu Feng viciously in their hearts.

Chu Feng said after the last tens of thousands, three and twenty-one: "Very good! Everyone didn't disappoint me, no one was late, it seems that everyone is full, and they are full, so let's start training!"


After all, Chu Feng's words are undoubtedly telling everyone that you have no time to rest, and from morning to now, you have not rested, and even eat in a hurry, and you are even quite tired.

In addition, the side dishes other than steamed buns are only pickles, and the salty ones in the mouth are not good.

But Chu Feng said: "Now everyone obeys the order! Run around the training ground and run ten kilometers at full speed! Those who fall behind will be eliminated!"

Chu Feng's words are now a holy decree, after all, even Lan Zhiguang was kicked out by him, and in the special operations camp, only Chu Feng alone has the right to speak.

Chu Feng snapped his fingers, Wang Yanbing appeared behind him, Chu Feng said: "Take them to run, don't be too fast, you have to take care of this group of special combat camp masters!"

This is simply a mockery, what kind of uncles, aren't they just disgusting people?

Everyone began to scold Chu Feng in their hearts that he was not a thing, so he had a goal, that is, he couldn't be seen by the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade, and he must not fall behind.

After that, everyone began to follow Wang Yanbing's footsteps and began to run, and Chu Feng said that he was sprinting at full speed.

Wang Yanbing knew that he was the captain, and Wang Yanbing was at the front, opening up a distance from the large army, and it meant slowly opening up a larger distance.

The leader of the large army can't even be looked down upon, so they can only desperately chase forward, and the people behind see that the head of the platoon is getting farther and farther away, and they also follow the footsteps, and the large army behind feels that they have fallen behind, so they grit their teeth and chase forward.

In this way, everyone was teased by Wang Yanbing and moved forward at full speed, which can be said to have broken through their ability to bear.

By the end of the last 10 kilometers, some people squatted on the ground and covered their stomachs, because they had started such strenuous exercise just after breakfast, and they had begun to have stomach pain, or they had begun to breathe.

What's more, they have begun to vomit, everyone thinks that Chu Feng is abusing them, and finally someone can't help it.

"Damn! What the hell! How can you train like this, this is abusing us!"

"That's it! What a fucking Dragon Soul Brigade, what a Huaxia Soldier King, it's a sadist!"

"I don't think you know what training is! you're just going to kill us!"


Everyone began to point at Chu Feng's nose and curse, Chu Feng looked at all this with a smile and said, "Are you done scolding?"

Only then did everyone die down, Chu Feng looked at everyone coldly and said, "Do you know why I didn't let Lan Zhiguang get involved?"

Everyone is silent,

Chu Feng continued: "Because I had expected this kind of thing to happen today before I came, in fact, it is not that you are not good enough, but that you have never been on the battlefield at all, and you don't know the cruelty of the battlefield, and there are emergencies that will happen anytime and anywhere.

I know you won't believe me when I say that, thinking I'm scaring you. "

After speaking, Chu Feng pulled out a weed from his feet, and then threw it to Wang Yanbing, everyone didn't know what Chu Feng was going to do.

After Wang Yanbing took the weed, he put it in his mouth and chewed it without thinking about it, and then swallowed it.

Everyone was shocked because the weed was still very dusty and dirty.

Wang Yanbing stepped forward and said: "On the battlefield, you never know where the enemy will appear in you, this is the result of your panic in the face of our surprise attack during the exam yesterday, and as a soldier, you did not make a little response, which is your mistake."

In the process of field battles and long marches, you don't know when your supplies will reach you, at this time any bit of food is the most important thing for us, almost all of them have to be broken and eaten, and we will not ignore our comrades who have long run out of food.

And you guys didn't have this concept at all when you were eating just now, it's just ridiculous.

Not to mention the steamed buns and pickles and the weeds I just ate in my mouth, let me tell you, I once spent three days and three nights in the pigsty, in order to ambush a terrorist, and during that time Lao Tzu ate everything, what is this, look at your bear-like.

It's really a shame for Lan Zhiguang!"

Wang Yanbing's words were very mean, but there was no way, if you want to train good seedlings with combat effectiveness, special forces, you have to rely on actual combat and high-intensity training to be effective.

And the time is only one month, so they must first form a habit through high-intensity training, and then improve at a deep level, so they must be able to stick to this first level.

So without Chu Feng's explanation, he knew how to say it, anyone, as long as he was a Chinese soldier, what he couldn't stand the most was comparison, since he had his own reference, I believe they should understand Chu Feng's good intentions. _

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