As the saying goes, people want a face, a tree needs a bark, and there is no skin without a face.

If Wang Yanbing's mockery is almost a ride-on-face, no one will not listen to it, I believe that their self-esteem will definitely tell them at this moment that if they really can't persevere, they will be looked down upon.

At this moment, no one said that Chu Feng was abusing the soldiers, because they knew that Chu Feng was just training them from the perspective of actual combat, and he really wanted them to become a qualified special soldier.

And Chu Feng has said from the very beginning that those who can't persist will be eliminated, which is undoubtedly telling everyone that his training methods are very strict and cruel, if he is really eliminated, it is not a big deal.

After all, when manpower is exhausted, this training program is not suitable for everyone, and many people may be more suitable for improving step by step as before.

The most important thing is that Chu Feng's purpose is to make significant progress in just one month, so this is a set of quick plans.

Chu Feng watched everyone's emotions calm down and began to arrange everyone's next training.

It's still extremely brutal high-intensity special training, it's still an anti-human rhythm, and there's even a battlefield simulation.

In the end, it turned out to be a confrontation between two and two, and every training of Chu Feng had a certain degree of danger, and even a cruel elimination system.

In this way, everyone began to live a non-human life day after day.

Chu Feng looked at the people on the training ground, Wang Yanbing, Chen Guang and the others were training with them, and there was no need to meddle at all, anyone in the Dragon Soul Brigade could do this kind of thing.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Old Blue, Old Blue, how can you thank me?"


Thirty days have passed in a blink of an eye, and there are now only sixty of the first hundred special combat personnel of the Ninth Division's special operations battalion, and nearly half of them have been eliminated, what Chu Feng didn't expect was that there were more than a dozen female soldiers in it.

You must know that girls with such great perseverance are really rare, not to mention Chu Feng's training program, which has extremely high requirements for physical fitness, which makes Chu Feng also impressed.

On the training ground, sixty people formed a square team, neatly waiting for Chu Feng's review.

Chu Feng looked at them and smiled and said, "After this month, do you feel that there is any change in yourself?"

Everyone didn't know how to answer, but Chu Feng smiled and said, "Don't think about it, your momentum has changed from a docile watchdog to an extremely fierce mountain guard dog."

However, you must remember that no matter what time it is, you must be worthy of the national emblem on your head, and at any time, behind our special operations battalion are thousands of Chinese people, so after working at the grassroots level in the future, we must take every training seriously, because what they decide is not only the quality of the soldiers' training, but also the safety of the Chinese people.


Chu Feng said loudly, and then said to Wang Yanbing: "Next, take an oath!"


Wang Yanbing replied loudly, then returned to his position, stood at the head of the platoon, raised his right hand above his head and said, "I swear!"

Everyone also followed Wang Yanbing and raised his right fist above his head.

"I swear that I am the special forces of the Chinese Army, the most elite soldier of the Chinese army!

I will bravely face all hardships and dangers, whether it is from training or actual combat, no matter what danger I face, I will be calm and brave to kill the enemy.

No matter what happens, I keep my vows. Dare to be an example of a soldier and never give in.

If necessary, I will give my life for the country;

If necessary, the last bullet is left for me, the last bullet is left for me, and the last bullet is left for me. "


Although there are only sixty people, the sound of the bell is like a wave in everyone's heart, making people feel as if thousands of troops are roaring, this is the Chinese soldiers!

A lovely people who have been defending themselves against foreign enemies since ancient times, they have shed their blood, and they will never give up.

And today, there is a group of real warriors who have appeared on this homeland.

Chu Feng nodded and then made a call to Lan Zhiguang and said, "Old Lan, come and pick up your soldiers." "

After that, he hung up the phone, and it didn't take long for Lan Zhiguang's cross-country army to appear next to the training ground, and he took Yang Junning with him, and he was a little embarrassed to see that there were only 60 people left in the original team of 500 people.

Then Chu Feng said: "The remaining sixty people are already very good, because the time is pressing, I used a quick method, the eliminated people are not incompetent, but they are not suitable for this training program."

In the future, I will gradually improve the training process, and if I have the opportunity to go to the battlefield and train for a while, I will be on a par with them, but I really don't want to have that opportunity. "

Yes, Chu Feng didn't want any more wars, and he always longed for this peace in his heart.

Lan Zhiguang and Yang Junning didn't know the results of Chu Feng's training at all during this time, they only knew that there were people who were eliminated and injured every day.

The two of them once wanted to break into this training ground to see what Chu Feng was doing, but in the end they still felt that it was over.

Today's handover, Lan Zhiguang finally couldn't help but ask: "Captain Chu, how is their strength now." "

Chu Feng said: "If you compare it with before, it is definitely a lot of progress. "

Lan Zhiguang could see this, after all, he could see at a glance that their momentum had become even more sluggish.

Chu Feng continued: "Although it is not as good as our Dragon Soul Brigade, the master is already a group of qualified special forces. "

When Lan Zhiguang heard Chu Feng's words, he was very excited, and Yang Junning on the side was also very happy, after all, he had clearly recognized the gap between his soldiers and the Dragon Soul Brigade, and Chu Feng, the captain of the Dragon Soul Brigade, had already said that their strength was already a qualified special soldier, which meant that Chu Feng had recognized them.

The two excitedly stepped forward to shake hands with Chu Feng, Yang Junning kept saying words of thanks to Chu Feng, Chu Feng shook his head and said: "I am just a leader, and their perseverance and their own strength determine their height and achievements."

However, we must not relax in the future, and if you send them to various teams at the grassroots level and let them serve as instructors, it will definitely have very good results, and this will be a good thing for your division in the long run. "

After saying that, Chu Feng said goodbye to the two of them and turned to leave, this is Chu Feng who Chu Feng has never dragged mud and water.

When the soldiers saw Chu Feng's departure, their eyes were already red, and they solemnly saluted Chu Feng's back. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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